oldest treeing walker coonhound

You or your children will find a playful companion that is constantly excited to go on a walk or play fetch. We just have to love them dearly while they are here. We adopted her in 2019 and she immediately got along with all of us and all of our other dogs. Treeing Walker Coonhounds want to be near you, but they also want to be pet and paid attention to for a lot of the day. Once he or she catches wind of the prey, the pup will stand perfectly still in a natural pointing position for as long as it takes for his or her owner to locate the prey. Thank you for this article about life expectancy of a dog. He was a powerful dog, excelling in game sense, drive and speed, and having a clear, short-chop mouth. WE=e were able to experience this gift at home with his family around him and see that one last glimpse of his spirit in his eyes. I put her on a bland diet and she got fluid treatments so she would not dehydrate. Owners who want to integrate their Treeing Walker Coonhounds into a hunting regime will consistently be taking their Treeing Walker Coonhound out to a hunting field to familiarize them with the lay of the land while also getting that exercise in. She attends Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. The resulting dogs were named Treeing Walker Coonhounds and classified as a new breed. On the other hand, once they have exercised and mellowed out a little bit, the Treeing Walker Coonhound is a great indoor dog. The puppy wont ever be rewarded for the behavior you dont agree with, so they will slowly realize whos boss. In the next section, Ill give some tips about the best training practices for a great Treeing Walker Coonhound. She just turned 2. Coonhound puppies between 8-12 weeks old should be fed 4 meals within any 24-hr. Recently Rabbits, rodents, and cats can also grab the Treeing Walker Coonhounds attention and excite that natural instinct to chase and catch. I dont know how to post a picture, or I would have. Creating a routine of daily exercise can help to make your dog happy, healthy, and relaxed for the entire family to enjoy. Treeing Walker Coonhound. This sensitivity can be a great strength for this family loving dog, but it can also be a weakness when using certain training techniques. I adopted a 6 year old Treeing Walker last year who was found stray. I said I want her!!! As mentioned in the previous section, Treeing Walker Coonhounds are dogs desperately in need of training. Yet, they were made famous in England due to their association with royal bloodlines. They are smart and adventurous due to their independent hunting style. This comes with working with them constantly and rewarding good behavior. The temperament of your Treeing Walker Coonhound comes a little bit from their individual personalities, but a lot can be done to create a more agreeable dog through training and love. In other words, they make a very loyal and loving house pet and need human interaction to prosper. Because the dogs chase wild raccoons and may come in direct contact with them regularly, people with working hounds should be diligent with rabies vaccinations. I would say this theory is a bit off as we know that the first two years of a dogs life they mature more rapidly than that of a human. What Is A Treeing Walker Coonhound. How Much a 12-week-old Treeing Walker Coonhound Should Weigh First-year expenses are around $3,550 and will be about $1,620/year (or $135/month) after that. They love being with their families and having fun. I asked what happens if she does not? Once he or she steps onto the hunting field, after a lot of training in this element, he or she automatically knows what to do. Coonhounds also tree their quarry, keeping the animal up in the branches with loud bays. When rescuing a Treeing Walker Coonhound, it is very hard to determine what health issues you may encounter. Dirt and moisture collects in the folds of the ear and if not cleaned regularly become infected. Many of the symptoms to watch for include dry itchy skin, ear issues, soft stools, low immune system and runny eyes and nose. They really are one of the most loving, loyal, and gentle breeds around. And very strong and healthy. I saw how the breathing was back, I looked at her crying, trying with all my might to hold tears back, which I couldnt and said my goodbyes, laying with her, patting her, and said to her she has been a great friend, dog, girl and I know this breathing was my time to let her go to the Bridge, and how sorry I am if I am making the wrong decision. [3] Wondering if any one else had / has a TWC with Cushings and what they did to help. She had ticks completely covering her body -only her eyes and feet were visable. X-rays may reveal this as early as 3 weeks old or by the time the hound is 6 months old you might notice a bit of a different stride. An Introduction to Competitive Obedience. I was so confused on what to do with her. This poor dog had lived in 5 different homes from 11/1-11/17. Checking ears frequently gives early detection to irritation in the Treeing Walker Coonhound ears. You are the leader of this pack and he or she is not. They will respond negatively to any attempts to yell or discipline bad behavior by force. A few hours later the breathing started again, I got her to the hospital, she did not want to go inside for the first time ever! Always a very healthy boy. However, even though he mellowed out over the years thanks to the staff's attention and care, Mitch remained a hard sell due to his older age. Project to Help Dog Waiting in Shelter Over 600 Days, Texas Dog Missing 7 Years Reunites with Family After Pet Is Found Abandoned in a Florida Hotel, Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond Gushes Over Daughter Alex's New Puppy: 'I'm a Grandmother! The Treeing Walker Coonhound is a medium-sized dog breed that was originated in the United States. When a Treeing Walker Coonhound catches the scent, there is no turning back the hunt is on, until they are satisfied with the outcome. Community Starts 'Where's Waylon?' I am always sad when even going to the vet I hear, :he is getting older. Youll want them to know basic commands like sit, stay, down, and heel just like any other good dog. Stay Home Dog Mom The Words I Hear Every Morning, Lkng out for allergies and uttng them under ntrl, Knowing signs and symptoms of possible health issues. After I gave the OK, she passed seconds after the second shot resting with me, her eyes still staring at me until her vet closed them. November was a crazy month with our new rescue, but I am starting to learn she is one of the smartest dogs I have ever had. My heart goes out to you in your time of grief. Required fields are marked *. At home, they can be the sweet-tempered household pet we love to cuddle with, and on the other hand, they can be a determined and ambitious hunter when out in the field. A 11-year old Treeing Walker Coonhound is 66 years old in human years. She was scheduled to be euthanized. Their agreeable temperament is said to derive from the setting spaniel, and all other hunting instincts, strength, and abilities come from the hodgepodge of hunting dog breeds intermixed. Used for Treeing. There are two schools of thought when it comes to training a good-natured Treeing Walker Coonhound. The Treeing Walker Coonhound was originally bred to hunt small game - squirrels, rabbits, and raccoons. Breeding a dog to have endurance in the hunting field and an instinct to play and locate prey means that they require other outlets to avoid those particular ruinous tendencies. You want to start training your Treeing Walker Coonhound absolutely as soon as possible. If we ever get another dog, it will be a TWC for sure. A North Carolina dog has finally found his forever home after spending seven years in a Jackson County shelter. Andy. The ears may be prone to infection because of their size, and there is a chance of hip dysplasia. Lol. This often serves as a precursor to full recognition as a pure breed. When not hunting, this breed is very loving and prefers to be included in the family dynamics. Breed Recognition In 1905, it was recognized by the United Kennel Club (UKC). So now shes either 12 or 13, she has Cushings disease, but couldnt tolerate the meds, so I adjusted her diet to help, and she gets supplements to help her liver functioning. Temperament / Behavior. They do well in warm climates and are considered too active for apartment life. This, however, also makes them very sensitive. It also doubles as a way to teach your Treeing Walker Coonhound that you have to point to not scare away the prey. Only a few nights later, I woke up hearing her panting fast and deep. Reputable breeders registering their lineage with UKC and now AKC work to mntn the hght brd standards for both show and competition. Daisy started eating more and drinking, but she still seemed different. She taught us so much about life and she WAS our life. Their nonstop energy and restlessness are hurdles to happy indoor pet life. Harris carried this rat-tailed, tight-haired black and tan hound on his buckboard to Madison County, and sold him . Her body was moving with this breathing. Again, you will also want to set aside at least one hour a day (two is recommended) to give your Treeing Walker Coonhound vigorous exercise. I didnt feel she was a good fit for me. They are intelligent, competitive and love to work. He is quiet almost all the time and only howls . Jack the Treeing Walker Coonhound at 4 years old chewing his bone on his dog bed"We adopted Jack in May of this year from the Nashville humane society. The Treeing Walker Cnhund may develop many allergies over the course of their life, lowering their immune system and reducing their lifespan. If I havent already, Id like to paint you a picture of what life would be like with a Treeing Walker Coonhound. Treeing Walker Coonhounds are very intelligent and need to be active. When it comes to Joint Dysplasia, your hound may deteriorate the joints, this is more commonly seen in overweight hounds. Vet who raises Walkers put him at 4 yrs, which makes him 13 now. (female) Life Span 12-13 years 1. Certain qualities of these dogs were desirable to retain, but they needed an additional edge when it came to hunting game, particularly the desire to hunt and the ability to stay with the prey until the hunter arrived. Your email address will not be published. At that rate, it is very surprising to learn that they can actually live to be 10 years plus. They are certainly curious and may bark at other dogs, but they are rarely aggressive unless its a small animal that kickstarts their predator-prey instinct. She was beautiful, she also had no fur under her neck, and red hot spots. Treeing Walker Coonhounds were bred as hunting dogs, but they also make great family pets. Personal Complications With the Treeing Walker Coonhounds curious nature and sometimes an underestimated intelligence, the hound itself may be a contributing factor to their own life expectancy. A Senior girl who is overall healthy, but transitioning from old age. Now to answer your question about if your dog out lives their human caretaker. The Treeing Walker Coonhound looks a lot like a tall Beagle. Beagles are perhaps one of the oldest canine breeds that exist today. They prefer to be indoors with their family. This January 2021, she turned 15 years old. These are dogs that definitely want to be integrated into your life instead of just a side character in it that you feed twice a day, walk, and then ignore. The life span for any breed of dog heavily relies on genetics, history and environment. job on her. Stackem Up Treeing Walker Coonhounds live not only in show and pet homes throughout the United States and Canada, but we are now competing in the Norwegian, Swedish and Dutch Kennel Clubs and live in Hedmark, Norway. The goals and purposes of this breed standard include: to furnish guidelines for breeders who wish to maintain the quality of their breed and to improve it; to advance this breed to a state of similarity throughout the world; and to act as a guide for judges. My husband and I have had dogs our entire married life. Trying the best we can to keep our dogs healthy, happy and well-adjusted will hopefully help them to live longer and most important, always let them know they are loved as we are everything to them. I miss her. Engage their natural instinct to chase with a good, old-fashioned game of fetchwith a fetch toy, of course! For the remainder of her life, she would have routine acupuncture instead of long term steroids. Its nice to know that a Treeing Walker Coonhound is an intelligent dog. These canines can also be trained to retrieve hunted prey, but this requires even more training. They are fast learners and can pick up bad habits just as easily as good ones. When Bo, an 11-year-old champion Black and Tan Coonhound, was laid to rest in October at the Underwood Memorial Coon Dog Cemetery in Tuscumbia, Ala., the Associated Press reported that nearly 400 mourners attended his funeral. 5. Mine is a stray (dumped by hunter) years ago. Perhaps Energizer batteries should have chosen a Treeing Walker Coonhound as their mascot instead of the rabbit. When trying to understand a Treeing Walker Coonhound and its temperament, its important to know where it all comes from. Love him but at that age a major operation is a hard choice to make. Some people find their exuberance a little off-putting when they just want to sit and relax. I was told she is leaving the shelter tomorrow and heading to another shelter 200 miles North to see if she could find a home there. These are the consequences of having a Treeing Walker Coonhound who is bored, so its very important to know ways to combat that. Still not sure but helps to know that he has exceeded the average lifespan. They said she was too abused to be a good pet. This being said, Treeing Walker Coonhounds are better suited to active family homes. Treeing Walker Coonhounds love their humans and are very good with children. Wide open fields are an ideal setting for your Treeing Walker Coonhounds to run around, follow scents, and play no matter if youre a hunter or not. His (or her) job has always been to locate potential prey (mostly birds and hares) and point the hunter to them. Having a bird wing at the end of a fishing pole line can help you wave it around and keep it out of your dogs reach. If one singular part of the assessment was failed through demonstrating aggression, panic, or avoidance behavior then the entire test was considered failed. I thought she was dieing in the middle of the night. Disciplined and intelligent hunting companions. Shes been pregnant several times, had a really bad case of fleas, and some of the longest nails Ive ever seen on a dog. She said I feel Daisy is physically transitioning, but mentally fighting it. Once the association is there and theyre used to having that small pet around you probably wont have too much of a problem. She had now been a resident for 6 months. The woah command is usually interchangeable with the stay command, but woah is more universally known in the hunting community. She was very easy to train for tracking . Most Treeing Walker Coonhounds should weigh between 45-70 pounds depending on their height and build with females normally smaller than males. When the puppies are 3-6 months old, reduce their meals to three/24-hr. Vigorous exercise is key to a happy home. I would be curious to find how much of the pet therapy population is represented by the Treeing Walker coonhound. These creatures are extremely fun-loving and energetic. The Treeing Walker Coonhound was bred to sustain their energy for hours upon hours of hunting and running around. I had just lost my 16 1/2 year old Greyhound/Lab a month before. There are a number of different types of coonhounds, including redbone, black and tan, American English, blue-tick, treeing walker, red-tick, and the plot hound, that range in weight and size. Perfect for families with an already active lifestyle. What are your best tips for rehousing the animals when they outlive their human parents? The American Foxhound is one of the two breeds of foxhound (American and English) that were mainly bred to hunt foxes by scent. Even though the Treeing Walker Coonhound was bred for hunting and absolutely loves the hunt they still need lots of love and family interaction in order to be truly healthy, happy and well-adjusted. Breeding with higher standards the Treeing Walker Coonhound is less likely to inherit health conditions. Design & Developed by The Wood Hound, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). This really shows you how ingrained hunting is in their general makeup. https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/treeing-walker-coonhound/, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Coonhound-Rescue-Network-Page/186296814742904, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. People who have Treeing Walker Coonhounds usually dont find it pleasant to have other small pets in the home. Hound weight 45-65 lb height 20-27" family Scenthound Sometimes called "the people's choice" among coonhounds, the Treeing Walker is a moderately proportioned hound who can hike over rough terrain with good speed and endurance. This can quickly turn into a pipe dream if youre not willing or ready to spend months training and working with your Treeing Walker Coonhound to obtain those desired results. The weight of a Walker can vary pretty widely from 45 and 80 pounds, depending on height and muscle tone. Treeing Walker Coonhound / American Black and Tan Coonhound. It is true that they are a part of our life, and we are their entire life. Treeing Walker Coonhound mix Wake County, Raleigh, NC ID: 23-02-06-00305 Banjo is a two-and-a-half-year-old Tree Walker Coonhound weighing approximately forty-five pounds. This doesnt just include their physical training and exercise, but you have to exercise their minds too. Through the dog's lifetime, the average cost of owning a Walker is $22,990. Additional tests showed pancreatitis. Height 22-27 in. Mitch, an 11-year-old treeing walker coonhound, arrived at the Cashiers-Highlands Animal . Adopt Bucky a Treeing Walker Coonhound Pittsford, VT Breed Treeing Walker Coonhound Age N/A Color N/A Gender Male 18-Month-Old. Its important for any type of owner to learn about the Treeing Walker Coonhounds hunting ancestry to really understand their temperament, natural abilities, and personality. FIREWORKS AND DOGS Does Fireworks Feed Your Dogs Anxiety. Your email address will not be published. The assistant shelter manager, Jodi Henkel, told the station Mitch arrived as a stray; he was found "emaciated and high-strung." We are devastated beyond belief and will miss her forever. It was so funny, when we adopted her and we were walking out the door of the Humane Society with her, she yanked the leash and walked back inside, and gave the biggest loudest bark. Its easy to ensure that your Treeing Walker Coonhound has that bubbly social personality by socializing them during their puppy years. The typical weight range of a 12-week-old Treeing Walker Coonhound is from 12.4 lbs to 22.4 lbs (5.6 kg to 10.2 kg). Ready to go, with first shot and regular deworming. Either way, the Treeing Walker Coonhound needs to be trained no matter if theyre involved in your hobbies or not. She had infections and bad teeth, some of whom had to be pulled. On the other hand, they are also dogs that are smart and determined enough to learn well. Treeing Walker Coonhounds were bred as hunting dogs, but they also make great family pets. She doesnt seem to care for others dogs besides our two, but Im chalking that up to how she was raised prior to us rescuing her. Patience shows the dog that they cant get out of something just because they fight or be difficult. Slowly youll grow from teaching the woah command to tossing around a birds wing to try to get your Treeing Walker Coonhound to stop and stalk it instead of pouncing on it. Mitch, a 12-year-old treeing walker coonhound, was adopted after his new mom Teresa Shular saw a video the Cashiers-Highland Humane Society posted to their TikTok sharing Mitch's story. Bucky is an 18-month-old Treeing View Details No Price Listed Adopt Fargo a Treeing Walker Coonhound Southold, NY Breed Treeing Walker Coonhound Age N/A Color N/A Gender period. $175. They could have been older male . I believe that last owner threw her out. They make good house-pets but are work-oriented and require something to keep them busy if they are not going out on hunts. Some do find that a Treeing Walker Coonhound that is introduced to a cat or other pet very early to grow up alongside them will usually be okay. As you have seen from the list I mentioned earlier, the Treeing Walker Coonhounds temperament can be traced back to their hunting ancestry a lot of the time. Weve taken her to the vet, got her shots, nails clipped and tried to find a reason for the seizures. Mitch, a 12-year-old treeing walker coonhound, was adopted after his new mom Teresa . The AKC (American Kennel Club) classifies them as sporting dogs, and the UKC (United Kennel Club) gives them a gun dog classification. Meet Mollie. These tips are great for knowing what to look for and help your dog get the best health out of their life expectancy. Since their creation, these tree hounds have been used in hunting game such as bobcats, mountain lions, deer, and raccoons. Male. Thanks for leaving a comment, I am so glad you enjoy my site. It is so hard when we lose one of our fur babies as they do become family members and remain faithful and by our side for several years, unfortunately not long enough. Treeing Walker Coonhounds are relatively very healthy and an intelligent breed and learn very quickly and most definitely love the hunt. They want to interact with you and absolutely love children. I am sure you gave her back the love and attention she needed and yes we are their whole life as they depend on us so much for their needs and provide so much love while they are here. Thanks for the comment and thank you for the compliment on the Treeing Walker Coonhounds. In a sense, they can be a bit needy. Her illness was extremely sudden and traumatic. By Kristine Lacoste May 6, 2019 The Treeing Walker Coonhound looks like a tall Beagle. Good thing Im an adult and know not to do that to strange dogs, but its still my first impulse because they are so naturally loving and joyful. We have seen throughout the years that many times a smaller size breed will live longer where you larger breeds seem to age faster. You shouldnt be surprised when your Treeing Walker Coonhound wants to snuggle up next to you on the couch vegging out. Adopt Todd a Treeing Walker Coonhound, Bluetick Coonhound - 6760589433. But they can also happily live in a family setting if they get plenty of exercise and have a fenced yard to spend time in during the day. 2. . This is a Male Bluetick Coonhound, Treeing Walker Coonhound Adoption in Pinedale WY posted on Oodle Classifieds. Male, Born on 12/10/2022 - 11 weeks old. Breed Group % PassingSporting: 85.48%Pit Bull: 84.50%Herding: 80.14%Hound: 77.01%Source: http://www.fairdog.dk/elements/documents/research/canine-behavior.pdf. The Treeing Walker Coonhound (sometimes called the Tree Walker Coonhound) was bred to track and hunt raccoons. The Treeing Walker Coonhound is a very gentle animal, but they cant always control those impulses to keep their minds engaged. This distractibility, again, comes from their natural instincts to be hyper-attentive and find prey. They arent recommended for apartment or city living. Cashiers-Highland Humane Society's director, David Stroud, said there is a life lesson to learn from Mitch's late adoption. It is a breed of hound descended from American and English Foxhounds; however, the Treeing Walker came to be in the 19th century when a dog breed called the "Tennessee Lead" was crossed with the Walker Hound. A few days before Christmas this past year he develop ascites and was diagnosed with cancer in his belly. The first year of a dogs life they mature quite fast and then aging slows down depending on the breed and heredity of the dog. Your Treeing Walker Coonhound`s Age to Human Age (UCSD Method) The limitation of this method is that it was derived from a study of Labrador Retrievers. Joint Dysplasia or osteoarthritis is not so much an abnormality as the wear and tear or trauma within the body throughout the lifetime and generally shows up later in the life-cycle. According to the American Kennel Club, they average 50-70 pounds and range in height from 20-25 inches (female) and 22-27 inches (male). Shes a happy dog, just starting to slow down and sleep more. My heart dropped to the floor! I asked what is going on, and he said very sadly I believe she is entering another phase of transitioning. As the years went on and she became an adult dog, she cared less about trying to escape our yard through fences and got closer to our home environment. They want your affection and they will most certainly give you theirs. Usually, owners can take a puppy home when they reach at least 8 weeks old. The next time I have another doggy friend, I will be mindful of these points. Great information! The average weight of a 12-week-old Treeing Walker Coonhound is 17.4 lbs (7.9 kg). Her vet came in, she went over to him, acting pretty normal. This has led me to finding out more information on Treeing Walker Coonhound life expectancy and how we may enhance their life. They are extremely energetic because of the endurance and stamina required from hunting. For leaving a comment, i am always oldest treeing walker coonhound when even going to the vet, got her,! 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