all herbs in warrior cats: ultimate edition

Have the cat rest for a few days, until the worst of the pain fades. The difference between omens and prophecies is that an omen can be shown to any rank in a Clan, not just the medicine cat. Holly berries- These arent as necessarily dangerous as deathberries, but they can be deadly if enough is consumed. Helps ease pain in hips, such as during kitting; also soothes stomachaches, hunger, and cough, Usage/To Use- The stalks are broken and the inner juice is squeezed out into the patients mouth, Location- Dry soil near sea/coast and on riverbanks, Not necessarily an herb, but it can be used to cover herbs to help keep them fresh, Reduces body temperature for cats with fevers, chills, colds, and coughs; may also be used for aches and pains; especially good for headaches, Given to cats who have anxiety or are experiencing grief; use daily until the symptoms stop, Usage/To Use- Chewed into a poultice and applied to the wound, Helps cure greencough, but is not as strong as catmint, Allows the patient to swallow herbs easier and helps sweeten the flavor, Usage/To Use- Extract the juices from the flower and add them to mixtures, Time of growth- Early green-leaf throughout early leaf-fall, Soothes infections, smoke-damaged throats and or sore throats; helps swallow other concoctions; soothes coughing and gives energy, Usage/To Use- Eaten or given moss soaked in it, Location- Found in honeycombs or bees nests up in trees, Usage/To Use- Chewed into a poultice and applied to wounds; squeeze the sap from the stems onto the desired area to prevent infection, Time of growth: New-leaf through early green-leaf, Soothes stomachaches; gives strength and helps with heavy breathing; can also be used to help calm down a cat from shock or distress; make sure to only take in small doses, Location- Commonly found in the mountains, Cures fevers, chills and headaches; also hides the scent of death, Usage/To Use- Place under patients nose and is to be inhaled constantly or place in nest. This article is entirely fan-made and is not official. The cat must rest for several days. Does have chances in turning into whitecough, and then greencough, Disease- This can be caused by eating prey that is found in Carrionplace, such as rats. It is the job of the Clan's medicine cat to treat these conditions. Upset stomach by poison: Treat painful stomachaches with stinging nettle or yarrow; allow the patient to vomit onto a dock leaf. This list contains the poisonous herbs, poultices, pastes, pulps, ointments, treatment methods, injuries and illnesses, healing remedies without herbs, how to care for your herbs, and much much more. Dock leaves do not grow well in mountains, and it is mostly found in leafy, overgrown areas such as ShadowClan and ThunderClan territory. Hope this is useful!My Discord Server: in checking out the . Severe flea bites: Clean the patient's pelt thoroughly with a wet ball of moss to clean and help get rid of the swollen areas. She will need to drink plenty of water and get lots of rest. Wrap some cobweb around the poultice and add a catchweed burr on top if needed. This article is entirely fanmade and is not official. The scent of blood will attract predators. They have their own den in their Clan's camp, where they sleep, store herbs, and treat wounded or . Stock up on specific herbs before leaf-bare! May. Have one cat restrain the cat's hind legs so its easier for the medicine cat to relocate the shoulder. Once done, sprinkle some poppy seeds over the pulp and feed it to the patient. Apply the comfrey ointment to the affected area. [12], Used for: alleviating shock or stress. It is to be noted that when there is not enough time to make a proper pulp, Catmint can also be used as a quick but slightly less efffective cure for Greencough, Heavy breathing pulp- Shred some coltsfoot, thyme, and catmint. - Developed on: 2020-12-07 - 2,009 taken - 4 people like it. A medicine cat shares dreams with only StarClan. Rest the other paw on the base of the patient's spine. Stubborn or very ill cats can be offered the blood of fresh prey. Take some thyme and tear it up into small pieces. Small pieces are the key to successful eating. Whitecough: Coughing, phlegm, breathlessness, fever, chest pain, and eye and nose mucus. Find all ten herbs in Ultimate Edition and learn about their uses from our very own medicine cat.. warriorcats20years - Free Twenty Years Collar. Educate an apprentice as the Clans next medicine cat. Get some honey and cover the marigold poultice with it. Kit cough: Coughing, sore throat, runny nose, headache, and a mild fever. When the Clan leader passes away, the medicine cat will accompany the deputy to the Moonstone/Moonpool so they can be established as the next Clans leader. Rub the pulp onto the cats pelt. Gather some horsetail and chew it into a paste. Pain extract: Find a willow tree and tear at its bark. Afterward, immediately get a ragwort and juniper poultice and slap it on the shoulder. Do not pull it upwards, but at an angle instead, as it will cause less pain and make it slightly easier to remove. First degree burns/Sunburn: Apply some honey to the burned area and wrap a thick layer of cobweb around the honey, adding a catchweed burr to the ends of the cobweb. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki,,,,,,,,,, Used to kill a cat who cannot be saved, Deathberries/Yew Berries- Kills a cat in a matter of minutes. In Roblox Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition, players will get to extensively customize their cat and join one of the six factions to roam across the open world. Reply. Sore throat: Have the cat eat a honeycomb or paint some honey on a dock leaf and let them lick it off. Redcough- Redcough is a highly severe chest infection and is worse than greencough. [63] If they feel pain, it is broken; if the medicine cats feel a crack, it is also broken. A medicine cat will do anything in his or her power to save an injured or ill cat. 3. Cats with damage on the surface of the iris will not regain vision, Loss of appetite- This is a disappearance of the cats hankering to eat. You can also be a kittypet, rogue, or a loner. It is not recommended to give her poppy seeds, as she could become too sleepy to push. Before applying, make sure to get a ball of wet moss and dab it lightly on the wound and around it to clean out dirt and debris. Wrap the cast with a thick layer of cobweb. A medicine cat will never let personal feelings in the way of his or her duties. If the pain is mild, they will recover within the next two days, but give them another dose of tansy and remake the poultice. Contents. The tooth sensitivity will last for a moon. See more ideas about warrior cat oc, warrior cats, cat oc. A medicine cat may only discuss dreams, prophecies, etc. It is to be noted not all of these herbs are In Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition on Roblox, but perhaps more will be added. What more could you ask for? Flea bites: Resist the urge to scratch the flea bites. If the broken tooth has a jagged edge, cover it with cobweb to prevent it from cutting the patient's tongue, lip, or cheek. Then, feed it to the patient. Once the kit is warm and dry, place it in front of the queens stomach. Thyme: Hot, sunny locations. The juice can be used as well, Time of growth- All throughout green-leaf. The tooth sensitivity will last for a little over half a moon (23 weeks). During this time, the patient should be checked regularly to make sure that no infections linger into the bite and to have water by them at all times. Feed them some juniper and poppy seeds afterward. Recommended to give them a small number of poppy seeds to dull the pain. Apply the poultice to the poisoned area, swathe it in cobwebs, and add a catchweed burr on top. Once the medicine cat(s) are done kneading, chew on the mush until it is formed into a soft, wet pulp. Chervil. A normal amount of poppy seeds won't help much with the pain of a dislocated shoulder, but it is recommended to feed them some to take the edge off and relax them. It would also be best to try a trip to the dirt place, Mild broken tooth- Wash the cats mouth thoroughly to get rid of any blood or remains of the tooth that may be stuck in the gums. Backache: Give the patient a small dose of tansy and chew some daisy leaves into a poultice and apply it to wherever the pain is worst. Eating rotten prey or tainted water is also another common way to be poisoned. Venomous snakebite: Flush the wound thoroughly with water until the medicine cats are certain that the wound is clean. Feed your patient another small amount of poppy seeds, and wrap a very thick layer of cobweb around the forearm, and put a catchweed burr on the edges of the cast. Nausea: Feed the patient some chamomile and have them consume juniper or watermint. Make a comfrey poultice if they cant handle the itching, Pulp for fevers- Chew on some dandelion, and chew on a couple of borage leaves. Make sure to be very gentle when taking them out so that they dont fall apart. Whitecough is the milder form, but if untreated, it can develop into the much more severe greencough. Record the dreams: Take notes, even a few sentences will help the analysis. A medicine cat shares dreams with only StarClan. Let the yarrow sit on the paw pad for a few hours, then take the poultice off. A severe fracture is when the bone is shattered into two or more pieces or completely crushed, and when this happens, the patient will most likely never be healed. [60] Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it. Description: A sweet-smelling plant with large, leafy, fern-like leaves and small white flowers. Stir the damp herb while kneading into it, until the petals turn into a fine mush. Also helpful with kitting, Sweeten herbs- Use nectar, honey, mint, rosemary or mouse blood to sweeten up bitter herbs, Water soaking- Hold swelling wound in water. Paint the honey over your poultice and put it over the desired area, honey facing the injury, and wrap a thick layer of cobweb around the poultice, adding some catchweed burrs to the ends of the cobweb. Sores- This is caused by rough activity, and the skin will become red and raw, Sore throat- A condition with pain in the throat, typically caused by inflammation due to cold weather, smoke inhalation, or a cough, Damaged eyes- The patients eyes will be blurry to some extent, and it depends on how severe the blurriness is. All herbs, locations, usages, techniques, etc were found on the Warriors Wiki and in the official book. Mild broken tooth: Wash the cat's mouth thoroughly to get rid of any blood or remains of the tooth that may be stuck in the gums. The result can range from mild to severe. Crush the marigold until it is in very small pieces and chew it into a thick poultice. Choose which herbs you give to a kitting queen wisely, or give none if truly necessary. It is possible that the tooth will decay, Severe broken tooth- Wash the cats mouth thoroughly, especially the hole in which the tooth used to be. Water hemlock: Foaming at the mouth, writhing, and severe pain; victim will become unconscious for a long length of time. It is only a response to those actions taken at the gathering. Twist the tail and keep pressure on it until the medicine cats feel a tiny click. It is mandatory to take immediate treatment when this happens, Shock (Emotionally)- Sometimes happens when a cat witnesses a traumatic or terrorizing event. Make sure that she has wet moss near her and possibly a small piece of fresh-kill. You can customize your cat with different colors and a variety of features. Itd be best to keep them in your den until theyre better, Stress- Have your patient eat some chamomile and drink water. Undo. Paste: A thick, soft, moist substance that is to be put on the body or consumed. ALDER Reduces swelling and prevents infection when chewed and applied to a wound. Thyme grows in hot and sunny locations. Sick cats: Cats who are ill may have a hard time keeping food down. Chew the stinging nettle and comfrey together into almost a paste-like consistency. Catmint cannot treat redcough and the only known cure is a special sap that is only found in SkyClan territory, Aching joints- Damp and or cold environments cause aching joints. If the nausea is caused by hunger, then make sure to give them some prey. If blood vessels are damaged, the arm and paw will feel cold and turn a bluish color. Thorn in paw pad poultice: Make sure to clean the cat's paw pad thoroughly before adding the poultice. The harsher the symptoms are, the less of a chance that the cat will recover with full vision. One leaf is taken each day until the milk stops; may also be used to soothe stomachaches, Location- Grows best in moist, well-drained soil, with full of sun; twoleg gardens are also an option, Puts cat to sleep; soothes shock or distress and eases pain; do not feed to nursing queens or a queen that is giving birth, Time of growth- The flower will grow from late new-leaf to mid green-leaf, and the seeds will soon be ripe a little after the flower blooms, Location- Anywhere that there are poppy flowers, Treats aching joints and gives a cat strength, Time of growth- All year round, though its ideal to be collected mid green-leaf through late green-leaf, Location- Anywhere, especially areas that are cool and wet, Used to help stop bleeding during kitting; also works as a painkiller, Time of growth- All year around, though it is ideal to be collected late new-leaf throughout early green-leaf, This plant helps hide the scent of death to prepare for vigil and later the burial, Time of growth- Mid new-leaf throughout late new-leaf; it will sometimes grow in late green-leaf, Time of growth- Mid green-leaf throughout early leaf-fall, Time of growth- All year round; is ideal to be collected in late new-leaf, Recommended for Queens who are giving birth; also used for dislocated bones and help mend broken bones, Usage/To Use - Patients will bite on the stick when in pain. If only a small amount of poison is consumed, the cat usually just gets a stomachache, but larger amounts will cause death. Retweet. Ideal to be collected throughout new-leaf, Gives a cat strength; very good for queens who are about to give birth, Time of growth- All throughout green-leaf. Give them some cold water as well. Give them wet moss, but dont give them too much water as it will make it worse. If only a small amount of poison is consumed, then the cat usually just gets a stomachache, but obviously larger amounts will cause death, This is a displacement of a bone from its normal joint. Copy an active code from the list shared in the above Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition Wiki. There can also only be one medicine cat apprentice. Medicine cats are outside Clan and Clan rivalry. It is recommended to give them a small dose of tansy. Celandine: This herb is used to ease pain. 12. Ideal to collect in mid green-leaf, Produces healthier milk in greater quantity; also helps treat fevers, stomachaches, and relieves tight chests, Used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds, Time of growth- All year round. It is a good idea to put dried leaves and feathers around her nest to make it comfortable for her and her kits. Like. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition's Tweets. The severity of the injury depends on the depth of the burn. I got all of these from teh Wiki page of WCUEThe Wiki page! Put the paste into some warm water and stir it. Have them drink cold water, and allow them to rest in their bed until they feel better. Either a dream or sign given by StarClan that shows prophetic significance of the future to warn about upcoming events. No Clan cat is allowed to restrict them on their journey. May also be used to cool patients with fevers. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Description. Gather some cold, wet moss and apply it to the shoulder to minimize inflammation. Keep the medicine cat's den in order. This will also help soothe scraped paw pads, Water therapy- Have a cat with weak or sore muscles to wade in water. Catmint is mostly found in Twoleg gardens and near Twoleg nests, the large Twoleg nest at the corner of RiverClan territory, the Carrionplace, or near by the fence at the barn. Plaster the ointment over the scratch, then chew on some burdock root and form it into a poultice. Whitecough and greencough are the most common chest infections known to the Clan cats. It is highly likely that it will result in gum infection. A herb's root should be firmneither too soft nor too hard. Either a dream or sign given by StarClan that shows prophetic significance of the future to warn about upcoming events. This can be caused by the mouth hitting a hard object, developing cavities, or biting a hard object, such as a bone from prey or from a battle. Poultice: a material that is applied to a part of a cat's body to relieve pain, itching, swelling, etc. Do not collect an herb's leaf if it is brown, crunchy, or has holes (oak leaves may be an exception, however). Wiki. common. [10], Used for: greencough, or whitecough. Bee Stings - Blackberry leaves. If the paw is warm, then that means they have a fever. Give them a checklist, such as "is there a reason to believe something is wrong?" The cat must rest for several days. Feaverfew - used to cool feverish cats and treat head pain. The leaves can be chewed into a pulp, which is eaten to help . Stubborn or very ill cats can be offered the blood of fresh prey. Cats who cannot keep their meals down should not be fed. The game is published by the Coolabi Group, a Working Partners . This can cause the cats skin to inflame, and have itchy, watery eyes. Grab some moss and soak it in water and cleanse the area. Some cats are even allergic to fleas. 34 Questions - Developed by: Arctic Fox. Moderate broken tooth: Wash the cat's mouth thoroughly to get rid of any blood or remains of the tooth that may be stuck in the gums. Put a catchweed burr on top of the poultice to hold it in place. There is a very strong chance that the victim will die or become blind, Backache- Give your patient a small dose of tansy and chew some daisy leaves into a poultice and apply it to wherever the pain is worst. (Physical) Shock: Shock can occur and be a life-threatening result due to blood loss and/or highly severe pain. Depending on the species of the snake, the victim may or may not end up being infected with venom, Burns- A burn is damage to the skin or deeper tissues caused by flame, staying out too long in the sun, or any other physical contact with heat. Recommended to feed them sorrel, Non-venomous snake bite- Clean the wound thoroughly with a damp moss ball, and, if needed, put the wound into water. Chew on some yarrow to form a poultice and apply it to the paw pad. Keep the cat from walking for a moon. Have one cat restrain the cats hind legs, so its easier for you to relocate the shoulder. They can be stored in each Clan's camp in the medicine shelf located in all medicine dens. They are able to grow during leaf-bare, but only if its mild, Hides the scent of death; can also help prevent fleas, Usage/To Use - Rubbed on dead body. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Have the patient rest all day. menards metal brackets young girl sees her first cock ai hackathon 2022 When a medicine cat journeys to the Moonstone/Moonpool, they are. Asthma: Difficulty breathing, chest pain, coughing, wheezing, phlegm, rapid breathing, frequent respiratory infections, tightness of the chest, throat irritation, and trouble sleeping are all caused by shortness of breath, coughing, or wheezing. The patient should only chew on the poultice. If it is an apprentice who has broken their bone, it can take a little over half a moon (2-3 weeks). Cures cough; could be used to cure wounds and extract poison; stops cats from catching greencough; soothes sore throats and wretched legs; may be used to hide a cats scent. It causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth, (Id also like to leave a note that Apple seeds are also very toxic to cats), Gather some fox dung and place it near and around patches of herbs to keep rabbits and any other animals away from the plant, Soak wilted leaves in water. Several herbs can be eaten, but none give any special effects to a cat when consumed; however, when chervil, yarrow, and dock are chewed, they leave the cat with a poultice. Afterward, roll it into a ball and feed it to the patient. If the queen is not in the Clans camp by the time she has to give birth, make sure that there are a couple of guard cats surrounding her. Elders and queens are infinite. It can also be used to treat injuries of the eyes. Add a tiny bit of water, then keep chewing. Wrap a thick layer of cobweb around the area and add a few catchweed burrs on the edges of the cast when done. A medicine cat may not have kits. Ideal to be collected throughout green-leaf, Treats scratches and rat bites. If a cat vomits, which is followed by diarrhea, it can cause dangerous dehydration; bring the patient to a water source immediately after they vomit. Anxiety: Fatigue, restlessness, sweating, hyperventilation, irritability, racing thoughts or unwanted thoughts, trembling, and possible nausea. Cobwebs can be easy to look over, though, and in some territories require effort to find. A sweet, golden-coloured liquid made by bees. They should be carefully monitored for signs of malnutrition and dehydration. Herbs that grow in sand will need to be watered more frequently than herbs that don't. It causes vomiting, diarrhea, and change in urine color, Deadly nightshade-One of the most toxic herbs, it can even kill a full grown Twoleg. extremely faint line on pregnancy test barely visible first response. They are highly respected by all the Clans. Feed to your patient, A paste is a thick, soft, moist substance, that is to be put on the body, or consumed, Paste for burns- Chew on a comfrey root until it is formed into a thick mush, almost like a pulp, but a more solid form. student links elementary school. Its very likely that pain will recur even after the hole has healed. 0 replies 0 retweets 12 likes. If the sting is really bad, then get some dandelion and squeeze its juices onto a clump of moss and dab around the area. It can be stimulated when a cat is running, or a very rough physical activity. Make sure to clean the patient's wound with a damp piece of moss to get all the dirt and debris out. Do not have them lay down if they have an airway burn. Herb flowers that have lush appearances and scents are the best to collect. Snake bite: An injury caused by an adder or other types of snakes. Grab some cobweb and wrap it around the poultice and add a few catchweed burrs on top of it and on the edges, Irritated/Itchy skin- Get a comfrey root and chew into a thick poultice and apply where ever the cat is irritated, Poultice for swelling- Have your patient wade through some water, then gather some stinging nettle leaves and chew into a poultice, and place wherever the cat hurts. Put a catchweed burr on top of the poultice to hold it in place. Several herbs can be eaten, but none give any special effects to a cat when consumed; however, when chervil, yarrow, and dock are chewed, they leave the cat with a . Comfrey root- Repairs broken bones; soothes wounds; helps wrenched claws; itching; inflammation of stiff joints; stiffness on wrenched shoulders; and soothes burns. Description: It is a long-stemmed plant with long, crisp, flattish leaves and a yellowish, resinous juice. Ointment: A smooth, oily preparation that is to be rubbed on the skin. Elders commonly get this. Hit the enter key or button to receive the code rewards. This is commonly seen in elders and Queens. After eating, make sure to dab a piece of cobweb in the hole to get rid of any prey residue. A medicine cat cannot have kits. [1] Add a couple catchweed burrs on the edge of the cobweb to help it stick in place. Juice: This is to be made with herb extracts and is to be drunk or drizzled on. It will also produce mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe. The skin will become red and raw. Get a stick and put it in front of her so she can chew on it. This should make the patient feel better afterward. Dislocated tail: Curl the paw around the cat's tail, close to the tip. They are also commonly mistaken for poppy seeds, Water hemlock- The most poisonous plant in the forest, and is sometimes mistaken for parsley. Wrap a thick layer of cobweb around the area and add a few catchweed burrs on the edges of the cast when done. Only allow them to eat soft prey, such as plump mice and fish. In young, old or weak cats, the bite can cause a coma or heart palpitations, First-degree burn/Sunburn- Mild inflammation, red skin, swelling, mild fever, peeling skin, rash, physical sensitivity, and itchiness, Second-degree burn- Red, white or splotchy skin, physical sensitivity, fever, moderate inflammation, blistering, swelling, infection, and possible scarring, Third-degree burn- Skin appears waxy or leathery, physical numbness, difficulty breathing, smoke inhalation poisoning, physical sensitivity, inflammation, blistering, swelling, infection, fever, itchiness, and highly possible scaring, Fleas- Severe itching, red spots, and swollen spots. 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