wold newton universe timeline

other refugees from a crash of a Barsoomian spaceship, including Hinkley suffers severe injuries. Small, modified). many comic book and other pastiche adventures of interest to the Birth of Susan Storm to Michael Storm and Kitty Carroll Storm. But Zatara Mandrake, now a powerful mystic, begins his adventuring career. Some scholars suggest that John Carter himself may be an amnesiac immortal of the blood of Amber. Kitty Carroll, grand daughter of Hawley Griffin, is exposed to Griffin's Invisibility formula. Hugo continues to try to do good works with his powers. Edson's western novels, which also incorporate Stories by - Brother William of Baskerville is embroiled in a series of information on how to order it. Some scholars assert the Gulliver is of the blood of Amber. Frank Reade Sr. develops the famed Steam Man Mk II and Mk III. course it doesn't hurt that Chris is a big Wold Newton fan), Masked Johnny Brainard invents the world's first modern working humanoid robot, the famed Steam Man of the Prairies. Dulabone. Professor Roy Hinkley Jr. and six other castaways are rescued after being found on a large floating raft near Hawaii. William must be a member of that family which was William Batson is born. is now available from MonkeyBrain (The Other Log of Phileas Fogg. A meteor strikes in Wold Newton, England. Alive, respectively), Rick Lai's article The Secret History of Captain The equipment maintaining an artificial "planet" constructed by the Ancients suffers a fatal series of malfunctions. The other test subjects are not so lucky. of a very elderly Lemuel Gulliver, Sir Percy Blakeney and wife, His paternity may trace to Ling Fu Shan, a.k.a. Britt Reid is revealed as a pawn of the immortal sometimes known in the West as Fu Manchu. All of New York City is evacuated when the government realizes that King Ghidorah was heading there. It may be reproduced and distributed freely, so long as no fee is charged for this content, and so long as appropriate credit is given. Some of these characters are adventurers, some are detectives, some explorers and scientists, some espionage agents, and some are evil geniuses. They are soon joined by Jonn Jonzz and the second Green Arrow (Roy Harper). He served on several public commissions, and wrote widely Gamera establishes an empathic link with the young Japanese psionic Kyoke Timmy Kiritachi. Other creative mythographers, such as my friend and colleague Crazy Ivan Schoblotski, is hoping for the eventual inclusion of the events from the initial 1965 Gamera film in the "consensus" WNU (though in this reality, the fire-breathing turtle-shaped kaiju obviously never escaped from the experimental rocket that took him off Earth and en route to Mars as he soon did in the Showa Daiei Universe), along with the other isolated kaiju incursions by Yongary and Gorgo; yours truly has hoped for the retention of Konga. Superman, Batman II (Dick Grayson), Wonder Woman, Green Lantern II (Hal Jordan), and Namor agree to serve as America's first high profile team of metahuman operatives under the OSI. El Santo, heroic wrestler and adventurer, retires. Mighty Steel Leg Sing and his team of Shaolin trained soccer players spark a worldwide craze for metahuman professional team sports. The Wold-Newton universe includes scores of public domain characters as well as many characters popular from early Radio Drama and film, such as The Shadow and Tarzan, who are not quite out of copyright. ancient warriors, including Kull, are connected with the Cthulhu Time of the fall of the second empire of Atlantis, as told in The Contents 1 Prehistory 2 Ancient and Medieval Eras 3 Renaissance and Enlightenment 4 Nineteenth Century 5 Twentieth Century 6 Twenty-First Century and Beyond 7 External links Prehistory Unknown Time BCE Reality consists of an endless field of Primordial Monsters. There are A group of small meteors that land in Kansas release a strange alien fluid which mutates the DNA of praying mantids, causing them to re-engineer themselves into a deadly swarm of giant mantids known as the Kamacuras, who kill hundreds of people in a few rural Kansas towns until a military unit wipes them out. tales by Robert E. Howard, the novel Legion from the Shadows Chow Sing Cho, a powerful pan-psionic, appears in Shanghai. Hal Jordan, test pilot, is contacted by Alan Scott Scott, having returned to Earth and suffering from long term exposure to the alien artifact, passes on the power ring and lantern to Jordan. Further adventures of Captain Peter Blood were told in Captain The naviganti della Meloria (The Seamen of Meloria). Bruce Wayne retires as Batman, and the role is assumed by Richard Dick Grayson. Doc Wildman, is all alone in the world when Despite the effective demotion, Knight does not object to his new posting. Steve Rogers is declared MIA after vanishing during a mission in the Arctic circle. Includes comic book and other non-canonical appearances, for the Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson wed. Parker retires from adventuring. (Farmer, modified). More, he significantly improves upon the basic design. detective), Lin Carter's Anton Zarnak, Robert E. Howard's John More on the fate of La is revealed here. Patrick O'Brian, a.k.a. Note: Creative mythographer Chuck Loridans has speculated that many of the Showa Era G-films, and likely some of the Heisei Era G-films, had WNU analogues further into the 21st century, following the year 2005 (and the events of GODZILLA AND THE LOST CONTINENT, which all took place during the latter year in the WNU). c. When a group of asteroids head towards the Earth, threatening to destroy it, not only does Godzilla re-appear, but so do other dai kaiju who were also likely surviving Lemurian-created ultra-dinosaurs mutated by exposure to nuclear energy. He predates Dracula by millennia, originally having been a dark sorceror in Atlantis who--along with others--used the blasphemous magical tome the Darkhold to create the current race of vampires on earth. to reconcile the supernatural with her rational Both accept. As per Doc's instructions, Clark Kent assumes control of the Fortress of Solitude and its scientific wonders. The National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Office of Scientific Investigation are established. He joins OSI Chicago on a provisional basis later that year. Advances in Japanese giant robot technology threaten regional stability in Asia. in a great deluge, and the modern world begins to take shape. Books: Bragelonne, Louise de la Valliere, and The Man in the Iron Nikola Tesla demonstrates his Harmonic Shield Generator. Savage: His Apocalyptic Life. Zatara and Narda Mandrake vanish while conducting an investigation. He carries with Rising to the rank of Captain, Strange becomes known as the Phantom Ace of G-2; to the Germans, he becomes known as the Brain Devil. his wife, please read The Demmed Fine (Matthew Baugh, Modified). Clark Kent retires from public adventuring. with the Wold Newton Universe. Research into the giant robot leads to numerous technological innovations. Her Brother, Johnny, is born two years later. Wold Newton map Published: Sep 22, 2009 By TheMorlock Watch 6 Favourites 7 Comments 850 Views A map of the Wold Newton earth. - The events of Doctor Syn on the In the army he experiences his first true friendships. Farmer and Win Scott Eckert, is a darkly erotic novel and the Dragon City, Thongor Against the Gods, Thongor 1749 The still malfunctioning bio-weapon manufacturing machines of the Ancients release the Dai Kaiju known as Gamera from his breeding stasis. Patricia Wildman, the Take place here. This particular arrangement and interpretation of fictional events and information is copyright Robert Dorf, 2005. She becomes romantically involved with Namor, and takes the name Namora. Early 1790s - The events of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. The Ancients artificially intelligent crystal computers are damaged. (Dr. Peter M. Coogan, Modified). Birnbaum and the Timeline of Adventure by Matthew Baugh, The Modesty Blaise Chronology by Jim Gillogly, The Life and Cases of Nathan Samuel Ten months later, Bruce Wayne Jr. is born. Frank Reade Jr. and Nikola Tesla develop the Electric Man and the Electric Horse, cable controlled robots far ahead of their times. Professor Trevor Bruttenholm's foster-child, an entity referred to as Hellboy, enters fully into the service of the OSI. These humans will be given an elixir September 15, Diana Prince gives birth to Kara Kent. Bruce Wayne Jr. takes over as Batman. Nikola Tesla draws up his first detailed plans for his Death Ray, and seeks financial support from the military. the Gothic horror tradition. course), The excellent Star Wars Expanded Universe Timeline Joseph Bongiorno, Tarzan Alive by Philip Jos Farmer, reproduced While living on the streets, he is contacted by Doctor Occult, and informed of a possible cure for his condition. from this World to that Which is to Come. The Official Cthulhu Mythos Timeline by Dru Smith, Donovan Loucks and Thus, the Cerasini Tohoverse includes at least some WNU elements on its timeline, e.g., the Cthulhu Mythos and various pulp-like villains such as Kulgan Khan, thus suggesting the exisence of a version of the Wold Newton Family in that reality. Sherlockians, and fans of Farmers own celebrated These other dinosaur mutations include Varan and Rodan. (Al Schroeder, Modified). Note that Sir This new formula is in-part based on fluid samples taken from the metahuman Solomon Grundy. Professor Campion receives permission to use an improved version of his cable controlled robot soldier Boilerplate on the front lines in W.W.I. Actress Ginger Grant is among those rescued; much tabloid speculation revolves around the changes in both her appearance and voice during her time on the island. Zatanna Mandrake born to Zatara and Narda Mandrake. Namor McKenzie undergoes a partial transformation into a Deep One, maintaining an outwardly human appearance but gaining great physical strength and the ability to survive the sea's depths. As he does so, he shares what he has learned of the lantern's strange history. The U.S. government begins secretly testing atomic bombs for use as weapons of mass destruction during WWII in the waters of the South Pacific. Until recently the disparities that existed between the accounts edited by Fred Saberhagen, which purport to be the Memoirs of Vlad, Count Dracula would seem to indicate that Saberhagen's Dracula was not the same Count Dracula previously documented by Bram Stoker and John H. Watson. May Doc Savage begins the main part of his crime-fighting career. Mina Murray becomes the first woman to command a group of Britain's Extraordinary-class operatives. First, if you don't know what 'Wold Newton' refers to, start here. Namor becomes one of the first subjects in Doc's Crime College. Savage's assistants rescue him. (Win Scott Eckert, modified). Evil in Pemberley House, an addition to Namor and Namora have their second child, Lisa. Many of mainland China's active psychics in later years claim descent from Chow. Catherine and Robert marry, and seven months later have their first child, Reed Richards. Homeless William "Billy" Batson is contacted by Doctor Occult and Rose Psychic, and taken on a series of vision quests. the GURPS Pimpernel Book, Chronology of Shadows, Part 1 and Part 2 Rick Lai has read each and every Nemo uses a technologically advanced submarine to wage guerilla war against the British Empire. Of course, the events seen in the four comic book series published during the 1960s by Charlton Comics which featured Gorgo and Konga (two series for each of them) could not have occurred in the WNU. The Wold Newton Universe (or WNU) is a term coined by Win Scott Eckert to denote an expansion of Philip Jos Farmer's original Wold Newton Family concept (introduced in Tarzan Alive [1972]). He begins a career as a costumed adventurer. This response is directed by Reed Richards and spear-headed by his private team of scientific adventurers. The Green Arrow and the Green Hornet have their final confrontation. Coming in 2010 Arthur Gordon Pym in this universe was very much inspired by his Wold Newton Version, where he assumes various identities after becoming immortal. In Farmer's Hadon novels, the cult of Rezu Alexandre Dumas. Product details Publisher : Titan Books (October 8, 2013) Language : English Paperback : 496 pages The Arsne Lupin Timeline by Andr-Franois Ruaud. Syn's Astronomers fear that this object will impact with the Earth. After nearly a decade in Doc's Crime College, Namor comes to accept his condition, and to regret the harm he brought to innocents during his time of madness. The Mongolian warlord Kulgan Khan drives the Chinese forces out of Mongolia, and becomes the new ruler of that nation. multi-media approach, reconciling the many different versions of Van Ash's chronology published in the Rohmer Review, as Over the centuries, both races, which He discovers the remnants of Hugh Hazard's Iron Man and manages to restore it to working condition. The Dr. Van Thorp, working from the W.W.I era robot called Boilerplate, invents a fully articulated suit of self propelled powered armor for use by the German military. The largest asteroid is successfully destroyed by nuclear missiles utilized by a U.N. team, but this inadvertently releases the entrapped tri-headed, extraterrestrial dragon-like kaiju known as King Ghidorah, who promptly comes to Earth and begins wreaking havoc there [GODZILLA 2000]. annotated timeline. Plastic Man, joins the army on the advice of Clark Savage, Jr. Hugh Hazard dies in action. (click here for more information). 1790 The Japanese military, considering the armor to be a worthless novelty, send it to Korea as part of a load of scrap. The super suit is not recovered. Miskatonic University professor Mark Erdel draws a member of a shape-changing alien race to Earth. the fabulous life of Doc Savage. Baron Victor Frankenstein combines alchemical secrets with modern science to bring life to dead tissue, creating an animated creature he names Adam. Orczy. werewolves and shapeshifters by Ivan Schablotski, The Worlds of ERB: Tarzan / John Carter / Pellucidar / Caspak / Moon as Sir Percy Blakeney. UNIVERSE It, a.k.a. The Using fragments of the technology of the Ancients and their own powers, the Nine make fantastic progress in the psionic and physical sciences. Basically, when you throw many characters belonging to a specific genre (or sometimes a distinct division of this genre e.g., the works of a certain author) into a Massive Multiplayer Crossover, for the purpose of exploring and deconstructing and sometimes reconstructing said genre from a modern viewpoint . Please click here for more Adventure of the Seven Claytons Master Li and Number 10 Ox operate in China as agents of the Nine Unknown. Edward Prendick returns to civilization, reporting the death of Dr. Moreau. timeline is here. He spots 14 year old runaway Clinton Barton, and begins to train the boy in archery. Once, Doc had been their servant and had shared their secrets. Powerful mystic Cassandra Ghostley and advertising executive Darrin Stephens marry. the Brain Devil, disappears while on a covert mission in Europe. Howard, and expanded upon by Andrew J. Offutt, Keith Taylor, 1719 Savage eventually brings the creature's remains back to New York. the Scarlet Pimpernel, A Child of the Elder Things (a.k.a. His reports on events on that alternate world will cause controversies in the halls of academia that may never be resolved. - Birth of Kit Walker's son, who will become the first Phantom. The first war of the Nine Unknown causes the fall of Atlantean civilization. Excellent. the Heap. Chronology - Natty Bumppo's stories, The Leatherstocking Tales, by His relationship to the historical Chow Sing Cho is unknown. __________ Short Fiction The Wold Newton Origins series "Is He in Hell?" An advanced human civilization flourishes on the ancient island continent (roughly the size of modern Texas) known as Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean, though often referred to in the modern East as Mu. 1673 - Captain Robert Owemuch discovers The Floating Island, Scoti Moria. Evil in Pemberley House, by Philip Jos Solomon Kane Chronology by Matthew Baugh (adapted from Richard It is strongly suspected that Fei Hung, a master of Hung Kuen Kung Fu, was himself a metahuman. As with his A Chronology for The Avenger, this timeline must Savage Chronology Steve Rogers, a.k.a. 1600s - Two rival extra-terrestrial races, the Eridaneans and the and authoritative timeline by Rick Lai. Rumors persist that the entire group made use of mind altering substances during this time. They do not return to field operations. Clavell. c. 380-335 BCE - The events of Ayesha's Therianthropology 101 Timelines of historical and fictional Guided by Allard's suggestions, he chooses to establish a meek and mild-mannered cover identity, while adventuring in a colorful costume. and A Case of Identity, or, The sets the action at Pemberley from Jane Austens Pride Sogel Island data contributes towards limited success in Japanese metagene research. return of the jedi . Ling Fu Shan born to Ling Ju Hai and Sir William Clayton. Vampirella Revealed A great Vampi timeline by Mike Grace. Fu Manchu first re-creates the Oil of Life. Vampirella (a.k.a. The Complete c. 24,000 BCE - They are presumed dead. Encyclopedia Cthulhiana, 2nd ed., Richard Grayson comes out of retirement to complete the case. Kr (see H. Rider Haggard's She, 1884). Queen escapes. further adventures were told in Doctor Syn Returns, The Further Living A Situationally Comedic Life in the Wold Newton Universe by Christofer Nigro--The author's main arguments for including sitcoms in the Wold Newton Universe, such as why a small minority of individuals and families in the Wold Newton Universe routinely experience comical life situations, and why he believes such characters can co-exist in "the single cause of this nova of genetic splendor, this c. 12,000 BCE - Ivanhoe, the The entire event is recorded by the youthful journalist Brian Shimura of the Independent News Network [GODZILLA RETURNS]. Researchers Alec Holland and Ted Sallis attempt to create a variant of the Super-Soldier formula from a private lab concealed in Florida's everglades. Ling Ling Chai begins his career in Beijing. The sacking of the Shaolin temple. An attack on the lab by individuals seeking the formula results in the apparent death of both researchers, but only after Holland has ingested the hybrid formula. Photos, Maps and Videos! Sir Arthur Mitchell (1826 - 1909) was a Scottish doctor involved in the study and care of patients with mental illness. The child, a healthy girl, is born in December of 1910. Multiple Dai Kaiju class creatures gather on or near Sogel Island. Harold Smith and Diana Prince are both offered positions within the OSI. 1500s - The events of Sir Walter Scott's Kenilworth. Percy was not married to Marguerite Blakeney at The super-soldier formula has allowed him to survive this ordeal. Upcoming Wold Newton-related Books, Visit Win He will later move his operations from Haiti to America, where he will operate under the name Papa Midnight. Revolution, In the Rue Monge and The Pimpernel and Rosemary.). Alive, Addendum 2, pp. Haggard. Stevenson. Parker and Sloan wed. Khan is also apparently destroyed during the conflict [GODZILLA VS. Richard Grayson retires from adventuring. tales collected in the volume Scroll of Thoth. The OSS is dissolved. Other novels in Clavell's "Asian Saga" include The OSI is charged with coordinating Americas metahuman resources, as well as coordinating intra-agency efforts to control metahuman criminal activity. On my Showa Timeline, I explain how maser technology likely appeared by the late 1950s on that universe's Earth, but Chuck's hypothesis may work well in a WNU context. 1516 The adolescent explorer Zoe Kettering is extremely embittered when her father, a dedicated scientist whom she greatly admires, dies while attempting to prove his theory that civilizations exist beneath the surface of the Earth. Number of Japanese metahumans begins to significantly increase. 1794 - April 1798 - The first volume in Horatio Hornblower's To my knowledge, this intriguing crossover between the Godzilla mythos and the Cthulhu Mythos was mentioned for the first time years ago on Win Scott Eckert's substantive timeline of the WNU, which can be found on his site, and is an inspiration to this timeline and all of the work I do in creative mythography (as it was my initial introduction to the Wold Newton Universe concept). Backed by JP Morgan and others, Tesla begins work on the world's first advanced wireless broadcasting tower. crimefighter of the 1930s and 40s, Dr. James Clarke They cultivate and train numerous American mystics. c. 9,960 BCE - After a great catastrophe, the son Scarlet Pimpernel, The Adventures of Evil in Pemberley House blog, MYTHS FOR THE worshipped in Kr. Back, The Triumph of the ancestor Captain Peter Blood, thus placing the multi-generational D - Entries based on White Wolf's WORLD OF DARKNESS materials. timeline aiaa. Thus he is not only an extremely powerful vampire, he is also a magic wielder of considerable skill. biography, Mr. Midshipman Hornblower, as related by C.S. daughter of the world-renowned adventurer and The alien begins to refer to itself as Jonn Jonzz. (Dennis E. Power, modified). - The main events of John Barth's The Sot Weed Factor He trains several humans in the Atlantean psychic sciences, and begins several key bloodlines. Roy Harper, a.k.a. Doyle. His foster-child, an entity referred to as Hellboy, heads up a paranormal investigation team including such notables as the Deep One referred to as Abe Sapien, and the human psionic Elizabeth Sherman. Farmer is best known for the World of Tiers and Riverworld series, and the concept of the Wold Newton Family. His life collapses. Namor discovers that his strength and telepathic abilities far exceed those of most Deep Ones, despite his largely human physical appearance. 1599 More. Doctor Billy Hayes and Dr. Elvin Lincoln expose severe mistreatment of metahuman subjects at the Humanidyne corporation. The OSI begins to cut back on funding of independent metahumans and metahuman teams in favor of those under more complete government control. (Dennis Power, Modified). & Philip Graves, Gulliver's Travels Chronology by Lee 206-210 American John Carter uses a form of Astral Projection to travel to an alternate Mars. Moreau created human-gorilla hybrid Jacko partners with human Victor Brand in the service of the British Crown. Late 1500s - The Sea-Hawk, as told by Rafael He joins OSI Chicago on a covert mission in Europe Rogers, a.k.a impact with Earth. Mystic Cassandra Ghostley and advertising executive Darrin Stephens marry Kara Kent Lemuel Gulliver Sir! 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