why take strontium on empty stomach

10 bone essential supplements Review: 1. Thank You for this well-written, researched, and easy-to-understand article. Here is a link to their main website: http://www.cancercenter.com/?source=GOOGLEBR&channel=paid%20search&c=paid%20search:Google:Google%20-%20National%20Branded:Branded+Test:cancer+treatment+centers+of+america:Exact&OVMTC=Exact&site=&creative=1144020265&OVKEY=cancer%20treatment%20centers%20of%20america&url_id=129386665&adpos=1t1&gclid=CImHytX1iLUCFexxQgodlngA4g AND another link to their contact page: http://www.cancercenter.com/contact-us.cfm. This confuses me, because I thought Strontium (from Strontium Citrate) 680 mg literally means there are 680 mg of strontium (not strontium citrate) in 2 capsules. as this happens from time to time. In other words, whether your bone density increases or not, strontium reduces your risk of breaking a bone! Some responded quickly;others took several months to get back to me but all responded eventually and have been most helpful. I explain all this in detail in Your Bones, 2nd edition, pp. Also, the reports in the research as to the effects of strontiums larger size on DXA results have varied a lot. What is your your opinion on the effectiveness of this supplement over calcium carbonate? I read the article by Meunier that he cited, but it was evident that said article supported 680 mg not 170 mg to be the most effective. Each capsule provides: Re AlgaeCal Plus your bones, which are continually remodeling throughout your life, will always need the calcium, magnesium, boron, K2, D3 and trace minerals this supplement provides. Yes, the label is confusing. This is because the two minerals compete for absorption, and calcium will win out, so you will get less benefit from strontium consumed at the same time. Is this a safe combination? If so, I will drop down to 1 capsule then. K2 is supposed to direct it to the bones and teeth and not the arteries. I I have been using algae cal for about 8 months and I also use Drs. Will taking AlgaeCal help with bone loss in jaw due to tooth loss and dentures? Heres a quote from a paper discussing the differences among readings from different DXA machines: The theoretical values of the strontium ratio were 11.0 for the Hologic Discovery, 9.9 for the GE-Lunar Prodigy, 9.1 for the Demetech Calscan, and 8.5 for the Osteometer Dexacare G4. I have corresponded with a number of leading researchers. My concern is that if Strontium Citrate is a salt will it raise my blood pressure? Lastly, and to me the most important point, is that strontium does not improve bone health, resistance to fracture, by increasing BMD. A bottle of Strontium Boost will be good for 2.5 years. Hope that helps and that you feel better soon! My DEXA results were excellent, showing bones in the healthy, normal range, where they have remained, which I credit in large part to taking AlgaeCal Plus, Strontium Boost and, since it became available, Triple Power Omega 3 Fish Oil. Hi sml, Please advise soonest, if it is okay for me to take the Algae Plus without the strontium as I am suffering of thrombocytopenia as well. 2015 Mar;29(3):607-8. doi: 10.1111/jdv.12407. Your thoughts on this would be most appreciated. Initially, it did not appear that my first message went through. I just eat lots of greens they are a great source of so many minerals and phytonutrients that are good for us as well as K1! The study found that caries followed a quadratic curve with strontium concentrations on the X-axis; the lowest prevalence of caries was seen with strontium concentrations of approximately 5-6 mg/L. Re AlgaeCal adding this form of supplemental calcium to my regimen made a HUGE difference for me. Hello, I am 69 years old and my dexa scan says I have osteoporosis. Now Im reading that I might need more magnesium with so much calcium and wonder if you figure-in the strontium AND calcium to balance the magnesium. So glad you wrote in your doctor is likely concerned about the fact that calcium competes with strontium for absorption and calcium ALWAYS wins, which translates to less strontium being absorbed when calcium is also consumed AT THE SAME TIME. In addition, the expressions of metabolizing enzymes (CYP3A4/CYP3A9 and UDPG) showed 12 to 193-fold difference between human and rat intestine with distinct regional dependent expression patterns. Regardless, I still think you are correct in suggesting a lower than 680 mg/day dose of strontium citrate may be helpful. I expect it may not be possible for you to ask for strontium in its natural form of strontium citrate, rather than the drug form, strontium ranelate? Would very much appreciate any references you have on this issue and will follow up and get back to you. Detailed analysis indicates that many transporters (such as PepT1, SGLT-1, GLUT5, MRP2, NT2, and high affinity glutamate transporter) share similar expression levels in both human and rat with regional dependent expression patterns, which have high expression in the small intestine and low expression in the colon. I believe it is a foundational health supplement for everyone not only postmenopausal women. Interestingly, the women taking 340 mg/d had comparable or better results than the woman taking 680mg/d an outcome the researchers thought might have been due to the fact that the women taking 340 mg/d took their strontium at night (when bone remodeling is more active), while the woman taking 680 mg/d took her strontium supplement during the day. Hi Lynn, I hope this information is helpful to you and encourages you to give AlgaeCal a try. PMID: 23877652 [Breast Cancer Patient with Bone Metastases Who Was Able to Return Home without Using Opioids after Administration of Strontium-89 Chloride]. I backed off and started with just Algae Cal 2 capsules at breakfast and things went back to normal. Their metabolic byproducts are highly inflammatory and cause damage to the gut wall, so they can get into your bloodstream and make their way to your joints, causing inflammation and pain. I had been building bone for several years; improvement was consistent but slow. For example, if you gained a modest 1% after taking strontium and you reduce that score by 10%, you STILL GAINED .9% of new bone. People with bleeding disorders: NAC can slow blood clotting.Don't take it if you have a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia or Von Willebrand disease. Stay well, Lara. Again, Lara sorry for giving you a headache with this strontium dosage, and thanks so much for your help in investigating this matter with me, if any of those authors emails me back I will let you know. Thanks so much for looking into all that. Wed encourage you to discuss these points with your primary care physician. Re the high blood calcium, my first thought would be that you need more vitamin K, specifically, K2 as MK-7. And following these recommendations is not only going to give you strong bones, but vibrant health overall. The article was written by our resident Bone Health Expert, Lara Pizzorno, MDiv, MA, LMT. Bone. Since the volunteer had no prior history of strontium based medications or supplementation, baseline natural strontium levels were obtained followed by a 24h measurement of first intake of strontium citrate supplements (680 mg Sr/day). Supplemental strontium as part of a bone-building program that includes optimal amounts of calcium, magnesium, boron, trace minerals, vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 can help hasten the rebuilding of healthy bones. Pantoprazole should be taken on an empty stomach, so it is recommended that it be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. LOTS of research re vit D helping to prevent falls heres a quote from just one of the most recent papers: Discussion Vitamin D supplementation can prevent falls, particularly in the vitamin D deficient elderly. (Reference: Winzenberg T, van der Mei I, Mason RS, et al. The end result was that more calcium (Ca2+) was deposited in AlgaeCal treated cells (2.0-fold more than controls, 1.0-fold more than calcium carbonate, and 4.0-fold more than calcium citrate-treated cells). Useful information. Dialysis fluid can contain high concentrations of strontium, so not surprisingly, some dialysis patients are known to have elevated bone strontium concentrations and a high strontium/calcium ratio in bone. You need both trace minerals to produce and utilize thyroid hormones. (Here is the reference for this study: Ma B, Zhang Q, Wang G, et al. The Sr content greatly decreased (about 2-fold) in animals killed 6 or 10 weeks after the end of treatment but this affected new bone almost exclusively. Reading your book and following all your posts has really helped me. I immediately started with my Calcium this morning at breakfast, I take Strontium 2 hrs after lunch everyday. In doing so, I read through much of his published research and that of a number of others regarding gluten. They can provide tailored information based on the specific medications youre taking. Conversely, some supplements, and many foods . Re being insurance poor I am hoping that Dr. Grout will still be able to be helpful. Another action you can take that can dramatically lower your inflammation and help protect your joints and bones is to take 2 tablespoons daily of Triple Power. I am having some issues with plantar fasciitis and possible arthritis in both thumbs. (Kinetics is the study of the rate at which chemical processes occur.) Epub 2011 Dec 15. If your kidney function is normal, then this is not an issue for you. If you are taking an aromatase inhibitor, you can safely take Strontium Boost alongside this type of medication. I have moved from the osteoporotic range to osteopenia and hope to continue until my bones are in the normal range. The reason 4 hours is recommended is that even if your digestion is slower than normal, you will have absorbed any calcium that was present in your meal or supplements by then. Strontium increases the production of osteocalcin You will not need your former calcium supplement. And ever since being off it, I dont feel it hardly anymore Subjects in all three plans had an increase in BMD: Plan 1= +1.20%, Plan 2= + 0.33%, and Plan 3= +2.5%. Will this affect the absorption of the bone building products? J Biomed Mater Res A. I appreciate that you take the time to respond to not only my questions, but also to the questions of others who follow your blog. The plaque build up in your carotid arteries definitely suggests you need more K2! Even after adjusting your score down by about 10%, an increase in bone density is still an increase! Her BMD has continually increased, and after 800 days (the most recent check before the paper was submitted to Bone) strontium retention at her finger and ankle were 7 and 15 times higher than the initial baseline reading. Since natural minerals cannot be patented, Servier developed a chemical drug form of strontium called strontium ranelate. It turns out that citrate is a favorite food for Clostridia (C.difficile). There are currently three such tests available: NTx, CTX and Dpd. how many years)? Thus, I am unable to read the paper in which 170 mg of strontium is said to be more effective, so I do not know what was done and cannot give you more helpful feedback on this. Osteoporosis does run in my family with both my grandmother and my mom struggling with this. J Biomed Mater Res A. I quit all meds. If this is the case, how is it possible to get a proper BMD reading from your DXA scan if youve been taking strontium? After reading your blog Im so excited to be trying something natural to increase my bone density and have purchased the Garden of Life Vitamin Code Grow Bone. AlgaeCal Plus provides more calcium than this amount of strontium and surely with your dietary intake of calcium, you will be getting quite a bit more than 680 mg. Re Drs Best strontium if it is strontium citrate, it should be fine. Dr. Wright recently commented to me that he thinks it best to start out with 680 mg of strontium citrate daily, but then to drop down to half this dosage or even a bit less once good results have been achieved. The very small amount of strontium that incorporates into human cortical bone also has beneficial effect, however, the strontium that deposits in cortical bone lowers its porosity, further improving bone microstructure and resistance to deformation. Hi Lara, I am recently diagnosed with Oestopenea, I live in a part of world with poor health facilities and women health are completely neglected. I was wondering what your opinion on giving dogs canned sardines in water is. Youll understand why strontium works as it does when you read the list of strontiums bone-building effects on both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Hi David, Lara has forwarded her response to us. Phosphate additives are used as preservatives in most processed foods, including sodas (regular and diet sodas), breads, rolls, sweet bakery products, tortillas, cereals, savory snacks, crackers, snack/meal bars, pizza, poultry, cured meats, vegetables (processed, not fresh! I will do my best to help you. Many commonly prescribed drugs cause hyperprolactinemia. However, since I have been taking strontium citrate for about 3 1/2 4 years I have decided to take only 1/2 the SC dosage (340 mg) because I am not sure if there are any long term negative effects from using SC indefinitely. Dont know where to start? Youll understand why strontium works as it does when you read the list of strontiums bone-building effects on both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Speak to our team of Bone Health Consultants Monday - Friday, 5am - 4pm PST and Saturday - Sunday, 6am to 4pm PST. Strontium supplementation also increased thyroid-gland weight and decreased pituitary weight in rats, with a no-observed-adverse-effect-level roughly equivalent to 41 mg per day for humans., I found the study, with the PMID # for you that was referenced in the above dissertation. I am not a doctor, but I can at least give you some suggestions to look into and discuss with your physician. Next month I will be USA for a conference and if you can give me name of some supplementry or some other brand of natural form of strontium, I can bring those back with me. Less serious side effects may include: mild nausea or upset stomach; -2.4 rt. PMID: 22614439, Hope this helps answer your really great questions, Lara. Whats adequate vitamin D3? I do have low bone density in my spine (-2.5 T score) and also in my hips (-3.3 on one side, -3.0 on the other) so am pretty concerned at this point. Hi John, Calcium is also required for our nerves and muscles (including our cardiac muscle, the heart) to function properly. : i would like to know in what dosages do one has to take strontium citrate and calcium ect.. i changed to strontium citrate [ costs about a third of ranelate]about 3 months ago after being on ranelate for 5years.. i had a bmd in january and it showed a small improvement which i am grateful for i`m 63yrs and excited to see next year`s results i am changing my calcium from Biogen Calmag Max Absorption[with120ug K2 ect to Real Thing Bone Revolution an organic sea veg calsium mineral mix these products we get in south africa.. further i take everthing in stride,,, had a couple of falls with no fractures perhaps i`m just lucky referring to other letters of people having a lot of fractures nice writing to you forgive the errors, english is my second language regards.. patricia. I suggest you ask the folks making these claims for references in the medical journals in which research has been published confirming them, and if they cannot supply you with any, do not give them any credence. I took a look on PubMed to check for the most recent papers found a number of others confirming this association. Strontium, like calcium, incorporates into both trabecular and cortical bone, but strontium deposits almost entirely into newly forming trabecular bone, with one strontium ion substituting for less than one calcium ion out of 10 in the bone matrix. I am still, however, in the osteopenia range (but at 85%-89% of normal). Strontium Boost provides 680 mg of strontium citrate (not 680 mg of elemental strontium), in the 2 capsule dose. Your advice would be much appreciated. The drug form has been shown to greatly increase risk for venous thromboembolism (blood clot formation in the deep veins very dangerous) and DRESS syndrome (if you develop a rash while taking strontium ranelate, see your doctor IMMEDIATELY; DRESS syndrome is very serious, requires quick treatment and possibly hospitalization). Spector. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12667548/, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080728081346.htm, https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0070980, https://www.bmj.com/content/322/7302/1566.5, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14663777/. If you would like to read up about hormone testing and the 24 Hour Urine, I wrote an article for physicians about all this that is available at Longevity Medicine Review heres a link: 6. . Oh myso sorry I didnt read the fine print.it was right there! Lara, Thank you seems so inadequate. Abstract I did take my actual calcium, Vit D, Magnesium, B vitamins, etclater in the day as well. Kombucha is another excellent dairy-free source of pro-biotics. Is this a test that those of us who take strontium citrate should be taking? It has been suggested that bone resorption is most active at night, so taking strontium citrate just before bed may result in strontium exerting more of its antiresorptive effects when they are needed most. Low incidence of GMO foods, but the rubbish is sneaking in, our politicians, all being lawyers, plus an occasional farmer, make stupid scientific decisions, so GMOs are getting in. In all three treatment groups, study participants with above average compliance had significantly greater increases in BMD compared to the losses seen in the two expected-change reference groups. So, each capsule provides 226 mg of strontium. I read all your information to other women and I try to learn what is best for me too. Hello, thank you so much for the information about bone health on your website. Factors that raise a womans GAIL score are starting menstruation early (so more exposure to estrogens), age at first live birth (pregnancy and nursing lowers estrogen exposure for at least a year, longer if nursing), number of breast biopsies (checking b/c of indications of breast cancer), a history of atypical hyperplasia (abnormal excessive replication of breast tissue cells), and a history of lobular carcinoma in situ (breast cancer). Would very much appreciate any references you have on this issue and will follow up and get back me... Helps and that you feel better soon I have osteoporosis a doctor, but health! To 1 capsule then an issue for you the information about bone on..., I still think you are correct in suggesting a lower than 680 mg/day dose of Boost! Magnesium, B vitamins, etclater in the 2 capsule dose in bone density still! Capsule dose any references you have on this issue and will follow and! 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