the four components of the corporate equality index

of CEI-rated businesses (1,021 of 1,271 respondents) have written giving guidelines that prohibit philanthropic support of non-religious organizations with an explicit policy of discrimination towards LGBTQ+ people. Michael Hart, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, discusses the results of its annual business climate survey. Since the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which brought marriage equality nationwide by ruling that marriage is a fundamental right to which same-sex couples should have the same access as opposite-sex couples, employers have sought to do the right thing in the name of equality and provide spousal benefits to both same- and different-sex married couples. Employers were not rated until all appropriate information had been gathered and verified to the greatest extent possible. A Changing Landscape: 20 Years of Driving Adoption of Inclusive Policies. Addressing the gap in training and education materials, the toolkit includes scenario-based learning that uses real life examples from HRCs work with businesses to illuminate the everyday experiences of transgender workers on the job. LGBTQ Equality" is the result of scoring 100 on the nation's foremost benchmarking survey . We join the ranks of 767 major U.S. businesses that also earned top marks . To learn more, please read our Privacy Policy. 1. Corporate Social Responsibility (20 points possible). Employee inclusion. 1. It has become increasingly unsafe to be transgender, especially as a person of color or other minority, and HRC is committed to working towards a future where members of the LGBTQ+ community are not violently targeted due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. A comprehensive guide of available LGBTQ+ healthcare resources and services to ensure ease of accessibility to healthcare. Keisha attained her Juris Doctor degree from the University of Maryland School of Law. lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) identities) spur innovation, which ultimately leads to higher firm performance. of CEI-rated businesses (1,021 of 1,271 respondents) have written giving guidelines that prohibit philanthropic support of non-religious organizations with an explicit policy of discrimination towards LGBTQ people. Launched in 2002, the HRC Foundation's Corporate Equality Index has become a roadmap and benchmarking tool for U.S. businesses in the evolving field of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer equality in the workplace. This requirement sets the standards around responsible foundational giving and ensures that a top-rated business does not provide philanthropic support to organizations whose values do not align with theirs. Policy includes gender identity or expression for all operations. Finally, companies must provide a guide for family formation, transgender-inclusive healthcare, and HIV services and treatment that is provided annually and upon hire to all employees. On the surface, LGBT+ employees in many parts of the world have progressed in the workplace. UL earns 100% on the Human Rights Campaign annual scorecard on LGBTQ+ workplace equality. of CEI participants documented that they provide inclusive benefits for same- and different-sex spouses and partners. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people continue to face discrimination in employment because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity, creating a need for explicit nondiscrimination policies. Linda has also volunteered for HRC and continues to volunteer with the DC Center for the LGBTQ+ community, Women's March and various organizations. She holds a BA in Interdepartmental Studies from the University of Iowa. The HRC Foundations CEI rating system is designed for mid- to large-sized businesses (500 full-time employees and above) and divided into three key categories of criteria: Launched in 2002, the CEI is the first internationally recognized benchmarking report for businesses to gauge their level of LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion against competitors. Discusses strategies for implementing the four components of the Corporate Equality Index into a company for each state. By amending their benefits structures, employers ensure that they extend this valuable bundle of benefits to their workforce equitably, irrespective of sexual orientation and gender identity. Across the country, 44 religious refusal bills were filed including about a dozen so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) bills and a dozen more bills that would allow for religious refusals, including against LGBTQ+ patients, in medical care. Raina graduated from New College of Florida with a Bachelors degree in Political Science with a focus on the intersection of social identity and U.S. political ideology. The premise of parity underlies the inclusive benefits section of the CEI criteria. of CEI participants (975 of 1,271 respondents) documented that they provide inclusive benefits for same- and different-sex spouses and partners. Accenture Ltd. Lanaya Irvin Businesses have extensive programs to engage with key markets and the communities in which they operate. of CEI-rated employers (1,179 of 1,271 respondents) have an employee resource group or diversity council that includes LGBTQ and allied employees and programming. Debunking the Myths: Transgender Health and Well-Being, U.S. Federal Government Employment Policies, Policy includes sexual orientation and gender identity/gender identity or expression for all operations (5), Equivalency in same- and different-sex spousal medical and soft benefits (No points awarded), Equivalency in same- and different-sex domestic partner medical and soft benefits (10), Equivalency in spousal and domestic partner family formation benefits regardless of sex. Even as progress is made, as of the time of this report, only 22 states (and the District of Columbia) offer full LGBTQ+ non-discrimination protections to their residents. of CEI-rated businesses (a record 1,160 of 1,271 respondents) offer at least one transgender-inclusive plan option with current market standard coverage. 4. of CEI participants (1,268 of 1,271 respondents) documented that they include gender identity in their employment nondiscrimination policy. The CEI helps guide the wide-scale adoption of LGBTQ+-specific practices and language within existing business structures. Data from the CEI tells the story of nearly two decades of year over year growth in the adoption of these critical policies and practices indicative of employers' commitment to equality. In this role, they engage directly with employers nationwide to identify and improve LGBTQ+ inclusive policies, practices and benefits. A businesss non-discrimination policies should not be limited to human resources or diversity and inclusion. (NYSE: HUM), proudly announced that it received a score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2022 Corporate Equality Index, the nation's foremost benchmarking survey and report . It's a fantastic opportunity for businesses to take stock of their inclusivity . The CEI is a national benchmarking survey and report that measures and tracks corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ+ workplace equality. ERGs have embraced allies as critical supporters of the full LGBTQ+ community, as allies bring their own unique voice and vantage point to workplace equality. 138 Newly rated companies. When the Corporate Equality Index first launched in 2002, there were a total of 319 participants. To this effort, in 2016, the Corporate Equality Index criteria were expanded to require that companies with global operations extend their nondiscrimination policies across all their operations. Egon Zehnder is thrilled to have received a score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2021 Corporate Equality Index, the United States' foremost benchmarking survey and report measuring corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ workplace equality. AT&T, Corey Smith This is an important first step in measuring our progress towards LGBTQ+ workplace equality. She served as in-house counsel at various labor unions where she represented District of Columbia and federal government employees in discrimination claims and employment disputes. CFM Operations Manager These questions work to assess three categories of criteria, which are outlined in more detail in the Scoring Criteria section. Notably, HRC launched two additional Equidad(e) programs in 2021, one in Argentina and the other in Brazil. of CEI-rated businesses (761 of 1,271 respondents) provided philanthropic support via cash or in-kind donation to at least one LGBTQ+ specific organization. The HRC, a US based foundation that advocates for equal rights for LGBTQ+ individuals, provides their annual CEI report to help companies benchmark their policies and practices related to LGBTQ+ workplace equality. Witeck Communications, Inc. Alex Rhodes(he/him)Global Diversity & Inclusion Executive and Enterprise LGBTQ* Strategy LeadBank of America. Since its launch in 2002, employees, consumers and investors have used the CEI as a comprehensive tool to determine what a companys policies are before they accept a job, buy a product or invest their money. Experian North America Earns Top Marks in Human Rights Campaign's 2021 Corporate Equality Index. Employers will have 25 points deducted from their score for a large-scale official or public anti-LGBTQ+ blemish on their recent records. : financial, in kind or pro bono support), Demonstrated public support for LGBTQ+ equality under the law through local, state or federal legislation or initiatives, d. LGBTQ+ Corporate Social Responsibility, Contractor/supplier non-discrimination standards AND Philanthropic Giving Guidelines. . Raina Nelson (they/them) is the Senior Manager of the Corporate Equality Index for the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and co-author of the CEI. To earn a top rating of 100 percent, a business needed not just to mitigate one or more exclusions but also to address the root problem of transgender exclusion in coverage and fully affirm healthcare coverage for medically necessary transition-related care and other routine and chronic conditions. By the end of the 2021 legislative session, another record 13 bills attacking transgender youth passed into law. Criteria 3: Supporting an Inclusive Culture & Corporate Social Responsibility. The areas that will be assessed for equality include: Cryopreservation (egg freezing for non-medical reasons); Infertility treatment coverage (outside of in-vitro fertilization); Fertility/in-vitro fertilization coverage; and. The scheduled roll-out of the new criteria will enable us to devote substantial time, energy, and resources to collaborate with companies in an effort to bring real change to the community. The largest and most successful U.S. employers are invited to participate in the CEI and are identified through the following lists*: Additionally, any private-sector, for-profit employer with 500 or more full-time U.S. employees can request to participate, including those that are privately held. This criteria adjustment reflects a 20-year history of observation, learning, and growth that the HRC is proud to continue to this day. The business case for diversity must assume the same level of importance as bottom-line results and market-share . Sample Solution. Scores on this criterion are based on information that has come to HRCs attention related to topics including but not limited to: undue influence by a significant shareholder calculated to undermine a businesss employment policies or practices related to its LGBTQ+ employees; directing corporate charitable contributions to organizations whose primary mission includes advocacy against LGBTQ+ equality; opposing shareholder resolutions reasonably aimed at encouraging the adoption of inclusive workplace policies; revoking inclusive LGBTQ+ policies or practices; or engaging in proven practices that are contrary to the businesss written LGBTQ+ employment policies. Chief Accounting Officer Ultimately, businesses invest in organizational competency programs because: Many employers integrate educational programs into already existing diversity and inclusion programs. Jan 27, 2022, 09:03 ET. We will also be expanding data best practices to ensure that companies provide a confidential way for employees to self-identify at all levels of the company. The Corporate Equality Index ( CEI) holds companies to a high standard of LQBTQ+ inclusivity. REDWOOD CITY, Calif. -- Impossible Foods Inc. received a perfect score of 100% on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2021 Corporate Equality Index, the nation's foremost benchmarking report on corporate equity and policy. More than 242 employers earned top ratings and the HRC Foundations designation of Best Places to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality or Mejores Lugares para Trabajar LGBTQ+'' in the 2022 HRC Equidad MX report. Three LGBTQ+ Internal Training and Education Best Practices Businesses must demonstrate a firm-wide, sustained and accountable commitment to diversity and cultural competency, including at least three of the following elements: New hire training clearly states that the nondiscrimination policy includes gender identity and sexual orientation and provides definitions or scenarios illustrating the policy for each, Supervisors undergo training that includes gender identity and sexual orientation as discrete topics (maybe part of a broader training) and provides definitions or scenarios illustrating the policy for each, Integration of gender identity and sexual orientation in professional development, skills-based or other leadership training that includes elements of diversity and/or cultural competency, Gender transition guidelines with supportive restroom, dress code and documentation guidance. CEI-rated employers are on record supporting broad issues of LGBTQ+ equality at the local, state, and federal levels, including through amicus briefs that are submitted during court cases to support pro-LGBTQ+ legislation and rulings. Husch Blackwell has earned a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Corporate Equality Index (CEI) for the sixth year in a row. Qualtrics Pride is excited to announce that Qualtrics has received a 95 out of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign's (HRC) Corporate Equality Index (CEI) for 2022!. of rated employers in this years CEI have supplier mandates with respect to non-discrimination in place, and 99.5% of these mandates (1,087 of 1,093 companies) explicitly include sexual orientation and gender identity alongside other named categories. These initiatives intend to give more equitable opportunities to those would be small business owners who are more likely to face social and practical barriers to success. Ultimately, the growth of the CEI reflects the truth that so many leading businesses have come to embrace: leveling the playing field for LGBTQ+ workers is not simply a societal good; it is also good for business. You'll receive email updates from HRC. This means that employers at over 1,200 companies agreed to have their policies and benefits analyzed by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, and that over 800 of those organizations have successfully incorporated equitable practices that ensure their employees can thrive and live life authentically. We recognize that this acronym is U.S.-centric and that communities around the world recognize different identities and acronyms. But our global research reveals that underneath this success, they are experiencing unseen challenges and privately held fears at work that are hindering their ability to thrive. Founder & President She is licensed to practice law in Maryland and the District of Columbia. This core issue is rarely addressed in corporate governance research. of employee groups reported in the CEI (1,013 of 1,046) are sponsored by an executive champion. By using the CEI criteria as a guide, businesses can help ensure that their existing policy and benefits infrastructure is inclusive of LGBTQ+ workers and their families. Working hand-in-hand with both U.S.-based and international businesses, HRC made the case that inclusion efforts did not have to be contained to any one border. Determines the value of diversity management for the future. While many of these recruiting events went in virtual 2020, CEI-rated businesses remained engaged. Outreach or Engagement with LGBTQ+ Community. Historically, the CEI had a mechanism to account for foundational corporate giving to any organization whose explicit mission included efforts to undermine LGBTQ+ equality. An outstanding 1,271 companies actively participated in the CEI 2022 Survey. For example, this criteria will now require hormone blockers for youth and surgical revision/repair, among other additional medical services and treatment. Corporate philanthropic activities ranging from financial support to in-kind donations of products or services can bolster a businesss profile in the LGBTQ+ community. Senior management/executive performance measures include LGBTQ+ diversity metrics. Workforce Protections (30 points possible) Policy includes sexual orientation for all operations (15) Policy includes gender identity or expression for all operations (15) 2. After the United States v. Windsor and before the Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court rulings, HRC released a position paper cautioning against a marriage-only standard for accessing healthcare coverage, which is an unreasonable standard given the many other legal vulnerabilities that continue to affect LGBTQ+ individuals freedom beyond their right to marry. This year marks the Human Rights Campaign Foundations (HRCF) 20th edition of the Corporate Equality Index (CEI), the premier survey benchmarking tool on how corporations across the United States and beyond are adopting equitable workplace policies, practices and benefits for LGBTQ+ employees. The HRC Foundation is committed to keeping the criteria for the CEI rigorous, fair and transparent by identifying emerging best practices that improve the experiences of LGBTQ employees of participating businesses. While we believe that our previous criteria set an ideal benchmark in the past, the current and continuing issues seen within the LGBTQ+ community required us to evolve our criteria to meet the ever-changing needs of the communitys members and their families. Recognizing the differences in businesses rated in the CEI, this criterion can also be met with an organization-wide diversity council or working group with a mission that specifically includes LGBTQ+ diversity and inclusion. Responses to some individual questions are reported in aggregate on the following pages to indicate national trends and facilitate benchmarking. On June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a 6-3 decision confirming that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity are forms of sex discrimination and therefore are prohibited under the federal employment nondiscrimination law Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Message from the Interim HRC Foundation President, Spotlight: Corporate Initiatives Including the Business Coalition for the Equality Act, Sexual Orientation in U.S. Nondiscrimination Policy, Gender Identity in U.S. Nondiscrimination Policy, Public Commitment to the LGBTQ+ Community, Advance Auto Parts (Advance Holding), Raleigh, NC, Advanced Micro Devices Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, Alliance Data Systems Corporation, Columbus, OH, American Eagle Outfitters Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, American Electric Power Co. Inc., Columbus, OH, American Express Global Business Travel, New York, NY, American Honda Motor Co., Inc., Torrance, CA, Ameriprise Financial, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, AvalonBay Communities, Inc., Arlington, VA, Bain & Co. Inc./ Bridgespan Group, Boston, MA, BD (Becton, Dickinson and Co.), Franklin Lakes, NJ, BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc., San Rafael, CA, Black & Veatch Holding Inc., Overland Park, KS, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, Providence, RI, Boehringer Ingelheim USA Corp., Ridgefield, CT, Bridgestone Americas Holding Inc., Nashville, TN, Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc., Lake Success, NY, Caesars Entertainment Corp., Las Vegas, NV, California Water Service Group, San Jose, CA, Capital Markets Company, The, New York, NY, Choice Hotels International Inc., Rockville, MD, Daniel J. Edelman Holdings, Inc., New York, NY, Danone North America LLC, White Plains, NY, Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., The, New York, NY, Dun & Bradstreet Corp., The, Short Hills, NJ, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. (DuPont), Wilmington, DE, EMD Serono, MilliporeSigma and EMD Electronics, Burlington, MA, Empower Retirement, Greenwood Village, CO, Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company, New York, NY, Este Lauder Companies Inc., The, New York, NY, FactSet Research Systems Inc., Norwalk, CT, Fairview Health Services, Minneapolis, MN, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC, Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America, The, New York, NY, Henkel Corporation (North America), Rocky Hill, CT, Hewlett Packard Enterprises, Palo Alto, CA, International Flavors & Fragrances Inc., New York, NY, Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., Dallas, TX, JetBlue Airways Corp., Long Island City, NY, John Hancock Financial Services Inc., Boston, MA, Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics, Wilmington, NC, Marriott International Inc., Bethesda, MD, Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc., New York, NY, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., Springfield, MA, McCormick & Company Inc., Hunt Valley, MD, Michael Page International Inc., New York, NY, Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams, Taylorsville, NC, Mondelez International Inc., Deerfield, IL, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, Philadelphia, PA, Morris, Manning & Martin LLP, Atlanta, GA, New Belgium Brewing Company, Fort Collins, CO, New York Life Insurance Company, New York, NY, Norfolk Southern Corporation, Norfolk, VA, Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc, Lakeville-Middleboro, MA, Otis Worldwide Corporation, Farmington, CT, Philip Morris International, New York, NY, PNC Financial Services Group Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP, Columbus, OH, Power Home Remodeling Group LLC, Chester, PA, Precision Medicine Group, LLC, Bethesda, MD, Principal Financial Group, Des Moines, IA, RES (Renewable Energy Systems), Broomfield, CO, Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP, Philadelphia, PA, Securian Financial Group Inc., Saint Paul, MN, Selective Insurance Company of America, Branchville, NJ, ServiceSource International, Inc., Denver, CO, Sheppard, Mullin, Richter, & Hampton LLP, Los Angeles, CA, Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP, Kansas City, MO, Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Malvern, PA, Sony Corporation of America, New York, NY, Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc., San Mateo, CA, Stanley Black & Decker Inc., New Britain, CT, Stop & Shop Supermarket Company, LLC, The, Quincy, MA, SUEZ Water Technologies and Solutions, Trevose, PA, Takeda Pharmaceuticals USA Inc., Deerfield, IL, Tillamook County Creamery Association, Tillamook, OR, Toyota Motor North America Inc., Plano, TX, Truist Financial Corporation, Charlotte, NC, Uber Technologies Inc., San Francisco, CA, United Natural Foods, Inc., Providence, RI, Univar Solutions, Inc., Downers Grove, IL, Univision Communications Inc., New York, NY, Verizon Communications Inc., New York, NY, Viiv Healthcare, Research Triangle Park, NC, Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Des Moines, IA, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts Inc., Parsippany, NJ, Domestic partner, medical, and other benefits, Internal education and training best practices, LGBTQ+ employee resource group or diversity council, Outreach or engagement with LGBTQ+ community, Equal health coverage for transgender individuals without exclusions for medically necessary care. (he/him) DEARBORN, Mich., Dec. 5, 2016 - Ford Motor Company has once again earned 100 percent - the highest possible score - on this year's Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index, a national benchmarking survey and report on corporate policies and practices related to LGBT equality in the workplace.. Ford has received a perfect score every year since 2004. These vulnerabilities continue to create barriers for many LGBTQ+ Americans to exercise their legal right to marry. Job descriptions often use biased language that can especially discourage female candidates and older candidates. HRCs dedication, focus, and drive to make workplaces and our broader society a more diverse, inclusive, and safe environment for the LGBTQ+ community is unwavering. Strategic Trade-offs (Prioritization) Visioning involves setting the high-level direction of the organization - namely the vision, mission, and potentially corporate values. Businesses see advantages in going public with their commitment to equality, including: Professional events such as the annual Out & Equal Workplace Summit, the Lavender Law Conference, and the Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA) Conference and Career Expo are filled with highly-rated CEI employers looking to attract diverse employees. In addition, the HRC Foundation assesses the availability of routine, chronic care, and transition-related medical coverage for transgender employees and dependents. In the 2022 CEI, 842 employers achieved a top score of 100 and earning the coveted title of "Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality.". HRC acquired the glvIndex in 2001, renamed it and slightly modified the system. Fortune 500-ranked businesses that, after multiple invitations, have never responded to the CEI survey were evaluated independently and have designated unofficial ratings listed in gray in Appendix A. 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