otto kretschmer binoculars

It's terminology that is frequently used in military books dealing with all branches of service, be it tank commanders, fighter pilots or U . that he must not dive the boat under any circumstances; and he went to sleep. Petersen had served as Kretschmer's helmsman on every war patrol on both U-23 and U-99. Almost every U-Boat had one or more emblems PAINTED on their conning tower fairweather. [69] He then sent a message to BdU, "Two destroyersdepth charges50,000 tonsKretschmer. His brother was later killed in action. [56] Laurentic and Patroclus had been loaded with wooden barrels to increase buoyancy. [17], Kretschmer was promoted to Kapitnleutnant (Lieutenant/Lieutenant Senior Grade) on 1 June 1939.[9]. They were both sunk within seven hours, during which the U-boat fired ten torpedoes and four rounds from the deck gun, while the vessels returned fire without damaging the U-boat. When war broke out, Kretschmer was on U-23, a short-range submarine which could not operate as far as the Atlantic, so had to stay in the North Sea. Kretschmer was taken separately, but his crew had to negotiate the streets of Liverpool and were subjected to missiles thrown by angry civilians; the city had been heavily bombed and was closely linked with the Atlantic war. In 1955, MacIntyre returned the Zeiss binoculars to Kretschmer. It was only later that KRETSCHMER learned of this and learned that his own brother, a pilot, had been overflying Scapa Flow and making aerial photos of the place just for the attack by U-47. Husband of Elsie Gertrude Kretschmer. [34] On 21 June, his ninth patrol, his boat was damaged by an Arado Ar 196 floatplane from Scharnhorst in the belief U-99 was a British submarine. He spoke English quite well, though he lacked practice. In December 1934, he was transferred to the light cruiser Kln, then in January 1936 made the move to the fledgling U-boat service. When giving their wartime histories, the normal U-Bootfahrer would tell what boat he rode. A single torpedo was fired, then Kretschmer ordered a u-turn and sped away on the surface; the destroyers neither sighted him nor detected him with ASDIC. I had to surrender my ship to the British Captain and I had to be in complete uniform.. Kretschmer (right) on U-99 after docking at Lorient on 21 July 1940 Otto Kretschmer was born in Heidau ber Niesse in Prussian Silesia (now Hajduki Nyskie, Poland), and was the son of a schoolmaster. [63] On 7 March Kretschmer sank two ships from the convoy including the 20,638GRT Terje Viken. So how was it that he was sunk? The convoy suffered heavy losses while the U-boats escaped unscathed. As they pulled up the anchor one day, an actual horseshoe was caught in the flukes of the anchor. Six months later, on 15 December, he officially became Flottillenadmiral. [59], On 22 February 1941 U-99 left Lorient for the final time. 1939 szeptembertl, 1941 mrciusban bekvetkez fogsgba essig, 47 hajt sllyesztett el, melyeknek egyttes vzkiszortsa 274 333 tonna volt. His wife was so devastated that she just gave up and died two years later, almost to the day. Patroclus lost 56 crew; 230 survived. Does not come with case. Prien achieved several sinkings, Kretschmer did not; the pair was chased off by destroyers. He dispensed with the standard practice of firing salvoes of torpedoes from long distances. His nickname Silent Otto referred to his ability to remain undetected and his reluctance to provide the regular radio reports required by Dnitz: he had guessed that the Allies had broken German codes. The single torpedo attack killed 11 men. unread, Aug 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM 8/20/98 . On March 16, his boat was badly damaged by British depth charges, and it began to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Dave Powell. Click on the prints to see their descriptions. From September 1939 until being captured in March 1941, he sank 47 ships, a total of 274,333 tons. His command ended on 31 March 1969. [32] Loch Maddy His whole demeanour was calm and quiet, and he seemed anxious to be friendly; he was also less suspicious of British officers than was his First Lieutenant. He then ordered the merchant Skipper to put everyone back aboard then gave him a course to steer for one of the German bases on the French coast, and ordered the merchant Skipper to surrender the ship to the harbor authorities there. They fought Canadian troops armed with ice hockey sticks, and only surrendered when the guards brought in high-pressure water hoses. [22], U-23 departed from Kiel on 8 January 1940 for its sixth war patrol and Schnee had been replaced by Oberleutnant zur See Hans-Dietrich von Tiesenhausen. [31] 157 of the Daring crew were killed, including Commander Sydney Cooper. Correct optics: how the binoculars of the best underwater ace of the Reich became a symbol of relations with Britain #___historydocs There, they would meet a German U-boat to take them back to Germany. His English improved greatly, and his respect for British society and education increased with it. Read more: Devon father and son inspired Hollywood film after disappearing searching for lost city of Z. Kretschmer captured the vessel, the only such ship seized by U-99. [48] Kretschmer recommended his helmsman Stabsobersteuermann Heinrich Petersen for the Knight's Cross after twelve war patrols for saving U-99 from enemy detection. The ships used barrels for ballast to prevent them sinking. Browse 597 otto kretschmer stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. For this he received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords, among other awards. [39], Among the victims was the Estonian ship, Merisaar, 2,126GRT. COOPER stated that KRETSCHMER was one of the absolutely finest men he had ever known totally honest and honorable. "He admitted that he had become weary of the war some time ago, and latterly had got no satisfaction from sinking ship after ship.". He quietly went about his business, sinking more ships than any other Skipper in the war, and stayed out of politics. [69] Kretschmer surfaced and, under fire from the British vessels, scuttled his boat. Allied courts and Rahmlow sought justice against Kretschmer after the war, but he was never vigorously pursued for trial for his role in the death of Berndt. 12 ships were sunk in total. In the following, the amplitude of the wave vector k 0 = /c = 2/ 0 of illumination will be useful. German propagandists feared the triple loss might be too damaging to morale. Kretschmer sank one and damaged twowhich he and Prien dispatched the following day. Kretschmer ordered his U-boat to be turned around, and they rescued the lone sailor. [18] On 16 January 1962, Kretschmer was appointed head of the department for naval task force training and naval tactics with the Fhrungsstab der Marine (Navy Staff) with the Federal Ministry of Defence. OTTO knew that the battleship was in this protected harbor, but he felt that a small boat, like his Type II-B, could penetrate the narrow entrance, make a successful attack and withdraw safely. [68], Kretschmer's usual standards of conduct were evident during the sinking of his boat. The Life of Germany's Highest Scoring U-boat Commander. The OKM was established as the supreme command of the navy responsible for all facets of naval warfare. Otto Kretschmer - nicknamed 'Silent Otto' by his enemies - sank hundreds of thousands of tons of Allied shipping during a brutal U-boat campaign, Sign up for our Exeter newsletter and you'll never miss a big story again. On 1 October 1937, Kretschmer took command of U-23. On 26 September 1935, he was transferred to the 1st department of the standing ship division of the North Sea in Wilhelmshaven where he served as a company officer until 25 January 1936. Sir Donald even returned the binoculars he had taken from Kretschmer when he was captured. Sir, do you think that OTTO KRETSCHMER will be with us on this trip? to which OTTO smiled and replied; I think he is already here. at which point the Member nearly fell out of his chair. This third patrol on U-99, took the boat into the North Atlantic, into the North Channel and west of Ireland. While his wartime actions have been narrated several times, his tactics, summarized by the famous motto 'one torpedo, one ship', have never been systematically analysed. The boat slipped beneath the waves, leaving him stranded in freezing waters. He admitted that he had become weary of the war some time ago, and latterly had got no satisfaction from sinking ship after ship. In later years, Kretschmer was often interviewed for television and radio programmes - including an appearing in the landmark British 1974 documentary series The World at War. That same day the British escorts scored another success against the Kriegsmarine when the noted U-boat skipper Joachim Schepke was killed aboard U-100, having been depth charged, rammed and sunk by Vanoc. Kretschmer sank all but one of the ships lost by the convoy. However, he was haunted by the image of a lone survivor in a life raft who would surely die if not rescued. This was the first ever in the history of warfare that a submarine was detected on sound gear, tracked by sound gear, attacked by sound gear and destroyed all by the use of the sound gear. [15] Through the remaining Interwar period, Kretschmer developed his own approach to combat, which can be summarized by the phrase "one torpedo, one ship". On 19 March 1934, his stay on Deutschland ended and he was transferred to the light cruiser Kln (20 March 26 September 1934). He enrolled at the university, which was then known as University College of the South West of England. A British intelligence report on him said: "His political views were less extremely Nazi than had been assumed. [42], Four days later Kretschmer began his eleventh patrol which concluded on 5 August. Otto Kretschmer was only in combat from September 1939 until March 1941 but was Germany's highest-scoring U-boat commander, sinking 47 ships totaling 274,333 tons. We do not come into port looking like pirates with dirty uniforms, untrimmed beards and with legs hanging over the side. From September 1939 until his surrender in March 1941, he sank 47 ships, a total of 274,333 tons. He met Adolf Hitler on more than once occasion, even having lunch with the Fhrer. He did not return to England from his hiatus, but travelled through France, Switzerland and Italy. 176 men died. Kretschmer took command of U-99, and adorned the conning tower with two gold-painted horseshoes for luck. They provided clothes and alcohol, then transferred him to a lifeboat at the first opportunity. He became known as the Golden Horseshoe by his men. Second World War (1939-1945) Awarded on: November 4th, 1940. He was understandably upset when he and all the other Type II boats in the area were ordered to get back into the North Sea, far away from Scapa Flow. Admiral Sir George Creasy considered the manoeuvre so dangerous he thought it had been done by mistake. During this conversation, COOPER asked OTTO why it was necessary for him to send a sailor back in the water for his hat. I am grateful to the late Horst Bredow and Peter Monte at the Deutsches U-Boot-Museum for providing access to the unpublished records of U23 and U99. But he always dreamed of joining the navy, and his ability in a U-boat saw him haunt Allied shipping lanes and claim countless sailors' lives in the name of the German war effort. He assumed most of the crew went down with the ship; but there were 159 survivors. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. I was a lieutenant on U-35, in the second submarine flotilla, and together with U . Kretschmer waited for the crew to take to the lifeboats before destroying the ship with a torpedo. ; otherwise, remain on the surface, This page was last edited on 6 December 2022, at 20:17. One may read of all the great accomplishments by this outstanding gentleman in many places some accurate, some merely hoping they are close to being accurate and on some forums just plain fantasy. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. [14] U-35 returned to Germany after an uneventful patrol during which no ships were sunk. This was not OTTO KRETSCHMER! [41] A notable failure on the patrol occurred in the interception of HMS Manistee. She had been married before, to a doctor who was killed in action with the Afrika Korps. OTTO KRETSCHMER was almost lost in this actionA firm, almost hard-headed man, KRETSCHMER firmly DIS-believed the old sailors story that a sinking ship will create a suction that will pull down anyone in the water so as his U-99 was going down, OTTO stood at attention on the bridge and his boat sank out from under him; So you see, Harry, he told HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983), I did not desert my ship! He then moved to a Realgymnasium (secondary school). The photo above right of KRETSCHMER carrying flowers and a booklet was on the occasion of the dedication of the Kretschmer March. [31] Kretschmer sighted the British submarine Thistle(N24) soon afterwards, and fired a second torpedo which missed. Okay, back to the story of U-23 and HMS ROYAL OAK. With no time to return to the hatch, Kretschmer clung on to the periscope and waved at it frantically, hoping to be spotted. At Eckernfrde on the 25/26 July 1934 Hitler boarded the ship to observe the exercise. For this he received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords, among other awards. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. Later in the war, his ship was torpedoed; before that he nursed a bent-nosed destroyer back to port after ramming a U-boat. German aircraft bombed and sank it three days later. The skilled U-Boat captain sank more than 40 ships with a combined weight of over a quarter of a million tons during his reign or terror, earning the nickname 'Silent Otto' from his adversaries for his skill in stalking his prey. 8x40 model no. "He prided himself on being able to take advantage of whatever the passing moment offered and made no elaborate plans for attacking convoys. U-99 is preparing for her first Feindfahrt (war patrol), taking on supplies. At 2250hrs on 3 November, 1940, one of the most dramatic battles of the U-boat war began. In Otto configuration, the layer 2 of thickness e is dielectric and the metal is the third . Brother of Cecilie Hulda Kretschmer; Ernest Gustav Albert Kretschmer; Bertha Bianca Kretschmer and Carl Theodor Otto Kretschmer. Something went wrong, please try again later. Otto Kretschmer, Comandante alemn de U-Boot de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, fue sin duda el ms eficaz de toda la Kriegsmarine. Kretschmer stated that he was unmarried.". The vast majority of Kretschmer's attacks - at least 83 - were launched on the surface. After completing his officer training and time on the training ship Niobe he served aboard the light cruiser Emden. 702. [28] Kretschmer returned to Wilhelmshaven on 15 January. [20] Kretschmer departed from Kiel for the third war patrol on 1 October. Heinrich Bleichrodt hit and sank two. He was rushed to a nearby hospital in Mnchen but it was to no avail. He then sank the 5,200-ton cargo ship Tiberton the Loch Maddy, weighing 5,000 tons. After the completion of his submariner training he was promoted to Oberleutnant zur See (senior-sub lieutenant/Lieutenant Junior Grade)[12] on 1 June 1936. It was not this way with U-99. As the passengers got into the lifeboats, OTTO noticed a great number of women and children. OTTO peered over the top of his newspaper and said;Juli is happy. After sinking the Magog, he gave his crew brandy as a reward. Such were his expertise, he re-joined the navy in 1955. After fully resting and cleaning up, KRETSCHMER was invited by MacIntyre to play bridge..with officers of some of the merchant ships that OTTO had just sunk! Otto Kretschmer. Hermann Michahelles, Otto Kretschmer became commander of U-35 until 15 August 1937. Death: November 08, 1981 (85) Millicent, South Australia, Australia. There were no deaths among the crew. He fired a single torpedo that missed before he lost the ship in thick mist. [45][dubious discuss], On U-99's fourth war patrol in September 1940,[34] Kretschmer formed part of a wolfpack that struck against Convoy HX 72. The booklet was the music and award document, and the flowers were handed to him by Fraulein von Ribbentrop. 1999-2020 Sharkhunters International. Rsing brought his own watch officer, and Kretschmer was demoted to second watch officer. Thistle was sunk weeks later by U-4. (Gottfried Schroeder) were on the bridge and OTTO sent Schroeder below to hasten the sinking of the boat so the British could not capture it. The crew were permitted ashore at the resort town of San Sebastin. Comes with leather case and all lens protectors.- 3) Swift Falcon wide angle fully coated optics. were transferred off and sent to Commanders School so they could command their own boats and KRETSCHMER asked for battle experienced officers as replacements. Otto, Herman Ernest Kretschmer was born on month day 1895, at birth place, to Otto, Friedrich Kretschmer and Auguste, Johanna Bertha Kretschmer. Registered in England & Wales No. Kretschmer was born in Heidau near Neisse, then in the German Empire on 1 May 1912 to Friedrich Wilhelm Otto and Alice (ne Herbig) Kretschmer. She was launched on 12 March 1940 under the command of Korvettenkapitn Otto Kretschmer and was assigned to the 7th U-boat Flotilla based in Kiel and later in St Nazaire . He hand signed some of our very rare fine art prints. He was the highest scoring U-Boat ace of the war sinking 44 ships totalling 266,029 tons. Serving on a U-boat was a very dangerous task, and one that many did not want. Leather strap partially torn from case.- 2) Tasco 7x35 fully coated 304. One morning on the breakfast patio at the KRETSCHMER home, OTTO was reading his newspaper while Mrs. Kretschmer and COOPER talked over breakfast tea. Paterson: Kretschmer was the most successful U-boat captain of the Second World War, and the term 'scoring' relates to the total tonnage of shipping that he sank while commander of both U23 and U99. [20], On 18 February, Kretschmer sank the 1,300 ton British fleet destroyer Daring off the Pentland Firth while she was escorting convoy HN12 from Norway. [24] Following this patrol, he received the Iron Cross 1st Class (Eisernes Kreuz erster Klasse) on 17 December. He warned Schroeder that the boat was nearly at neutral buoyancy and was riding on the vents so he should open the valves slowly and carefully. Kretschmer and U-23 had departed from Wilhelmshaven on 25 August, one week before the start of World War II. Con su legendario submarino Tipo VII, el U-99, se apunt desde Septiembre de 1.939 hasta Marzo de 1.941, 47 barcos hundidos con un total de 274.333 toneladas. Schroeder never returned. From September 1939 until his capture in March 1941 he sank 44 ships, including one warship, a total of 274,333 tons. All 33 men aboard died. Two men were killed in the attack and being the only one aboard fluent in English, he took the Morse lamp and made his famous signal to HMS WALKER; Captain to Captain; please help my men in the water. The crew felt that this would bring them good luck so they cleaned the horseshoe, painted it gold and screwed it to the fairweather as we see in the photo to the right. From September 1939 until his surrender in March 1941, he sank 44 ships, including one warship, a total of 274,333 tons. It went passed its crushing depth of 700m, and all looked lost. In the Atlantic, Kretschmer became bolder and bolder. For this he received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords (German language: Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes . Kretschmer was soon missed and the U-boat surfaced to find him before he succumbed to the cold. "On seeing the craters of a stick of bombs near Buckingham Palace he was genuinely shocked that an attempt had so obviously been made by his countrymen to bomb the Palace. Although he fought doggedly for Nazi Germany during the war, his affection for Exeter remained with him until his death. OTTO reached into the torrent, grabbed the lanyard and slammed the hatch but where was Schnee? [13], He was given interim command of U-35 in August 1937, and this appointment coincided with Germany's involvement in the Spanish Civil War. The attack was conducted with no warning, and consequently all 15 crewmen died. Kretschmer travelled the world as he rose up through the ranks, before joining the U-boat service in 1936. In fact, out of 116 torpedoes fired in action, Kretschmer scored 74 hits (equivalent to a 69.8% success rate). Rahmlow and his second-in-command, Bernhard Berndt, were found "guilty of cowardice"; the other two officers were "acquitted". The Norwegian Varild 1,085GRT was sunk east of the Shetland Islands. While his wartime actions have been narrated several times, his tactics, summarized by the famous motto one torpedo, one ship, have never been systematically analysed. Karl Dnitz, Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote (BdU), ordered attacks on Allied shipping at sea, beginning the Battle of the Atlantic. Upon the death of Kptlt. Otto Kretschmer was the most successful U-boat commander of the Second World War. He very nearly drowned as, in the icy water, he no longer had the strength to climb up himself, only for a British sailor to clamber down and rescue him from the ocean. [6] Kretschmer was present for gunnery exercises in the North and Baltic Sea. Otto Kretschmer was only in combat from September 1939 until March 1941 but was Germany's highest-scoring U-boat commander, sinking 47 ships totaling 274,333 tons. [72], Once in London, Royal Navy interrogators questioned the crew. Otto Kretschmer (1 May 1912 - 5 August 1998) was a German naval officer and submariner in World War II and the Cold War . The ship was loaded with coal, set for Buenos Aires, Argentina. He had a great sense of humor during one Patrol in Germany, our bus stopped at our little gasthaus and COOPER went inside to check on the rooms. 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