once upon a time fanfiction regina cheats on emma

After Henry awakens from the trip, they learn communication with Aurora was cut short with the message undelivered. Bud and breakfast holland michigan emma jones (ne swan; Emma is thinking she has feelings for regina but regina thinks she is totally gay for the swan. When the couple arrives at her castle, she prepares a fireball to throw at them, to which the couple gives her a song message about their hearts being united as one and that love will triumph because it's the most powerful magic of all. Tinker Bell weighs the risk as not worthy unless they have a way to leave Neverland and she takes off for her tree house. Thank you, lord, for predes, Letter To My Pregnant Daughter . ("Sympathy for the De Vil"), In the aftermath of Cruella's death by Emma, Maleficent desires an alliance with the heroes if the savior can locate her daughter, Lilith. After having her son at 18, she puts him up for adoption. Henry receives a missed call from Jacinda and worries something is wrong, but Roni persuades him to let Jacinda get back to him later and then provides him with a pair of sweatpants so he can join her for Kelly's pedaling class. Growing impatient, she magically snaps the patron's neck and turns Hook around to look at the counter, where his father is. After a daughter is born, Regina puts on a brave face, entering the room to congratulate Robin and meet the baby, while Zelena cannot help but comment on her sister's underlying jealousy over her having Robin's child. That night, she gazes longingly at Daniel's preserved body. After the witch gives them the information, Mary Margaret persuades Hercules to take on the mission. Later, Regina is present as Emma uses a fairy crystal to restart Mother Superior's heart. As she walks out of the cell with a triumphant smile, she allows Charming to get a glimpse of the poisoned apple in her hand. Prompted by this, Hook takes in the darkness and has Emma kill him. ("Darkness on the Edge of Town"), With Henry, Regina walks into the diner, to which Cruella De Vil and Ursula tease her about a time when she ripped out the hearts of people from an entire region. In the presence of everyone else, Emma begins using the ember to reforge the sword and dagger into one weapon, but then, Hook collapses from a cut he previously sustained from Excalibur, which no magic can heal. While in her car as it begins to rain heavily, she sees Daniel on the street, but in the next instant, he is gone. In the aftermath of Zelena losing her magic, Regina praises her for being strong and then envelopes her in a hug. Regina uses the wand on her doll, but the magic backfires onto her, knocking her unconscious. Emma believes Regina will prevail, but the latter thinks being miserable either way is her fate. Oh, and dont worry too much aboutyour circumstances. Regina then calls to her son from another room, telling him they'll be late for his party, which prompts Henry to end the call. Before leaving, he sets up lessons for tomorrow and stresses she must bring the only thing inside herself, which is simmering rage. Henry reveals he was born in prison and grew up in the system because of never being adopted, and that his wish to have a mother is what made him create two of them in his book. Home: While at her mayoral office, David speaks to Regina in Mary Margaret's defense. He refuses as it wouldn't be good for himself if Regina became powerful again, and asks her to "please" leave. Before taking her leave, Regina belittles Snow White for denying who she really is, a princess, but never a queen. ("Good Form"), Instructing Emma on magic, Regina instructs her to channel anger into power. Snow White escapes again, to which the furious Queen turns the trolls into bugs and stomps on one of them. When she tells Henry what happened to Emma and Mary Margaret, he blames her for the loss and leaves with David and Ruby. Her action irrefutably angers the entire pack, who attack her. In defense, Regina claims Tinker Bell was the one who wrongly interfered in her life. Despite Ivy explaining how much she is risking to bring down Victoria, Roni insists she proves her worth by taking her to the top floor room. Angrily, Emma confirms Henry will never forgive Regina after this and that she is a person not capable of changing. Tiana asks how she knows this, but Regina saves her the burden of admitting the truth by making up a lie about using her magic mirror to spy on Tremaine. Regina disagrees, telling her that sacrificing one person's life to save others is never okay. Afterward, she sends the couple home, telling them to enjoy the time they have left before the curse comes. Regina, animosity somewhat lessened, admits that's not her intention. As the trio head out, Henry notices Emma's absence, which Hook explains is due to Emma being busy fighting a group of tiny dragons. Regina finds Hook and tries to talk him out of damning Emma's loved ones to the Underworld. Not willing to stand for something that likely isn't even true, Regina leaves the group. In a talk, Mary Margaret convinces Regina that she deserves happiness and shouldn't let anything hold her back. ("Nasty Habits"), With no way of using the map, everyone gives a more thorough search in the cave for something else that might be useful. With Regina in the dark about Hook's recent return, Emma makes Killian wait outside while she goes in to break the news. Samdi admits he misled Ivy but that Anastasia was never going to die and he just needed to get some of the girl's magic. However, a furious Marian only remembers Regina as the Evil Queen. Displeased with his attitude, Regina asserts herself as his mother, though he coldly states that she is not. Regina pays no mind to his words about there being a price to what she's done. While he gloats about her powerless state, she promises to find a way for her magic to be restored and take Henry back. Regina stuffs the heart back in, but Johanna is killed by Cora to show Mary Margaret where being good gets her. When the scan reveals Henry is at the Midtown Library, the women arrive to find him and Violet passed out, after Mr. Gold has taken the crystal. snowwhite; lostgirl; dreamshade +20 more # 8. . Kelly and Roni realize, shocked, that someone else is murdering members of the coven. They apologize for doubting her, and when Cora's presence in town is brought up, Regina feigns surprise. The two then share a goodbye hug, which Margot walks in on. Roni reunites with adult Henry when he sneaks in to free her. Emma rescues Regina by carrying her out. Lana Parrilla (adult)Ava Acres (young) When the dwarves storm in, demanding David do something about Emma, who stole Happy's pick ax, Regina grabs the book and takes her leave from the room. "Dad, I want you to meet someone very special to me." Regina ran her hand down Emma's arm reassuringly. Pets: Henry mentions he and Cinderella are off on a mission for the Resistance once his motorcycle is fixed and invites her to come too, but she lies about being busy. Only then, the figure reveals himself as William, Daniel's elusive brother. According to Regina back when she was 18 years old, people said that she was beginning to resemble her. As it would take too long for her to learn a disguising spell, she asks Rumplestiltskin to change her into someone else instead. In a short time, Mr. Gold informs her of a baby from Phoenix who was previously placed with a family in Boston, but the adoption did not go through. "You just got hit over the head and that's what you ask. Emma tries her best, keeping it all together, but she doesn't know h. Before Regina Mills became The Evil Queen, she had a daughter. Regina and Robin later view the dreamcatcher's memories, in which Emma took Violet's heart and told her to reject Henry, in order to obtain a tear of a broken heart to free Merlin. They try their best to brush it off and go on with their lives. Zelena fails to steal her heart, but furiously promises to take everything of hers. She explained "this version feels really different" as "she's no longer in charge. With the carriage overturned and her guards incapacitated, she crawls out of the wreckage with a dislocated shoulder. With compassion, Archie welcomes her back in for another session. Emma explains to Regina that she brought someone back from the past, and hopes a reintroduction will help the person see that she isn't the Evil Queen anymore. He copes with this through the help of his family and friends, including his best friend, Emma Swan. She and the pack find her at Lake Onondaga in the company of the Huntsman and Red Riding Hood. Regina agrees and decides she will do everything in her power to find a way to remove the barrier so he can go. ("The Brothers Jones"), After Henry writes about Snow and David's plan to contact their son Neal in Storybrooke, Regina and the others have little enthusiasm about it, as they were hoping to read Hades' story. He refuses to leave her behind, and fears for her safety in the Underworld since many still hold a grudge against her. They were 18 and now 10 years later at age 28 they have never broke there pack. Since he needs a strong heart for surgery, she presents Victor with the vault containing her mother's collection of hearts where he picks one. Later, Kelly is blackmailed by Nick on the phone to do as he says or he will hurt Chad, who he has since kidnapped. Emma persuades Elsa into handing over the pendant in a pouch, but only after delivering it to the nuns for the counterspell, the group realize the bag contains pebbles. Alternative Universe where Regina and Emma met on the Internet and made their dreams come true. During one session, she scoffs at him for trying to steal magic. Since their only parent is deceased, she wants to send them to a foster care system in Boston while Emma races to find the orphans' biological father. Regina can't wait to phone Emma to tell her the good news so they can celebrate at Granny's, but Henry remains unsatisfied because he couldn't be honest about himself in the essays and he feels he'll only continue to lose who he is if he leaves home. They lock eyes, with him closing the distance between them, as Regina perceives he is trying to kiss her. After slamming the house door shut, Regina takes away Henry's book and holds it in front of a mirror as she stares uneasily at it. After Emma retrieves the dreamcatchers, Regina's lost memories are restored. Realizing his unfinished business, which was to ensure Regina is free of Cora's control, has come to an end, he bids both her and Henry a farewell, before ascending to a better place. See "Family" As they argue, a fire breaks out inside the mayoral building. Once David turns on the security tape, Regina watches with disbelief as the footage shows Zelena used magic, despite that she didn't have her pendant, to turn herself into a statue, which breaks and dissipates into powder. With a tear-streaked face, she looks out the window with a triumphant smile, witnessing the return of magic. She mentions that all of Weaver's past partners have mysteriously disappeared, and asks him to consider just how badly he wants this detective job. David volunteers himself for a Sleeping Curse to get in contact with Mary Margaret, so Regina gets to work assembling the ingredients together. Henry thanks her for the pep talk, but walks off in low spirits. Once Upon a Time Harry Potter | Love Story. Samdi begins confessing something he has been meaning to tell her, but Kelly catches them and calls out Roni for lying to her and Samdi for being awake. Regina, of course, accepts the offer and later smugly tells Mr. Gold that she is victorious at last and that he will not be going anywhere. She wanders the jungle until stumbling on Mr. Gold as he is falling under the spell of the Shadow who has taken on the appearance of Belle. She tells Zelena about Hyde, but instead of letting the redhead help, she asks her to stay home. She specifics Cora's heart must be ripped out, and then her mother's body must be brought back, while the guard's corpse is left behind. Keen on the idea, King George releases the prince to her. Persist as ever, Emma admits what occurred earlier wasn't to assuage guilt, but because she wants to be her friend. When Victoria shows up to intimidate them with a gun, she agrees she was willing to sacrifice Lucy because of her own desperation to save her own child, but to prove she is no monster, she needs the amulet so Gothel can restore Lucy. Swan Queen fanfic. So if this is how I have to go out, showing you that there are people in the world that love you, no matter what you do. Regina admits that she, in fact, is the Evil Queen and everything Henry has been saying is true. She doesn't take his prophecy seriously and promptly leaves. She then returns to her castle balcony, where she laments about how Snow caused her to lose her one true love and her desire to may her pay for it. Furious at Snow White's plans to take back the kingdom, the Queen sets out to stop her. After the curse is completed, Mr. Gold combines it with a needle for David to prick his finger on. Relevant Pages Throughout the night, Regina tries to get Emma to open up emotionally about Hook's departure with little success. Hook recalls Neal, in the Enchanted Forest, expressing an interest in finding a way to bring his father back in the hopes of returning to Emma and Henry. Later, Lucy stops by the bar and informs Roni that she found a page of the storybook that explains Henry will die if the curse is broken. The Queen claims Robin's death was the best thing to happen for herself and Regina as it was this that spurred Regina into splitting herself. By Sarah Caldwell. She breaks into the apartment, approaching a depressed Mary Margaret to rip out her heart, though Mr. Gold blocks her from getting any closer. That night, after the toadstool quest is a failure, Arthur knights David and bestows him the Siege Perilous seat at the Round Table, as Regina and the others are present for the ceremony. While the others are more concerned about tracking down Mr. Gold so they can learn the Wicked Witch's identity, Regina settles for returning to the farmhouse alone and searching for evidence. Gothel, with intentions of helping Drizella cast the curse, shows up with a coven of witches to free her before all of them teleport away. She runs. For Regina, the burden of the price is the heaviest as she will be forever separated from her beloved son Henry. After opening the box, Zelena finds herself ensnared by Emma's dark magic, to which Arthur forces Merlin to engage Emma in a magical duel and then orders him to kill Mary Margaret. He informs Regina that Henry's burn is caused by his spirit traveling to the fiery Netherworld while unconscious as a result of being woken up from the Sleeping Curse. Though Regina argues against resting up for the evening, she relents since everyone is literally running on empty fuel. Emma gets put in jail, unknowing of her pregnancy and finds out while she's in jail. Latest appearance: When college student, Regina Mills meets CEO, multi-billionaire Emma Swan, she becomes wrapped up in a whirlwind of emotions, both erotic and romantic and brought into a world she had only ever heard of but never personally experienced. Using GPS, they track Henry to Boston, only to find he left his phone on the bus to throw them off. Taking things even further, Regina forces Henry's therapist, Archie, to trick Emma into taking a confidential file, so she will get arrested for stealing. Not meaning to have harmed him, Regina asks him to hold on as she heals him, but he states she won't be able to save him, just as she couldn't save Daniel. Regina heads for her mayoral office, but when she gets to the door, she sees Leroy, Walter, and Mr. Clark strangely blocking the entrance. What mysterious LA Emma and Regina are secretly dating but when Emma accidentally texts "I love you" to a group chat the Snow, David, Killian, Henry, Cora, Rumple, Belle, and Zelena all try and find out who Emma's mysterious lover is. A story about two souls; they are oblivious to the fine line between hate and love, acceptance and ignorance. When the Magic Mirror suggests a Huntsman would be perfect for the job, she sends her guards to bring one to the palace. Emma saw the immense pain Regina was in and knew the woman wouldn't be able to make it up the steps. As Cora walks out, an angry Regina angrily tells her to go back to Wonderland. ("Hyperion Heights"), Some years after Henry is still away on his adventure, Regina along with Hook and Emma suddenly receive a summons for help from him. Mysteriously, he confirms that someday she will do him a favor. On the day of the wedding, Cora steps into Regina's room and notices the mirror. She reasons that his every desire can be obtained with her magic, and even offers to teach him everything. A splash interrupts the exchange as Ariel peers out from the water to deliver the box to Mr. Gold. The Evil Queen is based on the queen from the fairytale, "Snow White" and the queen from the Disney film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the child of the miller's daughter from the fairytale "Rumpelstiltskin", and also is an allusion to the stepmother from the fairytale "Hansel and Gretel". With Hook's help, Emma faces her underlying fears and ignites the ember. ("Labor of Love"), In Regina's hunt to reclaim the poisoned apple from the Blind Witch's house, a place protected by magic that only children are unaffected by, she sends children in her place to fetch the stolen item, however, none ever return. At the mansion, Emma makes Henry stand on guard duty as everyone else looks for the book. Once again, Emma brings Henry home. Roni is surprised to hear she is working with Gothel, even asking how they know each other, but Ivy scoffs, declining to villain monologue for her. Little do they kno Emma swan owns a very successful animal shelter and her son Henry is very helpful but what happens when Henry goes off to college and she has to find a new employee will she fall in love ? However, Hook's unresolved anger about his father's abandonment later leads him into killing him. When Mary Margaret loses hope over her inability to help Hercules or herself, Regina reminds her that Snow White never lost faith in her, the Evil Queen, and won her over by becoming her friend. At the park, Regina sits with Robin as Marian plays with Roland by the lake. Regina uses one of her mirrors to find out that Emma has been cursed to believe the fairytales of Henry's book are nothing but delusions, she suggests the fake reality may have something to do with the final battle. Emma dropped the plastic test to embrace her fiancee, shock and empathy on her face. He chides that Regina cannot leave this life, even though she thinks there are choices in having love or darkness. Upset that Robin lied to her, Regina asks him if he was serious about finding meaning in his life. Henry tells her of his fears about letting go of his home, but that while change is terrifying, he is confident that the people he loves will remain with him even after he is gone. Later, she sees Owen bring police officers to find his father, though the town is not visible to him anymore. Henry is unenthusiastic, but accepts her apology and leaves the room after Kathryn bursts in. That night, Regina learns from Mary Margaret that Maleficent has been revived by Cruella and Ursula, and she caused the witch to lose her child, which is a secret Emma must never know. Just then, Kelly comes by and asks Roni what she doesn't want her to know. She speaks to his grave, relating how pleased she is that he's in a happier place, and at the same time, she is sad over not being able to see him again. Mr. Gold counsels her to go back to Storybrooke and seek out Eric. 215- "The Queen is Dead" my own version of what happened afterwards so Mary Margaret didn't kil Emma and Killian have been happily married for two months now, but Emma still can't shake the feeling that something isn't quite right. More importantly, the place she will go is also where her past love, Eric, resides in. However, when he orders for the animal's heart to be torn out, she balks, since doing so only reminds her of what Cora did to Daniel. As Regina calls for the guards to take her away, Snow White insists what she did long agotelling Cora about Danielwas just an honest mistake. The head nun clarifies the Sorcerer and Author are two different people, and although the Author could help, he hasn't been sighted for a long time. Later on, the Queen pays Prince Charming a visit in his cell to inform him she has no plans to kill Snow White and has another form of punishment that is far worse. In turn, this caused Cora to unwillingly abandon Zelena after birth. She skips out on a scheduled magic lesson, to which Rumplestiltskin shows up at her castle. ("The Queen Is Dead", "The Stable Boy"), On the night she and Daniel prepare to leave, Cora blocks them from going. They are skeptical and decide to test her, so Cruella drives the car, while everyone is seated inside, onto railroad tracks as a train nears. At the mayor's office, Regina reunites with her mother, who is worried for her safety in the Underworld and has prepared a boat to take her home. Later, Kelly tells Regina about Gothel approaching her for an offer: she'll revive Lucy in exchange for the Resurrection Amulet. Emma and Henry are alone once again, to conspire to set things right. Regina flatly refuses and walks out, but Isaac gets her attention by admitting that Henry's Author powers are taking over him and that the frequency and intensity of his trances will get worse. This fanfic takes place sometime after Regina, Emma, and the others arrive in Neverland. Before leaving the room, he kisses Regina, as a mute Zelena watches with disdain from the sidelines. ("Out of the Past"), The Queen captures a woman, Marian, who knows where Snow White is hiding. Hoping to get back at Mary Margaret, Regina lures David to her house in hopes of seducing him. Regina lets Emma know what happened, to which Emma tries to drive her parents out of town, in fear the Count will find them. Regina finds her group in the vault, where they are hiding from a beast that killed Snow in Emma's dream. Henry threatens to expose her plan to annihilate Storybrooke, however, she erases his memory. Led to the mayoral office, where Mary Margaret has moved in as the new mayor, Regina disdainfully comments on the latter's wall decoration, before checking on an unconscious Marian, who is frozen by some kind of magic. ("Skin Deep"), To kill two birds with one stone, Regina disguises herself as Ursula in order to tempt Ariel with a magic bracelet that can help her remain human, so she can be with her prince, Eric, but only if someone takes her place as a mermaid. Mary Margaret does not bend to their wishes, so Regina, on Cora's command, begins to squeeze Johanna's heart until the dagger is relinquished. Prince Henry tries to assure her of her mother's intentions and eventually they start talking about his morning hunting trip with their neighbor Giles Spencer. ("Heartless"), Years later, Regina is introduced to her husband's new friend, a recently freed Genie, who she plans to manipulate into helping her. Lucy manages to escape in time and shows Roni a photo of Samdi's tarot deck with the death card. Joining forces, Regina and Emma's magic deactivates the trigger, but everyone is thrown back by a blast. Falling in line with Ivy's demands, Roni subtlely convinces Jacinda that pursuing a new relationship with Henry won't look good in the eyes of social workers if she intends to get her daughter back. Free at last, Regina leaves down a road and returns Rumplestiltskin's book to him. Deciding to start a Pack of her own, she leaves Storybrooke behind accompanied by its two most fertile and alluring Omegas, Emma Swan and Regina Mills. Authors note: this was written before Greg and Tamara brought Hook Everybody knows the story of how Emma came to Storybrooke on her 28th birthday. Though shocked by his claims, Regina quickly regains her composure and invites Emma in for apple cider, which is spiked with alcohol. Mr. Gold has just the item for the job, except it's sitting in his pawnshop. Relevant Pages Regina and Emma stun the monster with their combined powers, but upon closer look, Snow recognizes it's wolf Ruby and reverts her to human form with the cloak. Zelena claims there is no point in fighting since both Regina and Robin will be dead soon. Regina hurries down to the site of the destruction. She doesn't answer when Mary Margaret asks why Regina hates her so much. From Hook's previous run-in with Emma, in which she told him that he is the reason for her plans, he comes to believe Emma has something bigger at stake rather than her desire to snuff out the light. Left alone, an angered Regina shatters a mirror. He realizes, from having been with Regina, that people can change and don't always have to live in the shadows of their pasts. Believing this insanity between them has to end, Regina takes her to the loft, where Robin is taking care of the baby. In the woods, she carries Sidney in a pocket mirror as he directs her to the Snow Queen. When Emma suggests to Regina that she should take a break from the mission, Regina realizes Emma assumes she will revert to being the Evil Queen. Emma is having difficulty coming to terms with the fact the Evil Queen, who abducted her, is her True Love. Consumed by her hatred of Snow, Regina enlists the help of Rumpelstiltskin to take the baby girl away and erase her memories of her daughter. When Henry alerts them to Rumplestiltskin kidnapping Jacinda and Lucy to the Wish Realm, the foursome borrows Tilly's looking glass, which, unknown to them, has been tampered with by the Dark One to manipulate where they will go in that realm. With their search yielding nothing, Mr. Gold implies Henry, who is immune to Maleficent's spell, may have taken it to the mansion. At the wolf den, the Queen demands to see the leader, Anita, but a member named Adair notes she is already dead since being killed by her daughter, Red Riding Hood, and the pack is now led by him. She denies responsibility for the new curse as being without her son is torture. Henry becomes upset over Cinderella's note and calls himself a failure, despite Regina trying to persuade him otherwise, and after her son goes outside to be alone, Regina pushes Hook to go comfort him. She and the fairy, Tinker Bell, become friends and spend time at a small inn. At some point after this, she gives Emma a box of potions to aid in possibly breaking David and Snow's joint curse. Cora chides Regina for this, as she believes her daughter should depend on herself only, and if people find out about Zelena, everything she's worked towards for Regina's sake will be undone. Uses a fairy crystal to restart Mother Superior 's heart the pep talk, but her... To learn a disguising spell, she erases his memory confirms Henry will never forgive after. Peers out from the water to deliver the box to Mr. Gold her! They lock eyes, with him closing the distance between them has end! 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And when Cora 's presence in town is brought up, Regina lures David to prick his finger on the...