once upon a time fanfiction regina and david pregnant

Impatient, Regina freezes the mermaid, and her action causes the storm to speed up. Soon, he, Mary Margaret and Leroy have to defend the town against a much larger Anton, who begins taking out his anger on humans. During this, Hyde notices that all is not right with Emma and calls her out for having hand tremors. David and Mary Margaret bring Emma to the fields as a surprise. ("Queen of Hearts"), Since being reunited, David and Mary Margaret spend some "intimate" moments in the apartment when Emma and Henry walk in on. When Hades admits there might be another way for Kilian to return to Storybrooke, Emma and Hook go underground in search of ambrosia. Her plans to rescue Robin Hood are halted by Cruella kidnapping Henry, and sending a video pressuring them to kill the Author or she will kill the boy. After whisking him to the hospital, Little John rapidly transforms into flying monkey and takes off. He doesn't think David is the right person to lead the town as he's not really a prince, but a shepherd, and vows to make the town see who he really is. Emma regroups with them at the loft, without realizing the Queen disguised as Archie has followed her there. Prince Charming asserts that he would rather die than see her become evil. David manages to lock Daniel in one of the horse stables and wants to put him down, but allows Regina to talk to her fianc. Henry dislikes using such a dark tactic as it is not heroic at all, but no one has a response, leaving him to run out of the apartment as Emma follows. ("Nimue"), David and his allies are held hostage as Arthur forces Merlin to deliver an ultimatum to Emma; hand over the flame ember or her family and friends die. Margaret sets out to help Hercules move on to Mount Olympus, and because Cerberus is keeping Hook trapped, she seeks Hercules to slay the hellbeast, which will solve both problems at once. They believe if Emma comes with them, she can also have her happy ending that never happened. Afterward, the Queen sends them home, telling them to enjoy the time they have left before the curse comes. As they storm into the cabin, Cruella pull a gun on them, although Mary Margaret quickly knocks her out. ("What Happened to Frederick"), During the Miner's Day festival, David finds out from Emma that Kathryn is missing. Emma convinces Mary Margaret to go return to Storybrooke after stating they have become family. On the war council, the members debate her fate. He asks to see Mary Margaret, but Emma brisks that she doesn't want visitors. ("The Jolly Roger"), At Regina's house, David joins a group seance to use the now defunct candle to talk to a deceased Cora about Zelena's origins. Upon flipping the bandit over, he realizes the thief is a "girl". . The next morning, David goes to the diner at seven-forty-five, but sees Mary Margaret inside, to which he bolts outside and she chases him down. He moves to phone Mr. Gold, but Mary Margaret already tried and he is not picking up. Jefferson, although unable to make the hat work, reveals that the Enchanted Forest still exists, despite Regina previously claiming it is gone. From school, Mary Margaret talks to David on her cellphone, in which he lies about coming clean to Kathryn. The next day, he is freed of the binds with the help of the cricket, Jiminy, and rushes to take the hit of the arrow as Snow White fires at the Queen on the road. ("An Untold Story"), When a dirigible carrying some of Hyde's people flies into Storybrooke, David is there to witness the spectacle. David gets upset over being blamed for something out of his control, to which Cruella quips that his temper is more like James than he knows, and the day they meet will be one hell of a reunion. With the terms of their agreement satisfied, they both leave in opposite directions. As Anton moves to stomp on him, the three are blown back by the debris as the impact of the pound hits the ground. It's nearly the first curse-free wolfs time for Ruby and they need a place for her to spend the night when she transforms. Regina breaks up the argument by reminding them that they need to stick together since the Queen wants them to turn on each other. Because Snow's name is on the headstone, making it impossible for her to leave, she prompts David to return home alone. onceuponatime; During the trek to the palace, Snow White searches for a missing Regina. Her mother dies when she is twelve years old on her birthday because Eva was poisoned by Cora with magic. Regina and Jekyll arrive with bad news about Hyde, but at David's urging, Snow and Henry continue with going to school while he and Emma take care of the situation. While resting in the diner, David notices Hercules and Megara developing a close bond over their experiences. Hook roughly interrogates Arthur for answers about Emma, but David persuades him to stop, suspecting Arthur doesn't have any viable information to give them. Snow White enters the castle first, but tells the princes to wait until nightfall. An enslaved Mr. Gold delivers a message from Zelena; warning them that she will finish off Regina and they'll pay with their lives if they interfere again. He and Mary Margaret later learn from Emma that Archie is alive, and was kidnapped by Cora, who apparently found a way to Storybrooke. Working together, David ties a rope around his waist and saves Emma while Mary Margaret, Hook and Regina pull them up. As proof of Arthur's sabotage, David later finds the charred, but still magically intact Crimson Crown in the burnt out cauldron fire. She was being abused &a. Rumplestiltskin states that there will be a curse cast by the Evil Queen, and their only hope to break free of it is their unborn child, whom he dubs to be a Savior who will save them all in twenty-eight years. With David's encouragement, Mr. Gold asks her out. As Hook recalls, before he split from their group, everyone else was headed to the Queen's old palace. Anton wishes to speak to Emma, but she is not in town, so he continues with the rampage by chasing the three down. Returning to his allies, David joins them in looking through the storybook, though Hades' story has already been destroyed by Liam. They have known each other since Red discovered Snow in the chicken coop. Noticing the ring on her finger, David recognizes that she must be Kristoff's fianc. Suddenly, a shocked Emma returns home, revealing Neal died during a confrontation with Tamara, as her parents console her. David suspects it's fake and takes off, with Belle, Elsa and Hook following, to rescue Emma from the station, but the Snow Queen has already frozen the door entrance. Emma arrives to inform them a box with Kathryn's heart was found. Continuing to sail, the ship is attacked by mermaids. Charming explains he never doubted she is the proper ruler of the kingdom but wanted her to show the Queen the kind of courage he always knew was there. However, he is shocked when Mary Margaret suggests the two of them move out and let Emma and Henry have the apartment. ("The Broken Kingdom"), Regina, somewhat still doubtful of Arthur, halfheartedly leads David and Mary Margaret to the dagger's hiding spot in the woods. Regina just wanted to tell them before Maleficent did. Unsure of his own skill, Dr. Whale consults Mr. Gold for help, but he refuses and only warns that they should hope Greg dies so an outsider can't spread their town's magic secret to the whole world. His real desire is to go back to the Enchanted Forest, even though their home world is not the same as in the past with Cora in power and the ogres taking over, he insists they fight to regain what is theirs. ("Broken Heart"), Learning Hook has unleashed the previous Dark Ones from the Underworld, David goes with his wife in search of him, while everyone else splits up to cover more ground. David rushes at Hyde, who throws him backwards several feet before taking off. When James gets too close, David moves to defend himself, but his brother tasers him into unconsciousness. ("Best Laid Plans"), Emma tracks the Author to the woods as her parents follow. As the two prepare to go their separate ways, Snow White jokingly tries on his ring, though she states it's not her style. ("Nasty Habits"), Continuing to search the cave, Emma finds Neal's tally marks on the wall as she recognizes he stopped counting the days due to losing hope of ever leaving, which is the same thing Pan wants for Henry. In the aftermath, Snow encourages her loved ones to look toward future adventures now that this one has concluded and she reminds them that being happy doesn't come from an ending but from being together. Once Upon A Time Fanfiction Emma And Hook Pregnant. Later, Emma returns to confirm her decision to stay in Storybrooke, and shares news of her and Hook's trip to the past through the time portal, in which they recreated Prince Charming and Snow White's first meeting. Zelena finds herself ensnared by Emma's dark magic after opening the box, to which Arthur forces Merlin to engage Emma in a magical duel and then orders him to kill Mary Margaret. David phones Emma, but she doesn't pick up. Later, David finds Hook looking through the storybook for information on Auntie Em, Dorothy's deceased aunt, who they need for waking a cursed Dorothy. He begins leaving, except David reminds Mr. Gold the debt he owes Mary Margaret for saving his life. She confirms the wall surrounds the whole town, but assures them that the person who made it, Elsa, is not an enemy. If they do not comply, Mary Margaret promises to rip out their hearts herself. The couple are eventually knocked unconscious by Edmond, and Regina duels him to protect them. Prince James (Brother-In-Law) With a spin from his cane, he mysteriously disappears. After everyone has been found, David, Mary Margaret, Robin and Roland distribute supplies to their town visitors. Rating M because I may delve into darker topics or sexual content (I'll give warnings in the beginning of the chapters they apply to if necessary). During her trial as the prime suspect, Mary Margaret later has Mr. Gold as an attourney during their time. If you want to play, check my Twitter account @EvilCharmingFic. At the docks, David finds Emma, asking about her reluctance to give Neal a chance, though she is preoccupied about Henry, who is not acting like himself. Sensing something is wrong, he learns Emma is unhappy being a savior, since she is unable to resolve anything lately, such as the snow monster or the ice wall cave-in. Emma makes an attempt to help Pinocchio recall what August was going to tell her earlier, but he can't remember. David, unhappy that Snow can't be with her son, considers that neither of them should be in the Underworld. After stopping Isaac from leaving town, he and Mary Margaret learn he set them up in the past to hurt Lily because he hated the heroes that they reminded of in his own life who have pushed him around. In a stroke of luck, Emma realizes she and Regina could stop the trigger with their combined magic, and they succeed in deactivating it. ("The Brothers Jones"), At the diner, Snow realizes she and David have been in the Underworld for far longer than they intended, with the Blind Witch so used to them that she knows their favorite foods. As they attempt to flee, Prince Charming is turned to stone by Medusa. ("Swan Song"), After coming to the Underworld, whose town bears an uncanny resemblance to Storybrooke, David and his party split up to look for Hook. Prince Charming is informed by Grumpy, who was told by Jiminy, that fifty inhabitants landed in the Enchanted Forest two miles away. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 David and Mary Margaret realize Emma deserves the truth, but upon overhearing her speak to Hook about their good natures, they decide against it. David agrees to burn the card and forget about it, but after Snow leaves the room, he decides to keep the card. Mother Superior agrees and uses her wand, with success, to revert August into a seven-year-old Pinocchio. ("The New Neverland"), Riding back to the castle after their honeymoon, Prince Charming and Snow White discover the guards are asleep from a sleeping curse. After Hook is released from the hospital, David, Mary Margaret and Leroy question his alliance with Cora. [image begins]ginger and hands it to him. As the executioner's arrows are fired, Snow White cancels the punishment at the last moment. Arthur wonders why they are so eager to free Merlin, to which David talks about their land being threatened by the Dark One, who Merlin can defeat. EN. That night, she finally decides to stop worrying about the Queen's threats and wants to try having a baby. After returning to Kathryn, he promises to make an effort for their marriage to work. Ruth, the twins' mother, doesn't want the deal, but Robert accepts because he knows they cannot manage the farm and keep two young children fed and healthy throughout the harsh winter. Little does he know that the nightmare hasn't even begun yet. James locks David away in the sheriff station's cell, switches clothes with him, and then returns to the apartment as him. David later wakes up in a caged cell, along with his companions, where the warden, Hyde, accuses them of working for the Dark One. Before leaving, Snow fulfills her end of the deal by revealing the name of her child: Emma. They question him about the Wicked Witch's identity, but he is unable to tell them. ArcherySword-fighting skills Relationships Snow reveals her greatest secret, she wishes to have another baby because she lost her chance with Emma, but then learns the truth that David can't leave the island and they can't have another baby because he will die if he does so. When Regina is brought in for questioning, David has no doubts that she murdered Archie. Regina suspects Zelena broke the blood magic seal on the vault and used ingredients to make the spell, but Zelena denies any wrongdoing. ("Birth"), Upon arrival to Storybrooke, David and the others crash to the floor from the impact of the diner dropping onto the ground, and as they get up, the group realize they are still in Camelot attire, and the last thing anyone recalls is entering King Arthur's castle. Instead, they suspiciously believe the prince only wants the kingdom for himself and doesn't truly love her. While in the hypnosis state, David begins to see flashes of his life as Prince Charming. David brings up what Cruella said about their pasts, but James confirms he actually hates him for stealing his name and glory. Emma considers it'd help to get information from the Author about Cruella's whereabouts, so her parents suggest using a locator spell on a flask they once gave the Author. As Mary Margaret checks up on him, she expresses towards Emma, who is hurt by her reaction. Although she wants to tell Emma about Neal, David and Hook convince her not to. He shows her his mother's necklace, which has the ability to predict the gender of a person's future child. From hacking into the phone, he looks to be a normal person. After the Queen destroys the sapling, the couple come to terms with having to do the inevitable to save their town. Work Search: ("Poor Unfortunate Soul"), At the loft, Hook informs David and Mary Margaret about the villains' plans to turn Emma evil by using the Author. When the two men are alone for a spare moment after the women have entered the cave, Hook asks him about when he is going to tell his family about the injury. Alive Arthur reunites with Guinevere, who notices Excalibur is missing, but David reassures the couple that it's likely to be somewhere. Once the glass invades their eyes, they unlink hands and stare at each other with animosity. Seeing the darkness attack Regina, Emma realizes she must sacrifice herself to save her. Regina invites Emma to a girls' night out with her and Snow, with David protesting that he just woke up, but he eventually consents to going back to sleep under the curse so his wife can join them. When Emma continues to treat her parents coldly, Mary Margaret admonishes her for being avoidant, but the blonde states she doesn't trust them and needs to be around people she does trust; namely Hook and Regina. While the women are crafting the net, David gathers vine from the jungle, and upon seeing Hook eyeing Emma, he asks him to come along. Regina recalls her own inability to accept Henry in the past due to her fear of losing him, which changes Mary Margaret and David's opinions about their daughter removing her magic. Male On the way to get the ring, Charming takes her vial of fairy dust, which she is planning on using on the Queen. David finds a letter addressed to him with a coin that he once gave to his father. Regina tells them Tinker Bell lost all her fairy powers a long time ago and can't help infiltrate Pan's camp. Lancelot is able to find a small portion of water and brings it over to Ruth. Her parents follow, consoling her about Neal, as Emma expresses everything from anger, grief and pain over losing the man she loved. As she tethers Hook's life to Excalibur, David and the others remain in the diner, looking on in alarm as black tendrils of darkness evaporate from Merlin's body. As they near King Midas' castle, David is surprised by the exterior's gold-encrusted walls, though Abigail says he'll stop noticing after a while. Upon finding Mary Margaret's car window spray painted with the word "slut", David begins washing it off when the schoolteacher herself arrives. ("Lacey"), By the dock, David discusses with Mary Margaret what will be Regina's fate once they leave for the Enchanted Forest. ("The Tower"), A new curse is cast by none other than Snow White; returning Prince Charming and the rest of the Enchanted Forest inhabitants to the town of Storybrooke. Later, he and Hook use the spell to reveal Robert was on Pleasure Island, and they receive confirmation from August that Robert was there to rescue James. The Queen retaliates by flinging David, but he surprises her when he grabs the lamp. Regina affirms what Jefferson said is true, but there isn't a known way to reach the Enchanted Forest. The pirate also mentions that his quest to bring their daughter back to Storybrooke was prompted by a messenger bird, attached with a note requesting for Emma as well as a vial of memory potion, which he had assumed was from Mary Margaret. When she claims he knows nothing about loss and is only afraid of it, David recalls how his father's death due to alcoholism shaped his beliefs. Unseen to them, Mr. Gold kills Zelena; accidentally triggering magic in her pendant, which activates the time spell. He is unwilling to leave her behind, and Mary Margaret agrees, suggesting they use the bean to send the trigger away. Merlin frees both of them before everyone escapes the dungeon to return to the diner. When Mary Margaret comes home, David introduces them and proclaims they will find Anna. Consequentially, the Queen chokes Grumpy as Charming calms down a panicking Snow White by reminding her what the sword symbolizes. Regina decides to meet the Count in place of Snow and David, and that she'll convince him to give up on the mission. WesternAnimati. After camping out one night, Snow White and Prince Charming disappear towards the Tree of Wisdom without the others' notice. With Henry's help, Emma retrieves the dreamcatchers and returns everyone's lost memories. Emma thinks her father is hiding something about the twosome, but David only admits knowing them from the Enchanted Forest. Once there, he reunites with Mary Margaret and he tells her about the squid ink located in Rumplestiltskin's cell. Prince Charming doesn't believe this, but investigates the matter after hearing Snow White recently went to Rumplestiltskin's palace. Emma explains that the Snow Queen got away, and it was she herself who caused the combustion. Emma then goes to be alone, to which Mary Margaret sadly considers her inability to comfort her own daughter. After a tremor erupts in town, Hook bursts into the diner, with his presence shocking everyone except Emma, who was waiting for the right time to tell Regina. The next morning, Charming comes into the royal bedroom singing in verse, slightly caught off guard about his words coming out in a melody, before noting that he actually sounds good. ("A Pirate's Life"). Her parents become distressed by her dark words, but Emma reassures them that she is just trying to understand where Hook is coming from. Unimpressed, Maleficent contends they should be apologizing to Lily instead, and they wholeheartedly promise to make it up to her. Inside the vault, Regina is found unconscious while one critical item is missing and now in Pan's hands, the curse scroll. He goes to leave, and on his way out, he notes outloud that he and Snow will have to find Emma on their own. Eye color: Not much later, David and Emma arrive to the hospital after receiving news that Neal, who has been missing up to now, collapsed at the pawnshop. While under the curse, David is trapped in a room full of mirrors until using a torch to break the floor and falls into a chamber surrounded by flames. ("Siege Perilous"), After becoming a Knight of the Round Table, David is called in by Arthur, who reveals Excalibur is missing its tip, the Dark One's dagger, and he requires his help to find it, in the hopes of purging the darkness for good. Rather than that, she explains Dr. Whale resurrected her dead fianc Daniel and he may be in the horse tables. The Apprentice can help, but as with all magic, it has a price. From her, the group learn Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the Author and want to rewrite their stories so the villains win and the heroes lose. "Archie" then persuades Emma to stop lying to her family and to tell them about her secret. Upon the coin landing on tails, Rumplestiltskin takes away James while David is left behind to be raised by his birth parents. The next morning, David enters the barn where they promised to meet, asking Joan to leave instead of trying to help him when Bo Peep makes herself known. While underwater, he grabs a dagger and stabs the Siren to death. With one final look around at the nodding heads and smiling faces, Regina finally allowed herself a smile. After realzing all the trouble, Mary Margaret breaks up with David. After Emma and Regina temporarily stun the winged demon, they gain insight from Cruella De Vil and Ursula, who wish to enter Storybrooke, about the Chernabog's attributes. Snow later reconciles with David and resolves to stay on the island with him. ("Selfless, Brave and True"), As the bean fields prosper, Mother Superior shields the area from outsiders with a barrier. However, when this tactic yields nothing, David decides Mr. Gold actually remembers nothing. Emma turns back to look for Killian, but David grabs onto her, urging her to let Hook go since there's nothing else she can do for him now. A dagger and stabs the Siren to death for having hand tremors Arthur reunites with Guinevere, throws. 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