once upon a time fanfiction henry hates regina

This image depicts a scene from the fairy tale of "The Three Little Men in the Wood". When I saw this book came out I refused to entertain it, but gradually decided maybe I'd read it just to see how badly it ruined my favorite relationship. They havent hugged, like, ever so its a bit awkward. The walls and floor on the storybook page with the door, which Henry finds, have the same design as the inside of Jefferson's hat. I was hoping the book would move beyond Claire and her teaching Regina magic. Emma forget that she is a wizard and all about hogwarts. I thought the author would spin along the Tv show and I would learn about how she meet Daniel and so on. I didnt bring Henry, though, because I know you wouldnt want him around when youre not in a good headspace.. Yes, she says. Barrie's book Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (1906). Emma clears her throat from behind. She searches the fridge and settles on yogurt. Im just-- Im just not ready.. Could she just remain Yin? Teasingly, she presents a hint of darkness and hesitance in the young heroine Regina, hints of what is to come. There are word counts and summaries at the top of each chapter after Chapter 7. The more time passes the more the gut-wrenching feeling in her chest grows. During that time, the bell rings again. Previously called Older Brothers Regina bursts out a laugh that immediately turns into a sob. He's not a boring character inherently, but he just so doesn't fit into this series. I know understand her deep hatred of Snow White. Not only did she abandon him, but she also abandoned the ever well-meaning Baelfire. Once Upon a Time Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Oh. I know, okay, trust me. Who would be here? My own retelling of Season 7, I thought that Henry/Jacinda never had the chemistry of Henry/Drizella (Ivy) so I wrote my own version, I left out a lot of details from the show, as within my story, those aspects were not needed. It did not capture my attention and I found that the storyline was quite boring. Never ever. Ok, I'm a super-fan of the TV series "Once Upon A Time" so I was excited to read this book which chronicles an early experience of Regina, who would become the evil queen then transform into a heroine (watch the show). Based on the hit tv show Once Upon a Time I was very delighted to learn of this book. Okay then. Also, the old evil lady in the forest who eats children is similar to the lady from the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel". While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She probably would had more if she was aloud to be a normal girl. Very.. After breakfast, they get ice cream and walk around the park. This book gets a solid three from me, because at times I felt the period of this piece was off. Overall, I wanted a little more, but still an excellent story, and for any evil regal, a must read. I actually-- She clears her throat awkwardly. Ive now seen you without makeup twice., A random observation. Its fucking 3 p.m. and youve only eaten an apple?. Did you eat? She asks instead. season one season six Now, she did that for Henry. Soon Emma and Henry join her, Henry sits beside her and Emma opposite. Do you not want it?, Of course I do, Regina replies, offended. Its just your mayor. Shes going to throw it away. It was nice and hinted at things. Work Search: In Storybrooke, Jefferson remembers the jagged fragments of a broken past. Emma shifts closer to her on the sofa and takes Reginas hand in her own. She may have been pressured by the town, she may have been miserable, and Rumple may have been a meh husband, but she hurt Bae. Even though being in the house with no one else is lonely and terrible, Regina knows going outside will be worse. This story wasn't as good as it could have been. Back at the cottage, they filled the others (such as Belle and Henry) on what had happened earlier. I hoped that Regina would get back at her mother for controlling and smothering her so much. Well, theres a fine line between love and hate, and turns out that line is catharsis. But Emma Swan. Henry's Once Upon a Time Book, commonly referred to as Henry's Book or simply The Book, is an item featured on ABC's Once Upon a Time. She killed my mother, Regina hisses angrily. Once shes done, she distributes the salad in two big bowls and brings them over. The king called her on her bluff and locked her in a tower for a night, if she could spin straw into gold for all to see, she would live and marry the prince, if not she would die. Et si, un jour, une sorcire se rveillait et chamboulait tout? With this, hes also forced to confront feelings he had hidden deep in his subconscious, those forbidden feelings hed dubbed as wrong. Stop being ridiculous, Regina tells herself sternly and pushes the bite into her mouth. The book "Once Upon a Time: Regina Rising" showcases a young Regina Mills, a brave and determined miller's daughter, as she struggles to free herself from the grasps of her mother, Cora, the cruelest of all mothers. Regina narrows her eyes. Henry theorized that Dr. Frankenstein's story is not in the book since he does not originate from the Enchanted Forest as the other people in the book do. also this story contains elements of depression and mention of past rape so please be mindful of that before you decide to read it. Regina goes inside the bathroom and dumps the phone in the trash can. Oh my God, Emma says, appearing behind her. Regina is the evil witch of the series with numerous deaths attributable directly to her actions. Regina's Friendship with Claire was truly wholesome. Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time) Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold Evil Queen | Regina Mills Magic Mirror | Sidney Glass Original Characters Huntsman | Sheriff Graham Cinderella | Ashley Boyd Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Angst with a Happy Ending Dysfunctional Family Family Drama Implied/Referenced Underage Sex Are you alright?. And theres no way, she knows it. Once Upon a Time | Baelfire Felix | Killian Jones Captain Hook Peter Pan Neal Neverland Milah Daughter Jane. Regina dreams of green eyes that look betrayed. For history of Henry's Once Upon a Time Book, see here. And then theres the scene with Snow. All of that culminated in their son, Gideon. This is supposed to be set in the medievalesque period, yet many times I felt like I was reading a Regency romance for teens with the mentions of all the society rules, certain food, and the existence of smoking rooms and parlors, such things didn't exist in the medieval period. But she chooses to focus on the more important part. Im sorry-- about everything. I enjoyed the show plot-holes it filled in finally, and while a few things bothered me and stuck out as questionable in face of the canon plot, overall I liked it. My mother is Regina also known as the evil queen. But just like the recipe book, the words in this book keep blurring as well. Yeah, between his absolute zero screen time or personality, fans came to despise Phillip for ruining their beloved ship. When Regina's new best friend Claire enters the story and is discovered to have magic, Regina convinces her to teach her so she can fight against her mother. Regina is a sixteen-year-old girl who is lonely and insecure. Can I say something? Emma asks. The next day, Regina wakes up feeling horrible. However, the show did juggle a ton of characters and not all of them could be top tier hits like Hook or Regina. Words that turn out to be lies in the end. Then she waits. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers. Regina dreams of a son that hates her and a mother who was abusive but at the end of the day is now dead and gone forever. Regina puts her hands in her coats pockets and looks straight ahead. What would you like to eat? Thankfully, Emma takes the hint and they get busy deciding on their food. 1,114 ratings155 reviews. Regina reluctantly gets up from the sofa and forces herself to brush her teeth and shower. She dresses in a white shirt dress and finishes off the look with a thin brown belt around the waist. Emma seems to realize it too because she pulls away. But when she checks the trash can there, its empty. She really does. As a huge fan of the series, especially Regina, I'm glad to have read it. She never wants to stop kissing Emma. Regina has many obstacles to overcome and multiple lessons to learn before she gains confidence and finds herself. KILLIAN JONES And sometimes, just sometimes, the beating feels right. 11 guests Both complement each other and it is not possible for one to exist without the other.". They're not fairy talesEvery story in this book actually happened. Of course, along with aging up often comes young romance. (Spoilers ahead!) writing this genuinely gave me sm comfort for no reason. What the fuck, Regina wants to say. Then she realizes that Emmas not looking at her so she croaks out, Yes., Emma turns to her and raises her eyebrows. Of course, getting approval from a mother like Cora is next to impossible. Will never really deserved all the hate he got, but there just wasn't a place for him in the show. A Once Upon a Time AU story Fans dislike her, but more importantly, they wish they could forget she ever joined OUAT. Regina closes the door and stares at her. RELATED:10 Plotholes inOUATThat Were Never Explained. When I first ordered this book and read it was about Regina's backstory it had me to intrigued. "T-trust me?" She feels the same old anger and darkness bubble up to the surface again. At least The Black Fairy was extra enough to be of some interest. Regina goes up to her room to pick up the book she was reading from her bedside table. The stories that are referenced . This image depicts a scene from the Grimm fairy tale "The Gnome". Henry Swan is ten years old and struggling because he does not know who his father is.Emma Swan is a good mother. It depicts a scene from the story "The Paradise of Children". Regina, Emma sighs, as if greatly relieved, and she moves forward like shes gonna hug Regina but Regina takes a step back and Emma stops in her tracks. Now stop pretending like Im a child who desperately needs your care and attention, okay?, Its like Emma completely ignores her. And Im worried about you. That was my take away at the end, wondering how they didn't recognize each other on the bolting horse if they'd already met. Happens when you're a womanizer way too ready to start angry mobs. Its a good insight into Reginas abusive past, but the original characters are lackluster. An ex merry man, his love for the Red Queen and his friendship with Alice really made this Knave stand out. Their lips meet after a year of waiting and wanting and Reginas body comes alive with it. And, worse, using her image is how Zelena trapped Robin Hood into having a baby with her. She takes a step back as well. Ten minutes later, when theres no reply, Regina decides to go get ready to take her mind off of it. She opens the door to-- not Henry. The crocodile and the pirate, surely they were destined for doom? Bits of bursts of jealousy and bitterness here and there that stands at odds with the image of young Regina in the show. This is the story of a young Regina before she becomes the evil queen. This is affecting you?, Regina barks out a laugh. She licks her lips and looks down, refusing to meet Reginas eyes. Emma Swan and Regina Mills co-parent their son Henry, who is the biological son to Emma and the adoptive son to Regina. I couldn't wait to read it. Oh my God, Emma says, looking mesmerized and dazed. She was evil in the Once Upon a Time world and she's just as evil in our world. I didn't like the gingerbread house with the blind witch, another popular character in Once upon a time. I love the tv show and love the writers slant on things very cool ^_^ <3. And you know, Im glad I didnt get him, he wouldnt be happy to see you in this condition.. Even though Claire may have been forced to be friends with Regina, But Claire truly cherished their friendship and the adventures they had together. Emma nudges Regina. Regina jerks her head in a nod and goes to the kitchen. Regina doesnt smile back. In "Pilot", the opposite page contained an excerpt from the fairy tale of "The Golden Bird". But Emma says, Thats okay, whenever youre ready, and kisses her again, and Reginas back in the present and lost in the feel of Emmas lips and hands on her. I've meant to read this for quite some time and finally got to it last night. I very much loved this book, as I do the show Once Upon A Time. She sits on the dining table and forces herself to bite and chew. We Shall Chide Downright, If I Longer Stay. Regina lies on the sofa and stares at the ceiling. "Did you really think you were the first lost girl? She finds Emmas number and shoots her a quick text: Hey, Im a little busy today so I would appreciate it if you wouldnt come to visit today. Fanfiction su David Nolan/Principe Azzurro, Emma Swan, Mary Margaret Blanchard/Biancaneve, Regina Mills, Ruby/Cappuccetto Rosso. Regina gets out of bed and makes a beeline for the bathroom. She starts the faucet and begins to wash the vegetables. This looks okay. In the failed OUAT spin-off, OUAT In Wonderland, Will Scarlett was the fans' most favorite character. Dude, youve been under lockdown for the past three days. Sorry, that is. She needs to do something. After the death of Milah, Hook and their daughter, Jane set off to Neverland. "Fairies Away! Both pages also feature the same excerpt from the fairy tale of "The Golden Bird", indicating that the same prop was used for the interior of both books. After everything that happened, Neal couldn't deny that he was at least curious about this mysterious curse he'd had to give up the love of his life for. Sorely disappointing. The main conflict in this story is whether Cora will persuade Regina to use her powers for good or evil. The last chapter stunned me. But still. 3 missed calls from none other than Emma Swan. Just not the story for me. But this book shows us she's been betrayed before, and her vengeance is swift and cruel. And the heart beats. And then there the way the story endedshades of a nicer version of the evil queen but the evil queen none-the-less. Work Search: She smiles. It beats and beats and beats. The Evil Queen's wrath, freezing, Zelena, all of it. I specifically asked you not to come today., Yeah, well, Im not gonna leave you alone when you most need someone. Regina is disgusted by him and i don't blame her, she loves Jasper, her art teacher. Yesterday, her mother died. Robert Carlisle plays the character way too well. OUAT fans really fell in love with Mulan, the series' first LGBTQ+ character. Then, she picks up her book and goes back downstairs and settles down at her dining table, and attempts to read. RELATED:OUAT: 10 Worst Episodes According To IMDB. Snow White and Prince Charming: the power couple of the Enchanted Forest. left kudos on this work! "When He Heard Peter's Voice He Popped in Alarm Behind a Tulip, from J.M. This book is about a girl named Regina, who is a princess, and whose mother introduces her to a girl about her age, Claire. They just got in the way and annoyed everyone. Regina flushes. Even if the chances are 0.01 percent out of a hundred she has to make sure. Fans already new Cora was a real (W)itch, but in this book we really get to see how deep her manipulation of Regina is. This fanfic is a series of different snapshots from Jefferson's life, alternating between Fairytale Land and Storybrooke. She walks back to Regina, bends, and puts a finger under her chin. The ending of the book was quite surprising, Regina was betrayed and i think her revenge was very satisfactory. That said, my imagination and fanfic brain can probably fill in the blanks quite easily. Im so sorry about everything. But before Regina can even say anything Henry shouts Mom! and throws his arms around her. But that all changed when princess Eva tripped her one day when she was delivering bags of flour to the royal castle. Get help and learn more about the design. Ongoing. Two last night and one in the morning. So, I think most of my criticsm was in regards to disparities between this work and the larger fictional universe of the show. Theres no point sitting and staring at the screen. But fans hated him when the show got cancelled and they moved him to OUAT. David Anders may have played him well, but fans were never that into him. Sixteen-year-old Regina is very different from the Regina known by fans of ABC's. For the second time in the span of a few hours. Whatever. All of which Regina knows is a lie. Emma slowly sits opposite her. It depicts Titania in a scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Regina dreams of green eyes that look betrayed. The same illustration is on the cover of the novel that Will Scarlet steals from the library. As shes filling the glass, she notices her hands are shaking. They married simplistically for the sake of Charming's dying mother, so before there was time f Sixteen year old Elena 'Elle' Weston was found in Storybrooke one stormy night. The same illustration is in Isaac's book Heroes and Villains. There were so many things working against this guy, it wasn't even funny. I haven't seen the show, but after reading this I think I kinda have to. She loves adventure and exploring with Regina. She just had the worst time the second she joined the show. I slept for 10 hours and ate an apple, alright? Regina, she warns. Boston, 2013. Washing the vegetables, Emma replies easily. Regina swallows and manages to nod. For the few minutes they kiss Regina forgets about all the problems in her life, all the emptiness in her heart, and every fiber of her body thrums Emma, Emma, Emma. Tomorrow for sure, though :). For example, in chapter one she gives us a glimpse into her childhood. I have not watched the TV show Once Upon A Time, but I thought that this book was phenomenal! They've run out of groceries, and he's insisted on going out to pick up some more. How long did you sleep?, Regina barks out a laugh. For over a hundred years she was cursed into a magical slumber after being taken by her Great-Aunt, Dahlia Before Regina Mills became The Evil Queen, she had a daughter. "Once Upon A Time: Regina Rising" by Wendy Toliver was one of the best books that I have ever read. While Camelot is not the wildest place to include in a fairytale world, a good then evil then good version of King Arthur is. And Emma seems to notice it because she pauses and looks back. Regina has a good mind to ignore it but theres a voice in her head that whispers, Henry. Oh my God, I am so sorry., Regina takes a step toward her. When Anastasia and Liam Kingsley were taken, they were severely injured but not dead. For history of Henry's Once Upon a Time Book, see here. (See the end of the work for more notes.). but i LOVED this. Anyway, whats up?, Whats up is that you cannot respect my boundaries. Oh my God is right, Regina replies who feels equally mesmerized and kisses Emma again. It told some stories but didn't make you care any more or less about Regina than you did before. Regina turns toward her sharply. Several inappropriate parts that made my rating so low. Regina nods. cora made regina evil goodbye. Regina laughs more than shes laughed in days. Yeah, tell me about it, Regina wants to shout. But Regina's? In fact, there are quite a few supporting characters that fans outright hated. She caresses her fingers and Reginas pulse jumps. (Alternate version) part 2 Ongoing Many of the stories inside seem to be new twists on the old tales but still reference the more well-known stories. She doesnt feel up to wearing skirts and dresses, though, so she settles on something simpler, a pair of jeans and a purple sweater. as well as The book includes the following fairytales and stories: The Charles Perrault version of "Cinderella". I don't blame her honestly, i wasn't quite drawn to his character, although you don't really get to know him long enough to really like him. There are some stories that do not exist in the book such as Frankenstein due to unknown reasons. (And they don't yet know that it will change their lives.). Henry and Emma will be coming to visit again today and she cant meet Henry like this. What happened? She stares at their adjoined hands in silence. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Regina, like her mother, has magical powers however she has not learned how to use them yet. He has red hair and is three times Regina's age, he's got horrible yellow teeth and seems like a bit of a desperate nerd in the book. She was an amazing warrior who fell in love with an inordinately brave, albeit naive, princess named Aurora. Emma sits down behind her and collects her hair, and rubs her back. "What Did She Find There But Real Ripe Strawberries", also from Little Brother & Little Sister and Other Tales By The Brothers Grimm. I've titled each chapter with its main pairing, time period and location. Regina meets the horrible prince Benjamin, he is quite repulsive. I dumped it in the trash yesterday.. Go back to eating. Everyone turns back to their food and starts conversing again (probably about her) and Regina gives Emma a grateful look. When two teens appear out of nowhere the peace of Storybrooke is broken yet again. Did Barbie just walk in? She simply didn't fit into this world of magic. She sits in the tub and reads her book. Part 2 of the 'Feel' Series.Emma and Regina are finally a couple, but will the course of true love run smooth?Please read Part 1 first! Regina shakes her head and replies with, nothing as well. Please., All Regina can manage back is a weak, Dont call me Gina., Emma simply smiles and walks back to the fridge. It first appears in the first episode of the first season. Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time) Prince Charming | David Nolan Widow Lucas | Granny Maleficent (Once Upon a Time) Lily | Lilith Page Captain Hook | Killian Jones Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time) Belle (Once Upon a Time) Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold Part 2 of the 'Feel' Series. Okay, what are you in the mood for? Laugh that immediately turns into a sob still an excellent story, attempts. Cancelled and they get ice cream and walk around the waist was extra enough to be lies in span... Just -- Im just -- Im just -- Im just -- Im just -- Im just -- Im just ready! 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