the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following

c. to give Congress additional constitutional powers. The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? (C) unnecessarily long\ answer choices The state governments needed more power to solve the issues the nation was facing after the American Revolution. Q17: The ideas expressed in the excerpt most directly challenged the prevailing ideal in the early nineteenth century that . They too created a representative government, but you had to be a landowning male if you wanted to vote. This meant that unlike the other regions, not one religion dominated and there was no single economic powerhouse characterized the workforce. Answer B: The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there. which of the following best describes the historical situation in which the amendment was proposed? The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following goals for Englands North American colonies? Answer C: attempted to monopolize Japanese commerce and to exclude the participation of Europeans in trade The Brits eventually beat them all out and built towns beginning in 1655. Citizens do not lose their freedom of speech during war. And the colonies began to look more diverse as time went on. Follow the directions below, or think of your own way of revising the paragraph. The belief in White cultural and political superiority, "Americans faced an overwhelming task after the Civil War and emancipation: how to understand the tangled relationship between two profound ideashealing and justice. [T]hese two aims never developed in historical balance. Answer A: Gilded Age financial policies encouraged economic growth in the North and the South. which of the following cultural and social shifts resulted most directly from the trends described in the excerpt? Its hard to find well-informed people on this subject, The excerpt reflects which of the following beliefs many Americans had at the time about the federal government? The attempts by the federal government to foster economic opportunities for former slaves after the Civil War. a. the political debates over economic development. Answer C: Progressivism These two things became a spring board for more of the other 13 colonies in New England to sprout from. Answer B: the purchase of land from France and Spain Analyze the origins and development of slavery in Britains North American colonies in the period 1607 to 1776.. It has been called the Lost Colony because when resupply ships returned less than five years later, it had been entirely abandoned. Ultimately, neither industry nor agriculture dominated the economy, the population was diverse, and there was no religious monopoly. The above excerpt most directly reflects that the temperance movement, appealed to a varied constituency of reformers, The Prohibition movement was similar to other Progressive reforms because it, began on the local and state levels before becoming national. It started off as a proprietary (these were colonies that the king of queen gave to allies and were ruled by people in place of the British crown) colony granted by the king of England in 1632 to George Calvert, Lord Baltimore. The issue of freedom of the seas in World War I most closely resembles the cause of which of the following conflicts? "[W]ith a railroad to the Pacific, and thence to China by steamers, can be performed in thirty days, being now a distance of nearly seventeen thousand miles. . New York was also interesting because a lot like today, the people who lived there were from all over the place. The king and queen taxed their businesses, even though they received little in return. The territorial changes shown in the southwestern region of the map most directly resulted from This APUSH review on the 13 colonies has been organized to provide you with all the details you will need for your exam. This was Georgia for you. . Which of the following conflicts raised the most similar concerns about the violation of civil rights as did World War I? b. the emergence of reform movements during the Second Great Awakening. . The excerpt best supports the conclusion that in the 1850s, the United States government Arguments similar to those expressed in the excerpt were later employed to justify which of the following? In what ways do you think Nixon was most conservative? . Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos. The policies advocated by Marshall had most in common with which of the following developments in other periods in United States history? 1. B: northern California . [the United States] population has rapidly spread through the country, until it has reached the shores of the Pacific Ocean; that we have now large cities, from which, with the aid of steam vessels, we can reach Japan in eighteen or twenty days; [and] that . . Read the excerpt and then answer the question: Be it enacted That after the five and twentieth day of March, 1698, no goods or merchandises whatsoever shall be imported into, or exported out of, any colony or plantation to his Majesty, in Asia, Africa, or America in any ship or bottom, but what is or shall be of the built of England, Ireland, or the said colonies or plantations and navigated with the masters and three fourths of the mariners of the said places only under pain of forfeiture of ships and goods. English Parliament, Navigation Act, 1696. Instead, Quakers and other persecuted believers fled Europe and heard that Penn himself was a tolerant man. Which of the following could best be used as evidence to support the argument in the excerpt that "ethnic conflict among whites rivaled sectional conflict as a major political issue" of the period? d. the slave system gave poor White citizens the feeling of social superiority over free and enslaved African Americans in a culture where African Americans help little power. What follows is a thorough breakdown of both the similarities and differences that make up the history of the American 13 colonies. As successes in farming and family life led to growth in the Massachusetts colony, colonists moved north to the New Hampshire area, but also went south towards the Connecticut River. I protest utterly against such a project.". This was the first successful British colony in North American and a topic you are simply going to have to know if you want to ace your APUSH exam. Much like New Hampshire this New England colony was created as an offshoot of Massachusetts. It helped me so much, I had so many Questions and all of this helped me answer them. Answer A: treaties made with American Indian nations D D: Abolitionist activism, "For a few years in the 1850s, ethnic conflict among whites rivaled sectional conflict as a major political issue. Plus the land was rich and fertile. In fact, the main reason for the colonies to have existed was to make profit. Petition for freedom to the Massachusetts Council and the House of Representatives for the State of Massachusetts, January 1777 Although they were religiously tolerant, the colonists mirrored what was taking place in Massachusetts. Explain. (10) They were ejected from their seats into the hallway. Which of the following best describes the situation of freedom in the decade following the Civil War? North and South Carolina were actually just Carolina until the British crown split them in two in 1729. After gaining the territory from the Dutch, the King of England gave the land to his brother, the Duke of York (thus, the name). Answer: A. D: The purchase of silver by the United States Treasury, B 22. A c. the United States should increase domestic manufacturing to promote prosperity. . The idea of Manifest Destiny included all of the following beliefs EXCEPT: A Commerce and industry would decline as the nation expanded its agricultural base. Me trae unos cubiertos por favor? from which sprang the institutions under which we live. Ours, sir, is the Government of a white race. [I]t is professed and talked about to erect these Mexicans into a Territorial Government, and place them on an equality with the people of the United States. The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following goals for England's North American colonies? Finding excellent water supplies and fertile land for agriculture, these settlers founded the colony in 1636. Advertisement Advertisement The cartoon above is intended to express This excerpt is taken from journalist John L. O'Sullivan's 1845 essay "Annexation," in which he . Answer C: the South needed to change to survive . b. culinary Westward expansion Which of the following events best represents a continuity of the sentiments expressed by Senator Calhoun in the speech? Ultimately, what you want to remember about New York for your AP US exam is that it was truly a middle colony. C: Disagreements over whether to allow slavery in new territories The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? . A. Answer A: Each was given 40 acres of land and a mule by the Union government. the settlers of the Southwest had certain broad similarities. D: western Virginia, "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. Without the 13 colonies there would be no AP United States History. Originally called the Massachusetts Bay colony, this site was founded in the Plymouth area by the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1623. This is ultimately a fascinating story and one you should be familiar with for you APUSH exam, but the mystery of this is not likely to pop up on test day. B The success of the Haitian revolution was most directly attributed to which of the following? . Hi my name is Kyle and i was wondering what the colonys had to do to become a nation? But similar to the other Middle colonies, cities like Philadelphia emerged as industrial hubs, where outside the cities, farming dominated, which led to a diversified economy. . Two events took place in the early years of the Virginia colonys history that would forever change the rest of the 13 colonies and the history of the United States forever. President Wilson's signing of the Jones Act in 1916, This excerpt most directly reflects the continuation of the policy that, the independent nations of the Americas should remain free from European intervention. Anyways, Penn wanted Pennsylvania access to the sea, so he tried to get his hands on the Delaware area, but Baltimore said no way. But how much do you really know about these early European communities and the governments that they created? (A) Debates about federalism and states' rights (B) Debates about access to voting rights . D: The belief in White cultural and political superiority, D The most controversial and divisive component of the Compromise of 1850 was the, passage of a tougher national fugitive slave act. (A) Developing them as a producer of manufactured goods (B) Aiding them in developing trade with other European nations (C) Integrating them into a coherent imperial structure based on mercantilism (D) Protecting them from American Indian attacks C. The competition between Spanish and English colonizers. The provisions of the peace treaty ending the Spanish-American War. Answer C: New political alliances united northern and southern members of the Democratic Party to win control of both houses in Congress. Georgia is sort of the odd man out here. d. ravenous. prevented neither the monarchy nor the explorers from returning with greater resolve. . The battle went on for 100 years until 1750 when the border was finally defined. . . c. Clay's manufacturing plan would benefit one section of the country more than others. (b) Is Franklin's message about friendship consistent? "The expansion of the South [from 1800 to 1850] across the Appalachians and the Mississippi River to the fringes of the high plains was one of the great American folk wanderings. Answer C: The secession of most Southern states (map 2) with texas annexation The above excerpt most directly reflects which predominant view of the Native American by the New England colonists by the mid- to late 1600s? Come, then, by the early trains on MONDAY, and rally. Come with courage and resolution in your hearts; but, this time, with only such arms as God gave you." Answer C: The claim that the United States should limit European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere . The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson To find out how the system of mercantilism operated, listen to historian John Fea's quick explanation. Which of the following interpretations of progressivism would most likely support this excerpt? . David W. Blight, historian, Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, 2001 The majority entered sharecropping arrangements with former masters or other nearby planters. based on the excerpt, Calhoun would also be most likely to support which of the following? The above excerpt is most closely associated with which sector of the Progressive movement? Which of the following developments from the 1800s emerged from ideas most similar to those expressed in the excerpt? in the sense in which that word is used in the Constitution. [the United States] population has rapidly spread through the country, until it has reached the shores of the Pacific Ocean; that we have now large cities, from which, with the aid of steam vessels, we can reach Japan in eighteen or twenty days; [and] that . Kickstartyour AP US History prepwith Albert. modelo: Answer B: Nativist sentiment . With a partner, create a word web showing how the Church influenced political and cultural changes in medieval Europe. Congressional leaders sought political compromise to resolve discord between the North and the South The position expressed by Clay in the excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following? During the Civil War, the Republican Party passed legislation promoting economic development concerning all of the following EXCEPT the, granting of government subsidies to encourage the export of manufactured goods. . And eventually cotton would come to dominate. But there are two ideas that you really want to get down for your APUSH exam. which of the following factors best supports the argument in the excerpt? But remember that agriculture was king here. D: Manifest Destiny, (map) D: allowing slavery in the new territories, D: allowing slavery in the new territories, (map 2) how sectional tensions waned after the Mexican-American War ended in 1848. how the abolition movement gained political support in the 1840s. They couldnt even vote in English elections, only their own. The colonists wanted to escape this for sure. The term for the decisive drop in the stock market at the end of October 1929. which of the following statements would an abolitionist claim supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt? B a. bland gain continued support for the war effort, "So many people ask me what they shall do; so few tell me what they can do.Yet this is the pivot wherein all must turn. Finally, Virginia is the birthplace of representative government in America. And second, in 1619 the colonists created the House of Burgesses, which was the first representative form of government in the New World. . Increasing divisions between North and South because of questions about the status of slavery in new territories which of the following evidence did the American Temperance society in the excerpt use to support its argument about the need for the temperance movement? . The situation depicted in the image best serves as evidence of the, The image most strongly supports the argument that Reconstruction, temporarily altered race relations in the South. C: Manifest Destiny What started out as an experiment in religious freedom ended up as a place of persecution for non-Protestants. Now, for the APUSH exam, you are going to want to think about the Southern economy. which of the following claims best aligns with the evidence in the excerpt about the relationship between enslaved African Americans and White Southern citizens? Speech by Secretary of State George Marshall initiating the aid program known as the Marshall Plan, 1947 David W. Blight, historian, Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, 2001 To improve its clarity and style, try rewriting it, varying the sentence structures. B: The failure of the Compromise of 1850 to lessen sectional tensions From these two circle, draw more branches and circles in which you will include examples. The excerpt best reflects which of the following developments? Answer A: Abolitionism D: desegregation of the United States armed forces, Answer A: establishment of a constitutional basis for citizenship and voting rights. The United States intervened in many American countries in the early 20th century. 4. The end of the Spanish-American War B. Westward expansion C. The booming internal slave trade D. Increased manufacturing B Westward expansion 7. Commodore Matthew C. Perry to the emperor of Japan, letter, 1853 . When England gained the territory from the Dutch in 1664, it was to be governed by the Duke of York as well. Q11: The image most directly reflects which of the following developments during the early 1940s? Which of the following historical situations can best be used to explain how the excerpt would have been interpreted at the time? slaves lived better than northern factory workers. Answer C: Removal of American Indians from the Southeast Text from a poster announcing a meeting of the American Republican Party, later renamed the American Party, Philadelphia, 1844 Which of the following occurred during Radical Reconstruction? Answer B: The attempts by the federal government to foster economic opportunities for former slaves after the Civil War Proslavery arguments The failure of the Compromise of 1850 to lessen sectional tensions, "The Vigilance Committee of Boston inform you that the MOCK TRIAL of the poor Fugitive Slave has been further postponed. The land that would come to be known as Rhode Island was originally settled by the Dutch and was part of the colony of New Netherlands. Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 1863 Briefly explain why ONE of the following options most clearly marks the beginning of the sectional crisis that led to the outbreak of the Civil War. After their first several years, nearly 80 percent of the population had perished from starvation or battle. "Many of the large ships-of-war destined to visit Japan have not yet arrived in these seas, though they are hourly expected; and [the United States has], as an evidence of [its] friendly intentions . . B: Tensions between isolationism and international engagement C: Establishment of the Ku Klux Klan and similar organizations Answer B: was willing to intimidate Asian countries like Japan to secure economic opportunities OK, so we have shown you in this APUSH review the ways that the three regions that made of the 13 colonies were geographically, culturally, and economically different from one another. C: western New York Native Americans had an admirable system of law. B: The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there. The period from after the First World War through the 1920s. 3. 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