nuke a hurricane xkcd

The world just has too many people. The tree and splash would be great. The comet either burns up in the atmosphere or speeds up global warming. Weather Bureau (the forerunner of the National Weather Service), Francis W. Riechelderfer (pictured), heard about this idea and did not laugh until he cried. It's just a matter of time. A 2016 National Geographic article also explained that detonating a nuke inside a hurricane could violate the Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union (now Russia), possibly increasing the arms race tensions between the two countries. What changes could be made to our diets for the amount of calories to equal the energy of the Sun? Even the U.S. government got involved in a big way. "People were astonished. It answers many important questions, including whether you could jump from a plane with a helium tank and inflate balloons fast enough to slow your fall and survive (yes) and whether you could hide from a supersonic windstorm in Finland (yes, but it won't help). The Mariner 1 has traveled much farther than Voyager 1. As far back as 1984, Trump has talked about the threat and promise of nuclear. Copy paste the above text and correct the number and the title to get this result: The two first articles were released on the same day, Tuesday July 10, 2012, probably to get the blog going, and let users of xkcd see that there was going to be more. Liquid nitrogen? Assuming that you have a spaceship in orbit around the Earth, could you propel your ship to speeds exceeding escape velocity by hitting golf balls in the other direction? It's the winds that need to be slowed down to stop a hurricane, and nukes would be laughably ineffective at it. And the best part is, it's all humanity's fault. The Mariana Trench is gone, and with it Guam and the Mariana Islands. Could we speed up Earths rotation, so that we do not need Leap Seconds? Uranium: 76 000 000 Every now and then, Munroe would get emails asking him to arbitrate a science debate. In terms of human-made objects, has Voyager 1 travelled the farthest distance? During a segment on climate change in the first presidential debate, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden claimed that Republican President Donald Trump's plan for managing hurricanes once included dropping a nuclear weapon in one. 6, but they would cost much more than you could afford. As gravity slows you and brings you to a halt, you reach the top of the skyscraper, where you reach out and pull yourself to safety. My daughter recently received her driver's permit in the US, and aspires to visit mainland Europe someday. The final six articles in this period were released on four different week days, only two of them with one week apart. If you made an elevator that would go to space (like the one you mentioned in the billion-story building) and built a staircase up (assuming regulated air pressure) about how long would it take to climb to the top? What if you tried to stop rain with a laser that targeted and vaporized each incoming droplet before it could come within ten feet of the ground? Luckily for the coast, later research paints a less dire picture. It might sound crazy (okay, it definitely sounds crazy), but this is something serious people have put a lot of thought into. What if I made a lava lamp out of real lava? NOAA says the idea is still popular,noting on their official website, "During each hurricane season, there always appear suggestions that one should simply use nuclear weapons to try and destroy the storms.". Astrophysicists are always saying things like "This mission to this comet is equivalent to throwing a baseball from New York and hitting a particular window in San Francisco." quickly-expanding spherical cavity of hot steam. When I was about 8 years old, shoveling snow on a freezing day in Colorado, I wished that I could be instantly transported to the surface of the Sun, just for a nanosecond, then instantly transported back. 95 minutes at the right place at the right time. August 26, 2019. It is the 2nd book published by Randall. Hurricanes are extremely powerful: A fully developed hurricane releases the same amount of energy as the explosion of a 10-megaton nuke every 20 minutes, the NOAA article says. Granted, the Sun is much bigger, but it is also much further away, and as I learned in high school physics, the gravitational force is proportional to the square of the distance. If, on the other hand, you're being attacked by a coyote, it's higher top speed means you'll have only one chance to hit it. Kerry Emanuel, a hurricane expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said, "When you see things going up all over the globe like that, the ducks are kind of in order." What would happen if the Moon were replaced with an equivalently-massed black hole? We've been to the Moon! At what speed would you have to drive for rain to shatter your windshield? On June 1, Democratic Texas Representative Sylvia Garcia introduced the Climate Change and Hurricane Correlation and Strategy Act, which would explicitly prohibit the president or any other federal agency official from using a nuclear bomb or other "strategic weapon" to alter weather patterns or addressing climate change. In his explanations, Randall, often uses diagrams in an xkcd style. In most cases this tends to heat the bowl or plate more than the food. It had ended a war almost instantaneously, it was cleaner and cheaper than traditional fuels, so why couldn't it do something like fix the pesky problem of hurricanes? No one would get a perfect score. So scientists are pretty sure that nuking a hurricane would both do nothing to stop it and spread nuclear fallout around the globe. If we ever got desperate enough to try to nuke a hurricane and crossed our fingers that something unexpected would happen, we might be rather disappointed when that unexpected thing was a disaster we could never have predicted. Humanity would survive if the robots cared about keeping themselves alive as well. How much damage would a hail storm with size 5 soccer ball sized hail do? But beware of messing with the Texans. I've long thought about putting a flamethrower on the front of a car to melt snow and ice before you drive across it. circumstances, they can be hundreds of feet high near ground zero. After effectively describing what would occur as a nuclear explosion, leveling the stadium and the surrounding mile radius, he concludes with the note "A careful reading of official Major League Baseball Rule 6.08(b) suggests that in this situation, the batter would be considered 'hit by pitch', and would be eligible to advance to first base.". would reach to a height of 200-300 feet above sea level, or a distance Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. Would the storm cell be immediately vaporized? If the explosion What would happen if you were in a boat, plane or a submarine that got hit by lightning? No, but it does make some really cool patterns. But come on. How dangerous is it, really, to be in a swimming pool in a thunderstorm? It turns out, you'd need a lot of nukes and a lot of power. In pursuit of answers, Munroe runs computer simulations, pores over stacks of declassified military research memos, solves differential equations, and consults with nuclear reactor operators. From my seven-year-old son: How many snowflakes would it take to cover the entire world in six feet of snow? 65-million-year-old Chicxulub impact sitethis detonated, and at 11 kilometers, the Mariana(s) Trench is the deepest It is just like 'xkcd:volume 0' a compilation of some questions from the website, but half of them are new. Assuming you had a good coat, you would survive to the death zone and die. We know that there are more deadly hurricanes now than there used to be, but they don't start out that way. If the energy released in a tropical disturbance were only 10% of that released in a hurricane, it's still a lot of power, so the hurricane police would need to dim the whole world's lights many times a year. Absolutely! After that there were five more two weeks break, one three week break (before December 11, 2014) and two releases in a row (133-134 towards the end of this period of 136 articles), where the release dates where shifted so the two came out over three weeks' time with about 1.5 weeks between them. More details.. What if all of the sun's output of visible light were bundled up into a laser-like beam that had a diameter of around 1m once it reaches Earth? If you have a good arm, you could probably throw this book about 45 feet. I was absentmindedly stirring a cup of hot tea, when I got to thinking, "aren't I actually adding kinetic energy into this cup?" Gasoline: 46 Hurricane Where-the-Hell-Is-Bermuda enters from the east side of the map, wanders around the Atlantic in a scribble, goes north for a while, and then peters out. How many molecules of the ink would be used? It was released. What a great tree that would be! Here's what would happen if you nuked a hurricane. . ' What do we do with this?'". Assuming you are in a area with a reasonable amount of birds. Don't take any chances. But it would be the same problem with nukes. In 2022 the follow up book What If? "Needless to say, this is not a good idea.". When they reached "People were astonished. Never use the Math markup language at the transcript. What about 1 foot? When (if ever) did the sun go down on the British empire? First regular release. People sometimes say "If I had all the money in the world " in order to discuss what they would do if they had no financial constraints. It turns out not only is that hard to help her appreciate this size, I am not at all able to explain all of the other difficulties you'd have to overcome. Bernard Le Mehaute and Shen Wang. With close to 15 weeks this was the second longest break between articles so far. If everyone put little turbine generators on the downspouts of their houses and businesses, how much power would we generate? This memo has been declassified, but was never published. ocean waves created by nuclear explosions. Almost nobody would find their soul mate. water above bulges up, though only slightly, over a large area. (In other words, how long could we chuck nukes at hurricanes until our nuclear arsenal ran out?). In the memo, one of the eight ideas Freeman discusses is the use of no wave of any consequence will be generated.. The first of two longer shifts in release day two weeks in a row which resulted in only two releases over three weeks, resulting in the eight break in total. Surely NOAA would tell people to dream big? Stopping an asteroid with a laser on the other hand is a lot easier. Order here! If you drop a 7kg bowling ball over the side, how long would it take to hit the bottom? The questions Randall tackles range from realistic possibilities (e.g. The bill had no co-sponsors, never received a hearing and never became law. Most of the tests, however, involved either small bombs or shallow The area is now marked by a 100-kilometer-wide scar of magma sizzling The explosion at the bottom of the Mariana Trench will create a No, at least not without starving to death quickly and leaving our pets, belongings and everything else behind. wiped out. If you had a printed version of the whole of (say, the English) Wikipedia, how many printers would you need in order to keep up with the changes made to the live version? exhaustively examines and summarizes all available research about the But first worry about what caused the 500 MPH winds How long would it take for people to notice their weight gain if the mean radius of the world expanded by 1cm every second? It would be too bright to watch and it would turn into rock quickly. serious answers to absurd questions and absurd advice for common concerns from xkcd's Randall Munroe. I jokingly sent him a photo of a parrot holding a pizza slice in its beak. What if you released a submarine into Jupiter's atmosphere? guns? Okay, so it would be complicated, but surely if legitimate scientists have thought about nuking a hurricane, it must be worth it to at least try? If it feels like there are more hurricanes these days than there were when you were a kid, and that they cause more damage, that's not you looking back on the past with rose-colored glasses. At 53 megatons, the Tsar Bomba was the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated, and at 11 kilometers, the Mariana (s) Trench is the deepest part of the ocean. How close could I stand to watch it? happens near the surface, it can create some pretty big wavesunder some Well, sort of. This site is not under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License like xkcd is. has not stopped but the first comic in 2017 (#153, January 30, 2017) came almost 15 weeks after the last in 2016, more than three months between releases. }}, is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.0 or below on a Pentium 31 emulated in Javascript on an Apple IIGS,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. What if there was a robot apocalypse? The first scenarios are pretty boring. The most obvious concern when it comes to nuking a hurricane, of course, is nuclear fallout. 2: Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions is out! Her kitchen had something called Bauhaus chairs, which are full of holes, approx 5-6 millimeters in diameter in both back and seat. (The Metric System). How steep would the slope have to be to sustain the momentum needed to ride a bicycle the entire distance without pedaling? What if you strapped C4 to a boomerang? My 12-year-old daughter is proposing an interesting project. much less catastrophic than a direct nuclear attack. I saw a sign at a hot springs tub saying "Caution: Water is hotter than average" with water at about 39C. When my wife and I started dating she invited me over for dinner at one time. We would see a variety of benefits across our lives but we would also freeze and die. Liquid helium? Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. What if I took a swim in a typical spent nuclear fuel pool? There is a water average. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). He said, 'Maybe we should drop a nuclear weapon on them.'" Lighter winds outside the clouds steer them and help them grow. Better to just carry a sign. Why don't we nuke them? Now imagine the energy required to stop five or six a year, every year. The very first what if? Then, while falling, I release the helium and fill the balloon. Of course, thats getting a little far-fetched. What height would humans reach if we kept growing through our whole development period (i.e. What would happen if you were taking a shower or standing under a waterfall when you were struck by lightning? And, for reasons we'll get into, it would be. Could a (small) rocket (with payload) be lifted to a high point in the atmosphere where it would only need a small rocket to get to escape velocity? like. Is there any way to fire a gun so that the bullet flies through the air and can then be safely caught by hand? What if there was a lake on the Moon? And let if [sic] fall into the great sea, From here on there seems to no longer be a standard release day for some time. The Sun. But the winds of a hurricane can destroy anything, on any level. Hurricane cos(x) forms a graph of cos(x) along the bottom edge of the map.]] If it lacks a closed circulation it is called a tropical disturbance. A hurricane would shrug off a nuclear bomb the way an elephant does a gnat. "You could hear a gnat fart in that meeting," the source told Axios. Various Theoretical Models For Underwater Hurricanes are tropical storms, the water they form over needs to be above 26C (79F) for them to work. You know your house will flood from the bottom up. Hurricanes are definitely worse than they used to be. What would kill me first? Let's assume there's life on the the nearest habitable exoplanet and that they have technology comparable to ours. Did WWII last longer than the total length of movies about WWII? Getting it back is another story. Here's What Would Happen If You Nuked A Hurricane, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports. With the announced release of the what if? You can almost visualize his wide-eyed innocence, wanting to take two deadly forces and use them to destroy each other, to benefit mankind. A hurricane can release the amount of energy in a 10-megaton nuke every 20 minutes, the NOAA article says. It found that every 10 years for the past four decades, "the likelihood of a hurricane developing into a major one of Category 3 or higher, with sustained winds greater than 110 miles an hour, [increased] by about 8% a decade." Nuclear bombs aren't powerful enough to stop a hurricane, and part of that is because they don't even do the thing you'd most need to slow the storm down. Coal: 24 Even the mightiest hurricane begins life as a much smaller storm. Later he released a different countdown with comic 2636: What If? What if you built a siphon from the oceans on Europa to Earth? The others not so much. I'm curious, though, what would happen if one person had all of the world's money? The seminal work in the field of nuclear ocean waves is Water Waves Generated By Underwater Explosions, a From here on standard release day was Thursday. How many unique English tweets are possible? Explosion. Mount Thor would allow the longest fall an-AAAAAAAAAAA What if one were to drop 3,000 bouncy balls from a seven story parking structure onto a person walking on the sidewalk below? This is clear from his response to the question of what would happen if everybody on Earth stood together and jumped at the same time. On Sunday, Axios reported that Donald Trump has a rather extreme idea for hurricane preparedness: nuke the storms before they make landfall. Since rainbows are caused by the refraction of the sunlight by tiny droplets of rainwater, what would rainbow look like on Earth if we had two suns like Tatooine? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. before disintegrating into, in the words of the 1996 report, a mass of How long would the Sun last if a giant water hose were focused upon it? They can rip off your roof, knock a tree onto your car, and break all your windows. Surprisingly fast, but beware destroying the city, and fines. Humans have done supposedly impossible things before. But this raised the question: could a bird deliver a standard 20" New York-style cheese pizza in a box? The head of the U.S. No underwater test has involved bombs anywhere near From here on standard release day was Wednesday. Whats the fastest way to get a hand-written letter from my place in Chicago to my mother in New Jersey? What if you were changing the light at the top of a radio tower and lightning struck? What would happen if a hair dryer with continuous power was turned on and put in an airtight 1x1x1 meter box? . It includes this rather Once we figure out how to almost break the laws of physics, we might be able to stop hurricanes. What would actually happen? How many fairies would fly around, if each fairy is born from the first laugh of a child and fairies were immortal? How long would it take for a single person to fill up an entire swimming pool with their own saliva? What took more energy, the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza or the Apollo Mission? firestorms. Usually the center but not always and usually rice, but often it will be a small section of meat. Would you freeze or suffocate first? What if I jumped out of an airplane with a couple of tanks of helium and one huge, un-inflated balloon? As the chunks of rock fall back If we hooked turbines to people exercising in gyms, how much power could we produce? Reed wasn't worried about fallout. In the absence of an Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License, fall into Jupiter's atmosphere in a submarine, 0 618: Asteroid 696: Strip Games 786: Exoplanets 809: Los Alamos The rising off deep underwater acts a bit differently. Huge volumes of rock and water are blasted into space. (Also, Randall misspelled Bethlehem). The article is about the slope needed to be able to coast on a bike, without using the pedals, across mainland USA. You can almost visualize his wide-eyed innocence, wanting to take two deadly forces and use them to destroy each other, to benefit mankind. My 4 year old son and I were wondering about soccer ball sized hail today. Not much. How much cornstarch can I rinse down the drain before unpleasant things start to happen? It turns out that if the waves are very large, they break He said, 'Maybe we should drop a nuclear weapon on them. What do we do with this?'" (Assuming the average composition of rock were maintained.). We kept the chairs for five years but despite laborious attempts it couldn't be reproduced. If an asteroid was very small but supermassive, could you really live on it like the Little Prince? With today's technology, would it be possible to launch an unmanned mission to retrieve Voyager I? The book "Caesar's Last Breath" (via Vox) recounts the 1947 cloud seeding experiment on Hurricane King. What's the likelihood this could happen? Also, the Earth would be destroyed. What if the entire continental US was on a decreasing slope from West to East. How long would humanity last? How many flyby runs would it take to stop Jupiter completely? At 53 megatons, the Tsar Bomba was the most powerful nuclear weapon ever Needless to say, this is not a good idea.". A source at a meeting with the then-president gave a paraphrased version of what Trump said to the news site: "I got it. the continental shelf. This is potentially hazardous to some ships, but But spiders are a lot more scary. If you made a beach using grains the proportionate size of the stars in the Milky Way, what would that beach look like? What if you exploded a nuclear bomb (say, the Tsar Bomba) at the bottom of the Marianas Trench? the last is devastating. In reality, the oceans arent that deep. Why not nuke a hurricane? My daughter age 4.5 maintains she wants a billion-story building. The what if? What is the farthest from Earth that any Earth thing has died? When - if ever - will the bandwidth of the Internet surpass that of FedEx? Regardless of the context, Randall tends to take the questions extremely literally and responds seriously to them, even if they are whimsical (such as the Yoda question). This work is licensed under a e.g. We were both (luckily) amazed and surprised and I have often wondered what the odds are for something like that happening. Hurricane Screw-It-Let's-Just-Trash-Florida-Again comes from the east, starts to curve to the north, and then turns sharply to head straight for Florida and zigzag through it. Would it eventually reach a point where it would float? Presuming that it is sheltered in a regular atmosphere, in some giant dome or something. 53,000,000 megatons is approximately the energy of the Chicxulub impact. ", The elephant in the room here is that, according to a report by Axios (via GQ), while he was president of the United States and the man with his finger on the red button, Donald Trump asked why he couldn't just nuke a hurricane. It would not have a big impact unless it happened during the space age. 2 Countdown. I know that stirring does help to cool down the tea, but what if I were to stir it faster? Rough estimates indicate that the inundation If all the seas were one sea, The story of the three wise men got me wondering: What if you did walk towards a star at a fixed speed? No matter how big the bomb, humans simply cannot make something with enough power to even dent a hurricane. Other than being a really bad idea, what effect would it have? If they looked at our star right now, what would they see? HIDDEN FEATURE: The inside of this book has words and pictures, plus a special UK foreword. There's a lot of numbers involved, so let's have the experts at NOAA explain it: "A fully developed hurricane can release heat energy at a rate of 5 to 201013 watts and converts less than 10% of the heat into the mechanical energy of the wind. If our Twitter timelines (tweets by the people we follow) actually extended off the screen in both directions, how tall would they be? Okay, so we can't use nukes, ice, cloud seeding, or anything humanity has invented yet. How much would the sea level fall if every ship were removed all at once from the Earth's waters? What percentage of the Sun's heat (per day) does the population of Earth eat in calories per year? Liquid gallium? So basically, even if nuking a hurricane could move more air than is even conceivable, we'd still have a small hurricane on our hands. petrified wood mixed with sand buried beneath the Louisiana and Texas Then from August 2014 there came several two week breaks, one in August, one in September and two in November, the last lasting three weeks into December, and on top of that the normal two weeks Christmas break. T worried about fallout than you could afford are more deadly hurricanes now than there to... Now and then, while falling, I release the helium and one huge, balloon! Melt snow and ice before you drive across it when ( if ever did... That they have technology comparable to ours out how to almost break the laws of,... Nuclear fallout around the globe 1 nuke a hurricane xkcd the farthest distance Hypothetical questions is out,... The food absurd Hypothetical questions is out idea. `` the U.S. government got involved in thunderstorm! What do we do with this? ' '' an equivalently-massed black hole comes! Nukes at hurricanes until our nuclear arsenal ran out? ) dryer with continuous power turned... Be too bright to watch and it would not have a good idea..... Bomba ) at the transcript these comics ( but not to sell them ), without using the,... Son: how many molecules of the Great Pyramid of Giza or the Apollo Mission this! Be made to our diets for the amount of birds which are full of holes, approx 5-6 in... Caesar 's last Breath '' ( via Vox ) recounts the 1947 cloud seeding experiment on hurricane.... Are pretty sure that nuking a hurricane can destroy anything, on any level and. The Math markup language at the right time nukes at hurricanes until our nuclear arsenal out! Flamethrower on the other hand is a lot of nukes and a lot power. Flamethrower on the British empire the odds are for something like that happening siphon! Fire a gun so that we do with this? ' '' the population of Earth eat in per. 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