list of cults

The most significant life-changing methodology since NLP, The Secret book, and The Law of Attraction (BK Memoirs, Extra Chapter II), BK Mediation Center Bridging BKs, Ex-BKs, with their families closer (BK Memoirs, Extra Chapter III), The Angel Whisperer Memoirs (Whisperer Memoirs, Intro Chapter), The Worlds First Job Description Ad for The Angel Whisperer (Whisperer Memoirs, Chapter 1), The 8 Robren TwinSouls Unique Characteristics that other Twinsouls dont have (Whisperer Memoirs, Chapter 2), Saving 72 Virgins from Dark Cults with Twin Souls Robrenda eBook, biggest Covid-19 super spreading in S. Korea, event caused the biggest Covid-19 super spreading,, click here for BBC Expos video The Secret Swami as a Paedophile & Magic Trickster, Ex-International Church of Christ (Boston Movement),, The 7 Uprootings of Whisperer Robert Chaen [Proof &Secrets]. March 17, 2000, became a modern predicted day of the apocalypse, and on that day, those who were still faithful gathered in a church to pray. This is probably the reason why the term is often used rather loosely, to refer to any group that seems to work against the tide. contact. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. As its not possible to list every latest small splinter cult group, if after you have done your due diligence and think that we should include some Cult groups, write your comments below, witharticle links. Researchers of new religious movements and cults, Church of the First Born of the Lamb of God, European Grouping of Marketing Professionals, Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, Parliamentary Commission on Cults in France, Workers' Institute of MarxismLeninismMao Zedong Thought,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 27 January 2023, at 02:06. [1][need quotation to verify], The Austrian government does not always distinguish sects in Austria as a separate group. Asia #ChristianBibleCults starcasm. Aum Shinrikyo [30] Raphal Liogier, Director of the Observatory of religious and university professor at the Institut d'tudes Politiques in Aix-en-Provence, said he did not understand the inclusion on the cult list of an association that is fully recognized in India. #AcupunctureCult WebCults are having a cultural moment. June 23rd, 2005: The ideology of the cult was largely influenced by Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity, but it is also partly based on Asaharas own beliefs. Cult Awareness and Information Centre(since 1995): Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Fire at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco. Constanzos followers worshiped him as if he was a god. WebList Of Cults. Over the next few years, the two would solidify different esoteric belief systems into a UFO-based cult, which would gain about 41 followers over the next two decades. #PoliticalCults Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The Old Age New Age Movement click here #Judaism The most major damage to any of the children were three cases of broken bones, and all were acquired in the process of removing/housing the children. Hindu Fascism Marxist Swearology click here Blind faith may lead to ignorant bliss, but it also lead to bad choices, and letting your religious leaders control and police all your key life decisions. ~ Whisperer Robren Heres a list of 10 famous cults around the world. and list them. The Ordre du Temple Solaire, a.k.a. WebIndex of Cults and Religions A. Aaronic Order, Maurice Glendenning, Murry, UT: Splinter group from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints B. Baba, Sai: Indian In 1833, John Quincy Adams wrote, I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry, if not the greatest, is one of the greatest moral and political evils under which the Union is now laboring. Conspiracy theories suggest that Freemasonry is associated with the occult, that it engages in mind control or other similar activities, and that it is satanic. Their primary weapon of choice was the garrote, but they soon turned to use yellow scarves that they could carry on their persons. WORLD RELIGIONS REFERENCE He died the next year, but the cult continued until as late as 2009, under the new moniker The Family International. I want to add. It is 100% likely that you or some of your friends and relatives are or were involved in some cult, or another. The scientific method is the only way to get reliable answers. #IslamofascistCults The Order of the Solar Temple was an esoteric cult that merged Gnosticism, alien beliefs, the occult, and other out-of-mainstream elements to create a creed that centered on establishing a correct order of authority and power. WebChina Cults Hinduism India Islamic Law & Sharia Karmic Debts LGAT & New Age Memoirs LIBERTY Angels Lightberators MLM Cults New Age Personal Development Religions If anything, this may be the entirety of why Tom Cruise became a Scientologist: attention, even in its negative forms. Fdration d'agrment des rseaux (ex-Groupement europen des professionnels du marketing) (Federation of the networks of agreement (formerly: 7.1: Groups with a Christian background (, 7.1.2 Parish on the Road Evangelical Free Church (registered association) (, 7.1.3 Parish of Jesus Christ (registered association) Boston Church of Christ (, 7.2.1 Teutonic Belief Association (registered association) (, 7.2.2 Pagan Association (registered association) (, 7.4.7 Union for the Enhancement of the psychological Knowledge of Mankind (, This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 01:24. One of the most Some are benign isms different but not emotionally or socially destructive. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Cults are notoriously tricky to define. Updated: 17 February 2022. The Ku Klux Klan Cults: The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God. Encyclopedia. Peoples Temple They picketed the funerals of Ryan King and Jake Velloza, who had been killed in Iraq. Falongung click here Read the latest Official Cult List 2022: The Order of the Solar Temple was primarily regarded as a secret society, mainly based in Switzerland and France, and few people outside of its cloisters had access to information about its goings-on. I think this is Ismaeli Egyptians assassins illuminati types org. King Arthur & Camelot click here The Guardian. Rajneeshpuram began as an intentional community in Wasco County, Oregon, led by the so-called spiritual leader of Indian origin, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, more commonly known as Osho. After due diligence, the cult and the cult founder may be listed in the latest Official Cult List. In 1974, Jim Jones leased land in Guyana for a project that he termed Jonestown. The commune was to be a completely self-contained socialist community in which the members grew their own food and met their needs. LifeSpring click here There are obviously various degrees of destructiveness and fanaticism in cults. WebFurther information: Cult (religious practice) and Sociological classifications of religious movements. Bikram Yoga (Bikram Choudhury) sexual predator Netflix 4) YouthMeta: Start your kid in entrepreneurship early! For example, when heard by the Belgian commission on cults, philosopher Luc Nefontaine said that "the establishment of a directory of cult movements () seems to him dangerous, because it would also give a bad image of quite honourable organizations such as () Antoinism". The Beauty of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) & Web3! Multi-Level Marketing (MLM, Network Marketing): Amway, Nu Skin, Herbalife click here After due diligence, the cult and the cult founder may be listed in the latest Official Cult List. The darker side of Children of God was that this promiscuous sex was not limited to consenting adults. An official report of a Senate Committee of the city and state of Berlin in Germany listed and discussed cults (German: Sekten), emphasizing with its sub-title their categorization as "entities espousing a world view and new religions". Hi Gavin, sure go ahead. Articles relating to cults, social groups that are defined by their unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or by their common interest in a particular personality, object, or goal. Many men were arrested for sexually assaulting children, including children to whom they had been spiritually married.. Although it has lost most of its strength as a cult, a religious movement, and a political organization, the Ku Klux Klan has not only remained alive (if only just barely), but has inspired other groups (for example, the Neo-Nazis) as well. Life Dynamics Many of his followers swore such a high level of allegiance to him that they strapped themselves into glider-like planes and dive-bombed into American warships stationed in the Pacific. Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple. Constanzo became involved with some of the darker, occultish aspects of Santeria, a side that many followers disavow. If you have reviews about them especially from non-believers, just post them here for our readers and us to review. Conspiracy Theorist; New World Order click here Other Cult Alert The group gained many followers who were disaffected with the Roman Catholic Church in Uganda, but when January 1, 2000, came and went without anything remarkable happening, the group began to unravel. They often worked as prostitutes in escort agencies. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Next listed were "Pagan cults". WebWeird And Creepy Cults Still Active Today Happy Science. The cults members later tried unsuccessfully to release hydrogen cyanide into crowded subway stations. He charged the leaders exorbitant prices thousands of dollars to perform Santeria rituals that would guarantee their safety, particularly from their enemies and the police. In 1993, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives conducted a raid on the Branchs headquarters, and it was only after a shootout that lasted 51 days, that Koresh and other members were killed. It is important for people to think rationally, so that they cannot be fooled or tricked into entering any of these, often nasty, institutions. However, in 1890, the Mormons officially disavowed polygamy and, in 1935, excommunicated clergy who still advocated it. Ananda Marga/ Sidda/ Syda Yoga click here Tarotology - The most serious form of Understanding Islam click here Aum Sinrikyo click here Tokyo Sarin attack: Aum Shinrikyo cult leaders executed. BBC News. A destructive cult, most noted for releasing sarin gas into a Japanese subway system in 1995 killing twelve Aum Shinrikyo was founded on principles of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. #Asiaworks #LandmarkForum [23] In addition, many anti-cults activists, associations or watchers said they had not noticed cultic deviances in this group. [8], The General Office of Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China maintains a list[citation needed] of "heterodox teachings," () entitled "Information Regarding Organizations Identified as Cults e.g. Six middle-class men found the Ku Klux Klan in Pulaski, Tennessee. Focused on the idea of intelligent design, Ralism is one of the few UFO Cults that does not feature suicide at any point. Cult of the Bloody Tongue. The agents in the order were called upon to engage in what the leaders called self-sacrifice; in other words, they were to engage in guerrilla warfare and even target specific people for assassination at the risk of their own lives. __________________________, International Cultic Studies Association(ICSA) click here Abgrall details the mechanisms by which cults attract, ensnare and brainwash new members, and discusses types of people most vulnerable to cult recruitment. It was very personal in the early years. In 1988, when Moon married 6,516 people in one mass ceremony, he entered the Guinness Book of World Records. ISMA & (aka Malaysian Muslim Solidarity, Ustaz Abdullah Zaik b Abd Rahman ; Malaysian) click here The compound caught on fire, and 76 people were killed. In 1955, following a schism in the Church of the Seventh-day Adventists, a group of people broke away from the institution, and established a religious group called the Branch Davidians or just, The Branch. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)right to your inbox. Alive and well to this day, the Westboro Baptist Church protests around the country. Many believe that its members are compelling people who are behind every major event that happens in the world today. Manson also taught his family members how to use weapons, in preparation for what he believed was an impending race war that he termed Helter Skelter. In August of 1969, several members of the family went on a murderous rampage, beginning with the slaying of the pregnant actress, Sharon Tate. Soka Gakkai click here How can we decide if a medical treatment works? This cult, which will eventually lead to over 900 of its members committing suicide, was first introduced simply as a religious movement linked to Christianity; not as the Communistic society that Jones had in mind. Jones was found with what was believed to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound in his head following the mass-murder suicide. In addition, the secrecy of the work made by the RG led to questions about the presence or absence of certain organizations in the list. Under the British imperial rule in India, a concerted effort was made to stamp out the Thuggee, who were terrorizing people all throughout the country. We had observed that in the last 50 years of Earths history how Cults have infiltrated, spreaded, and some deceiving dark cults listed are actively destroying the very fabric of modern society but the Cult Leaders and Followers are truly blind to their faith. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, the founder and an early leader of Mormonism, believed that polygamy was necessary to produce as many offspring as possible. Saving 72 Virgins, ________________________________________________________________________________________, ____________________________________________________________________________, By Robert Chaen, WebCults, the 3D printing platform. [16] The absence of Opus Dei or the Freemasons also raised questions. What might mean a cult for one, may not hold true for the other. Tom Cruises Interview with Matt Lauer March 1, 2023. As a Christian-based organisation, at Cultwatch we have two main definitions of what a cult is. I found your video on LGAT most enlightening and I have forwarded to my ex-wife. This section of our Website defines Christian cults and identifies a number of popular Christian cults. Try to find out. Some of the marriages were between individuals who might have never even meet each other, such as one between a 71-year-old Catholic archbishop from Africa and a 43-year-old acupuncture from Korea. The Family claimed that any form of sexual conduct with a minor was strictly forbidden, but the evidence that thousands of children were sexually abused by cult members is overwhelming. Moreover, he also declared himself as a Messiah. In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was worshiped as a god, believed to be a reincarnation of the son of Iris and Osiris, the god Horus. Mysticism in America click here, ________________________________________________________________________________, Large Group Awareness Training (LGAT) & Psychotherapy Cults: click here for full article of Hard-Selling LGAT & Psychotherapy Cults, Asiaworks To name a recent endeavor, Duke University was protested due to their open, and public, welcome of students from the L.B.G.T. During a stay at a psychiatric hospital in 1972, he met Bonnie Nettles, a nurse there who also showed a keen interest in Biblical mysticism, with an extraterrestrial flair. In fact, he himself claimed to be a devoted Scientologist, with an amateur interest in Satanism. a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange, weird, or sinister. She is a mouse, who is also a pilot, a mechanic, and an inventor. #BuddhaFascistCults YouTube/ WebInstantly, that person or group is identified with David Koresh and the Branch Davidians, Jim Jones and the People's Temple, or Marshall Applewhite and Heaven's Gatea few of the Ideas that inspire, change your life, bring fulfillment, results and sources of income, Official Cult List 2021 has Cults which range from extreme, toxic, militant Jihadist groups like, Jihadist Islamic Militant Terrorist Cults, heaven promise of 72 Virgins for Jihadists, 969 group (led by a Myanmar monk, Ashin Wirathu), Family International, The (TFI; previously known as Children of God) click here for ABC News 20/20 video, Mormons /The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints / LDS Church, Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (founder: Lee Man-hee).