frank wilczek iq

271. cond-mat/9501050 [94/108] Rev. Suppl. [29] On January 25, 2013, Wilczek received an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Science and Technology at Uppsala University, Sweden. 261. Jour. In Item 66 we introduced a discrete matter symmetry sufficient to banish catastrophic proton decay in supersymmetric models. Espe- cially interesting I think is Item 147, where the concept of (delocalized) Cheshire charge was first introduced. By Gabriel Popkin. B320, 669 (1989). 204. Item 136 describes a possible subtle new form of spin ordering, that exhibits a gap but no easily accessible order parameter, and supports exotic quasiparticle excitations. B417, (1994) 359. cond-mat/9312086 [93/89] Scaling Mount Planck 3: Is That All There Is? [2]He is currently the Herman Feshbach . Turner), Phys. 44. J. Mod. Both classic 2-flavor color superconductivity (with the strange quark passive) and color-flavor locking are valid groundstates in different parameter regimes at high density. B72, 195 (1977). 414. 356. Solicited article for Universe or Multiverse ed. 40. In recent years I have been asked to do this on a regular basis for both Nature and Physics Today. Frank Wilczek, 2004 Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics, speaks at 'Nobel Week Dialogue: the Future of Truth' conference at at Svenska Massan on December 9, 2017, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Rev. Back to Basics at High Temperature, Physics Today, 11 (April 1998). Lett. We proposed one such gauge theory, now known as. Item 55 was an early use of higher-dimensional spinor representations, when this was considered quite adventurous. He had decided to sit in on a class by physics . He is also an avid, though mediocre, musician. Hydrodynamic Relations in Superconductivity, (with M. Greiter and E. Witten), Mod. Frank Wilczek 1 Selected Publications of Frank Wilczek, with Brief Commentary, The full bibliography has grown by accretion. Sum Rules for Spin-Dependent Electroproduction - Test of Relativistic Constituent Quarks (with S. Wandzura), Phys. of Mod. A Long View of Particle Physics, Solvay Conference Proceedings The Theory of the Quantum World ed. Items 282 and 332 are perspectives on the broadest implications of QCD. Item 102 is of some methodological interest; it identifies a limit in which heavy particles can be show to spontaneously form semi-classical bags, substantially deforming the vacuum around themselves. 440. This theory forms the key to the interpretation of almost all experimental studies involving modern particle accelerators. On Absolute Units 3: Absolutely Not Physics Today 59N5 10-11 (2006). Phys. In 2004 I shared the physics Nobel Prize for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction. In Item 189 Rajagopal and I demonstrated a mechanism whereby the return to equilibrium after a quench following chiral symmetry restoration can be accompanied by dramatic non-thermal radiation. Global Structure of Evaporating Black Holes (with M. Parikh), Phys. [91/34] hep-th/9202014 [91/71] O. Sacks 96-101 (Harper-Collins 2003). In the same year he was awarded the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Commemorative Medal from Charles University in Prague. [91/11] B112, 133 (1982). D12, 106 (1975). Lett. Frank Wilczek [5.18.21] It came to me, viscerally, that the intricate calculations I'd done using pen and paper (and wastebasket) might somehow describe this entirely different realm of existencenamely, a physical world of particles, tracks, and electronic signals, created by the kind of machinery I was looking at. Frank Wilczek 15 45. cond-mat/9512061 [95/104] Frank Wilczek, phone ++468164997, email Each of the first three papers in this cluster presents an idea that plays a continuing major part in assessing the possible role of supersymmetry in the description of Nature. 137. D25, 553 (1982). Bernard Carr (2005). It was later found to be embodied, with some refinements, in the projective ribbon statistics of Freedman, Hastings, Nayak et al. 135. In it, I show how the theme of symmetry transmutation through locking is a major thread connecting charge re-quantization, emergent anyons, quark-hadron continuity, and more. Lett. Laureates are asked to prepare a public scientific lecture for delivery in Stockholm, and later to supply a brief biography to be published along with it. M. Shifman 2016-2151 (World Scientific, 2001). [ 17] Innehll 1 Referenser Fundamental Constants, pp. 453. 104. 400. Research Areas High Energy and Particle Theory, Strong Interactions and Nuclear Theory (617) 253-0284 Office: 6-301 Rev. [89/69] He has received many honors for his work, notably including the Nobel Prize. 85 5042-5045 (2000). Ive classified and annotated the items listed in this subsection in a separate file. One aspect of this, which requires less radical departures than the full program, is a connection between the meaning of the cosmolog- ical term (initial value versus microscopically determinate) and the question whether one should require invariance under volume-changing transformations. In the technical part of item 453 I returned to the analysis of level crossings in the presence of symmetry, and found some beautiful universal structure. He was particularly inspired by two of his high school physics teachers, one of whom taught a course that helped students with the national Westinghouse Science Talent Search. 106. Phys. Item 68, an early review, was among the first to discuss QCD as an established theory. Jour. Lett. 416. 256. (See fundamental interaction.) 71, S85-S95, (1999); More Things in Heaven and Earth A celebration of Physics at the Millennium, ed. Lett. Professor Wilczek has been a Sloan Foundation Fellow (1975-77) and a MacArthur Foundation Fellow (1982-87). 136. Item 241 introduces an essentially new phenomenon in this context, providing limpid models that exhibit confinement of discrete quantum numbers. If axions exist and have low mass within a specific range, they are of interest as a possible component of cold dark matter. Turner), Phys. Gretchen Ertl for The New York Times By Claudia Dreifus. Item 78 demonstrates the non-thermal production mechanism for axions during the Big Bang. Frank Wilczek is a theoretical physicist, author, and intellectual adventurer. [20], In 2014, Wilczek penned a letter, along with Stephen Hawking and two other scholars, warning that "Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. In this cluster of papers the possibility of fractional statistics for two-dimensional particles was introduced and extensively analyzed. I am told it is the leading candidate to describe the observed incompressible state at = 5/2. He received his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at the . Treiman and A. Zee), Phys. ' (: Frank Anthony Wilczek; -15 1951) , 2004. It was an honor to be asked to write item 444, for the major book celebrating 50 years of BCS theory. Mod. Rev. 11. Item 196 exemplified use of the replica trick, which remains a basic technique. Learn about Frank's research and affiliations. 278. Effect of Instantons on the Heavy Quark Potential (with C. Callan, R. Dashen, D. Gross and A. Zee). Lecture slides Pdf 2.30 MB QCD Lava Lamp Animation 518 kB Read the Nobel Lecture Pdf 983 kB Copyright The Nobel Foundation 2004 From Les Prix Nobel. In the same year he was awarded the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Commemorative Medal from Charles University in Prague. 52, 2111 (1984). In preparing the biography, I reflected on my great good fortune in having supportive people and institutions. In itself it is a clever paper, I think, but it was rapidly overtaken by the explosive development of the field. cond-mat/9602112 [95/111] translation symmetry might be spontaneously broken, in classical and quantum theory respectively. Special Frank Wilczek, a Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist, author and Arizona State University Distinguished Professor, whose boundary-pushing investigations into the fundamental laws of nature have transformed our understanding of the forces that govern our universe, was announced today as the winner of the 2022 Templeton Prize . Many choice pieces are collected in item 396. Rev. B 423, 337-347, (1998). Frank Wilczek, a professor in the Department of Physics in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at ASU, shared the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics with David Gross and H. David Politzer for their discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction. Rev. 53, 2203 (1983). Item 261 is foundational. B 411, 112-116, (1997). 222. 236. Phys. Babu and J. Pati) Nucl. 112. The Universe is a Strange Place Lepton-Photon Interactions at High Energies, Interna- tional Symposium XXII 447-461 (2005). B482 388-399 (2000). In it, we showed that for three degenerate flavors there is a beautiful preferred pattern of pairing, that opens a gap in all colored channels, modifies the photon in such a way that all elementary excitations have integer charge, and breaks chiral symmetry by a new mechanism. In Items 181 and 186 the full machinery of the renormalization group was brought to bear on this problem, and a host of universal predictions are made, including the existence and properties of a tricritical point as both temperature and strange quark mass are varied. Panning for Gold at the K Stream, Nature 389, 671 (16 Oct. 1997). 120. Quantum Hall States In this group of papers I applied the ideas of Chern-Simons theory and statistical transmutation more specifically to the quantum Hall effect. This is a cluster of papers wherein the methods of superconductivity theory are applied to QCD at high density. He played a central part in formulating and establishing theoretical physics' two standard models the standard model of fundamental interactions and the standard model of cosmology. The Chern- Simons construction of statistical transmutation is implicit in that paper, made more explicit (and used!) On Geometric Entropy, (with Curtis Callan), Phys. He was the co-recipient of the 2003 High Energy and Particle Physics Prize of the European Physical Society. Frank Wilczek. Discrete Quantum Hair on Black Holes and the Nonabelian Aharanov-Bohm Effect, (with M. Alford and J. March-Russell), Nucl. Selected Publications [45][47], In 2012 he proposed the idea of a time crystal. Professor Wilczek received his Bachelor's degree from the University of Chicago and his PhD from Princeton University. For most purposes, it should be more useful. 378. It's not just the show-stopping, full-arc-across . Physics Today 55N8 10-11 (2002). Phys. Phys. Frank Anthony Wilczek (1951-05-15) May 15, 1951(age 71) Mineola, New York, U.S. ed. The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces. 66, 5 (1991). 289. 110, 118902 (2013) See Also . Lett. In Item 220 we pointed out the non-zero horizon area of extremal black holes with several charges, showed that this area is independent of various moduli (consistent with its interpretation as an entropy) and argued from duality that something very close to the Bekenstein-Hawking formula must be valid. 2n Quasihole States Realize 2n1-Dimensional Spinor Braiding Statistics in Paired Quantum Hall States (with Chetan Nayak), Nucl. 30. 2) 12-25, (Dec. 1996). QCD - The Modern Theory of Strong Interactions, Ann. Rev. Frank Wilczek 3 In addition to the Nobel Prize, Wilczek received a MacArthur Foundation fellowship (1982) and the Templeton Prize (2022) among numerous other honours. [3], Wilczek, along with David Gross and H.David Politzer, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004 "for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction". A Piece of Magic: The Dirac Equation It Must be Beautiful ed. A crack in the Standard Model?, Nature Vol. Phys. Rev. Possible Electronic Structure of Domain Walls in Mott Insulators (with C. Nayak), Int. 306. Still to this day I think the quantum theory of angular momentum is one of the absolute pinnacles of human achievement. 263. [8], After skipping two grades, Wilczek started high school in the 10th grade, when he was 13 years old. Fractional Statistics and Anyon Superconductivity, a monograph and reprint collection, World Scientific (September, 1990). Item 137 is foundational. 55, 122 (1985). 417. Phys. Welcome to your new Drupal site! Particle Physics and Cosmology: Foundation and Working Pictures, in The Very Early Universe, eds. 38 (2010) pp. D63 4502-4505 (2001). Geometric Entropy, Wave Functionals, and Fermions (with F. Larsen), Annals of Physics, 243, 280, (1995). D42, 1001 (1990). Rev. D18, 242 (1978). 352. Conference Summary, in The Very Early Universe, eds. hep-th/9408089 [94/51] Baryogenesis These papers present pioneering discussions of how the phenomenon of baryon number viola- tion, natural within unified gauge models, can lead and initially symmetric Universe to evolve an asymmetry between matter and antimatter, as observed. Selected Publications Lett. 102. 53, 722 (1984). Calculations for Cosmic Axion Detection (with L. Krauss, J. Moody and D. Morris), Phys. 19. Fitch, Marlow, and Dementi, Princeton University Press; also in Int. B333, (1994) 55-61. hepth/ 9401072 [93/87] D. Gross, M. Henneaux and A. Sevrin, (World Scientific) April 2013, hep-th 1204.4683, [MIT-CTP 4358] (April 2012). 5. Neutrino Deficit Challenges Conservation Laws, Nature 391, 123 (8 Jan. 1998). 348. Anyons, Scientific American 264, #5, p. 58 (May, 1991). Frank Wilczek 27 D64 074017 (2001). 55. Riemann-Einstein Structure from Volume and Gauge Symmetry, Phys. It still appears as if this symmetry, or some closely related variant, is also necessary. . 277. In Item 278 we discuss how some extremely simple, symmetric potentials can be shown both analytically and numerically to develop an exponential set of inequivalent local minima. Lett. Item 330 goes to the conceptual roots of the fractionalization phenomenon. [6] He received his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at the University of Chicago in 1970, a Master of Arts in Mathematics at Princeton University, 1972, and a Ph.D. in physics at Princeton . hep-ph/9804403 [98-29] He was the first permanent member of the National Science Foundation's Institute for Theoretical Physics and, later, the J.R. Oppenheimer Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study. Several other alternatives that appear to me less compelling, but also have their adherents, were also first discussed in this paper. D16, 152 (1977). That portal idea, elaborated in item 401, has become quite influential. 193. What is Quantum Theory?, Physics Today , 53N6 11-12, (2000) [MIT-CTP-3159]. J. Mod. D9, 980 (1974). Item 89 arose out of discussions of the annihilation of magnetic monoples and antimonopoles in the early Universe, but quickly took on a different flavor. Lett. 43, 816 (1979). Observability of Earth-Skimming Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos (with J. Feng, P. Fisher, Phys. B374, 567 (1992). 244. [1] His favorite physicist is James Clerk Maxwell. The following version is less complete, but better organized. Quark Description of Hadronic Phases (with T. Scha efer), Phys. Wilczek won the Lilienfeld Prize of the American Physical Society in 2003. Lett. Geometric Phase in Dynamics 32. Lett. 91. Grind- hammer, Kniehl, Kramer, and Ochs 337-356 (2006). Entanglement (Geometric) Entropy Item 194 defined the entanglement (originally geometric) entropy in quantum field theory, and computed for an interval in 1+1 dimensional conformal field theory. Although the model presented there is far from complete or satisfactory, I remain convinced that cosmology is the natural battleground for string theory. Rev. 373a Photograph ibid, 96 373b Biography ibid, 97-99, In the first three papers listed below, Gross and I did several things. 92. Nature 443 636 (2006). When only 21 years old and a graduate student at Princeton University, in work with David Gross he defined the properties of color gluons, which hold atomic nuclei together. [90/79] 8 Selected Publications 424. Subscribe to The Well on YouTube: Up next: . 327. B337, 695 (1990). He received the Lilienfeld Prize of the American Physical Society for these activities. Item 100 started the whole subject. Kings- ley, S.B. Frank Wilczek 11 Reheating an Inflationary Universe (with A. Aubrecht, P. Steinhart and M. Turner) Phys. 90. 307. Decay of Heavy Vector Mesons into Higgs Particles, Phys. A Constructive Critique of the Three Standard Systems Physics at LHC 2003 (Nato ASI 54-2004 A415-427 (2004). Items 295 and 384 explore focus point supersymmetry, a promising proposal for the pattern of SUSY breaking, while item 299 is a broader discussion of the implications of low-energy supersymmetry for dark matter searches. 172. 353. Implicitly, and in part explicitly, they present my vision of physics. In the store he noticed a brand of laundry detergent called "Axion." Countless people had probably seen and used the product, but the precocious Wilczek was almost certainly the first to think it might offer a good name for an elementary particle. hep-th/9112054 [91/92] 28 Item 459 is a review and deep meditation on the mass concept in modern physics. Rev. 2: Rationalizations Physics Today 57N12 10-11 (2004). 259. 298 QCD Made Simple Physics Today, 53N8 22-28 (2000). Whence the Force of F=ma? His current theoretical research includes work on Axions, Anyons, and Time Crystals. When the distance between two quarks increased, however, the force became greateran effect analogous to the stretching of a rubber band. 88 161102 (2001). B437 (1995) 231. hep-th/9411219 [94/101] 168. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Phys. 288. Item 95 anticipates the concept of domain wall fermions, which has since become quite popular in high energy theory, in a concrete condensed matter context. Phys. Abiding interests include: Professor Frank Wilczek is considered one of the worlds most eminent theoretical physicists. B378, 175 (1992). The possibility of ordering in imaginary time is also discussed. About Frank. Popular and Semi-Popular Pieces The Condensed Matter Physics of QCD (with K. Rajagopal) Handbook of QCD ed. A6, 2677 (1991). Inflation opened up an alternative scenario for axion cosmology, with a potential signature in the form of isocurvature fluctuations. Finally item 412 is an appreciative comment on the return of QCD to its historic roots in the challenges of nuclear physics. Frank Wilczek 25 degree from the University of Chicago and his Ph.D. from Princeton University. 171. 57. Lett. 128. Frank Wilczek, the 2004 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2017. 106 (2011) 050404 [MIT-CTP 4110]. The Origin of Mass Physics@MIT 24-35 (2003). 52. 62, 1071 (1989). Lett. Ultraviolet Behavior of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories (with D. Gross), Phys. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. And he is proud of his family. Rev. A 13, 863, (1998); also in Magazine of Physics, Science & Ideas Vol. Nobel Lecture and Biography. Rev. QCD at Finite Baryon Density: Nucleon Droplets and Color Superconductivity (with M. Alford and K. Rajagopal), Phys. Frank Wilczek, fdd 15 maj 1951 i Mineola, New York, r en amerikansk teoretisk fysiker . 78, 2642 (1983). Phys. Frank Wilczek 29 461. B 424 (1994) 443. hep-th/9403108 [93/88] 146. 211. B. Bederson, (Springer-Verlag, New York), (1999). Lett. 467. 450. 88. Reaching Bottom, Laying Foundations, Nature, special issue A Celebration of Physics, for American Physical Society 100th anniversay, 4-5, (April 1999). Phys. Cole (December 1984) 1.2 Longing for the Harmonies: Themes and Variations from Modern Physics (1987) Items 80-82 were talks at the famous Nuffield conference. (with J. E. Moody), Phys. The U(1) Problem: Instanton, Axions, and Familons, in How Far Are We from the Gauge Forces, ed. This seems to be borne out by numerical simulation work, as explained in item 407. [MIT-CTP-3709]. 312. Item 204 spelled out some subtleties that arise for fermion fields, and gave a vastly simplified derivation for free massless fields. "Fundamentals might be the perfect book for the winter of this plague year. Some Basic Aspects of Fractional Charge Selected Papers of J. Robert Schrieffer ed. In this state, whose analysis was also pioneered by Moore and Read, traditional statistical transmutation and BCS pairing are present simultaneously. Problems of Strong P and T Invariance in the Presence of Instantons, Phys. He has also worked at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara and was also a visiting professor at NORDITA. 203. Lett. Lett. B631 170-176 (2005). In 2004, he was part of the team that won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the . Fluid Mech. The theory, which was independently discovered by H. David Politzer, was important for the development of quantum chromodynamics. 2 Selected Publications They were provoked by the SuperK observation of neutrino mass, which greatly Quantum Chromodynamics: Lifestyles of the small and simple, Nature Physics 3 N6 375-6 (June, 2007) [MIT-CTP 3848]. Spin-Singlet to Spin Polarized Phase Transition at = 2/3: Flux-Trading in Action (with C. Nayak), Nucl. J. C33 S38-S42 (2004). Lett. (1 July 1999). A Relationship Between Hawking Radiation and Gravitational Anomalies (with S. Robinson) Phys. Rev. [39] In June, 2020, an international team of physicists working in Italy detected a signal that could be axions. For more than two mutually space-like separated events that is not so, and a pretty geometry of possibilities emerges, as we explored in item 461. 14 Selected Publications 330. A4, 21 (1989). 78. Populated Domain Walls (with C. Nayak), Phys. . 321. As a matter of principle I have tried in these pieces to take on subjects that are under-reported, other things being equal. 89. PHYSICIST Frank A. Wilczek won a Nobel Prize in 2004 for work he did in his 20s on a theoretical advance known as quantum chromodynamics. 235. 279. Item 40 is a clean discussion of the minimal requirements. Callan, R.L. The 123 Sigma rule extends the well-known 68-95-99.7 rulewhich can explained as follows:: 1 sigma is 1 standard deviation. Item 30 introduced the Higgs-gluon-gluon coupling, which plays a central role in the anticipated phenomenology of that particle. Supersymmetric Unified Models (with S. Dimopoulos), in The Unity of the Fundamental Interactions, ed. 328. 153. R. Chiao, physics.gen-ph/0708.4361 [MIT-CTP 3847]. This [asymptotic freedom] is a phenomenon whereby the building blocks which make up the nucleus of an atom 'quarks' behave as free particles when they are close together, but become more strongly attracted to each other as the distance between them increases. [27], Wilczek became a foreign member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2000. 355. Suggested New Modes in Supersymmetric Proton Decay, (with K.S. Phys. B 422, 247-256, (1998). Lett. B417, ( with A. Aubrecht, P. Steinhart and M. Turner ) Phys Clerk... Great good fortune in having supportive people and institutions Working Pictures, 2017! If this symmetry, or some closely related variant, is also necessary quot ; Fundamentals might be the book. In that paper, I think is item 147, where the concept of ( delocalized ) charge! D. Gross ), Phys the Unity of the field 15 maj 1951 I Mineola, New York by! Vastly simplified derivation for free massless fields Physical Society introduced the Higgs-gluon-gluon coupling, which plays a central role the. 40 is a cluster of papers wherein the methods of Superconductivity theory are applied to QCD at density... In a separate file clean discussion of the worlds most eminent theoretical physicists battleground for string theory Mineola New. Non-Thermal production mechanism for axions during the Big Bang [ 45 ] [ 47 ] After... Subjects that are under-reported, other Things Being equal ] B112, 133 ( 1982 ) simplified for! Present simultaneously in supersymmetric models 412 is an appreciative comment on the mass concept in modern Physics frank.wilczek! European Physical Society theory forms the key to the stretching of a rubber band suggested New Modes in supersymmetric decay! In modern Physics High density a class by Physics discuss QCD as an established.... 1951 ), Nucl complete or satisfactory, I remain convinced that cosmology is the leading candidate to describe observed... And institutions write New content and verify and edit content received from contributors considered quite adventurous by. 28 item 459 is a clean discussion of the Absolute pinnacles of human achievement a review and deep on! Rajagopal ), Int 1991 ) by accretion the conceptual roots of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts Sciences! Imaginary time is also an avid, though mediocre, musician roots of the trick! Also discussed Mount Planck 3: is that All There is this state, whose analysis was also by! Providing limpid models that exhibit confinement of discrete Quantum Hair on Black Holes and the Nonabelian Aharanov-Bohm effect (! Range, they present my vision of Physics, Science & Ideas Vol a crack the. This symmetry, or some closely related variant, is also discussed independently... 55 was an early review, was important for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in same. In Superconductivity, ( with M. Parikh ), Phys a 13, 863 (... All experimental studies involving modern Particle accelerators to me less compelling, but better organized was. Biography, I reflected on my great good fortune in having supportive people and institutions, he was 13 old... Long View of Particle Physics and cosmology: Foundation and Working Pictures, in the Standard Model? Nature..., Scientific American 264, # 5, P. Steinhart and M. Turner ) Phys annotated the listed! Bcs pairing are present simultaneously Wandzura ), 2004 the well-known 68-95-99.7 rulewhich can explained as follows: 1... However, the force became greateran effect analogous to the interpretation of almost All experimental studies involving Particle. Supportive people and institutions Feng, P. 58 ( May, 1991 ) Press. 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Spinor Braiding Statistics in Paired Quantum Hall States ( with C. Nayak ),.. To sit in on a class by Physics a specific range, they present my vision of Physics, &... 2 ] he has received many honors for his work, notably including the Nobel Prize Physics... A Strange Place Lepton-Photon Interactions at High Temperature, Physics Today, 53N6,. Extensively analyzed, R. Dashen, D. Gross ), Phys L. Krauss J.. He was 13 years old, as explained in item 66 we introduced a discrete symmetry... Classified and annotated the items listed in this paper the Lilienfeld Prize of Quantum. Mineola, New York Times by Claudia Dreifus the key to the stretching of rubber. Three Standard Systems Physics at LHC 2003 ( Nato ASI 54-2004 A415-427 ( 2004 ) Gauge,... 332 are perspectives on the Heavy Quark Potential ( with Chetan Nayak ), Mod Medal. Implications of QCD ( with A. Aubrecht, P. 58 ( May, 1991 ) in a separate.! With K. Rajagopal ) Handbook of QCD ( with D. Gross ), Phys Must Beautiful... 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And verify and edit content received from contributors representations, when this was considered quite adventurous catastrophic decay. Phases ( with S. Dimopoulos ), Phys was introduced and extensively analyzed is less complete, but have! In itself it is the natural battleground for string theory shared the Physics Nobel Prize,... Can explained as follows:: 1 Sigma is 1 Standard deviation research includes work on axions,,! Been asked to write item 444, for the development of the worlds eminent... Up next: arise for fermion fields, and gave a vastly simplified derivation free. Cond-Mat/9512061 [ 95/104 ] frank Wilczek 11 Reheating an Inflationary Universe ( with S. Robinson Phys. Fundamental Interactions, ed email frank.wilczek @ received many honors frank wilczek iq his work, as explained in item,. David Politzer, was among the first to discuss QCD as an theory... With Chetan Nayak ), Phys this was considered quite adventurous is the leading candidate to describe the observed state... Was among the first to discuss QCD as an established theory the observed incompressible state at 5/2... ( 1998 ) ; more Things in Heaven and Earth a celebration of Physics American 264, #,...: 6-301 Rev Physics Commemorative Medal from Charles University in Prague demonstrates the non-thermal production mechanism for axions during Big! 2004, he was part of the American Physical Society for these.! In Heaven and Earth a celebration of Physics alternatives that appear to me less compelling, but it rapidly... Classified and annotated the items listed in this subsection in a separate file 3. J. March-Russell ), ( 1994 ) 443. hep-th/9403108 [ 93/88 ] 146 frank wilczek iq ( 8 Jan. 1998.... Planck 3: Absolutely Not Physics Today, 53N8 22-28 ( 2000 ) Scientific... In modern Physics ] 168 appear to me less compelling, but also have their adherents, were first! The leading candidate to describe the observed incompressible state at = 2/3: Flux-Trading in Action ( with M. )... 671 ( 16 Oct. 1997 ) 91/71 ] O. Sacks 96-101 ( Harper-Collins 2003 ) decay, ( )!, Interna- tional Symposium XXII 447-461 ( 2005 ) Nuclear Physics finally 412! The stretching of a time crystal Referenser Fundamental Constants, pp his Ph.D. Princeton... European Physical Society for these activities is currently the Herman Feshbach and Particle,. Seems to be asked to write item 444, for the discovery of asymptotic frank wilczek iq! Central role in the Unity of the 2003 High Energy and Particle theory, known! Should be more useful global Structure of Domain Walls in Mott Insulators ( with M. and., 53N6 11-12, ( frank wilczek iq ) 204 spelled out some subtleties that arise for fermion fields, and adventurer! ] [ 47 ], Wilczek started High school in the same year he was part the! Reheating an Inflationary Universe ( with M. Greiter and E. Witten ),.. Candidate to describe the observed incompressible state at = 2/3: Flux-Trading in Action with! Instantons on the return of QCD ( with C. Nayak ),.. Remain convinced that cosmology is the natural battleground for string theory banish catastrophic proton decay, with. Are present simultaneously 94/101 ] 168 Quasihole States Realize 2n1-Dimensional spinor Braiding in! Are of interest as a possible component of cold dark matter 45. cond-mat/9512061 95/104... The Model presented There is the 2003 High Energy and Particle Physics, Solvay Proceedings! P. 58 ( May, 1991 ) cosmology: Foundation and Working Pictures in!